Arent these rip-off MK games for new consoles getting on your nerves?
posted07/23/2007 10:01 PM (UTC)by
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04/03/2004 08:12 AM (UTC)
First it was all about Armageddon for the Wii and it was the same shit Armageddon was for PS and XBox with only a few additions minus online play.

Now every damn news report we get is all about "Ultimate Mortal Kombat" for Nintendo. WTH???

Can't they release something new instead of releasing old junk as a way of making fast money?

With all the effort they put in releasing UMK and Armageddon for the Wii, they could have make a sequel to Shaolin Monks by now, but the lazy bastards would rather release something old for a console that hasn't had it yet.

Isn't it getting annoying? I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to release another old game for a system that hasn't had it yet in the future after UMK comes out.
07/14/2007 09:30 PM (UTC)
Uhh...MKA had been a planned Wii release for a while. Thats like blaming MKA's late-2006 release on the Gamecube version of MKD.

Also, UMK isn't being made by the MK Team, so bitching about them not using their time to make another SM isn't a valid argument.

Besides, SM and MKD began production at around the same time, and were designed nearly simultaneously. Both took about a 2 years of effort. So giving the MK Team 6 months to make a game seems a little stupid.
07/15/2007 02:04 AM (UTC)
Making new games takes time. Releasing ports while those games are being made isnt a bad idea. It 's something to play while we wait for mk8.
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07/15/2007 03:29 PM (UTC)
Don't you mean ports? They are not rip offs.

It is still better than Street Fighter II, SF2 Tournament Edition, SF2 Turbo, Super SF2.
07/16/2007 03:06 AM (UTC)
To me it just looks like fast and easy way to make money without having to really work.

And that's why they seems like rip-offs to me. But yeah, I mean ports.

And what I also hate is that the news were gonna be getting will be all about UMK now, as if the games it features are anything new to most people.
07/17/2007 10:51 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
To me it just looks like fast and easy way to make money without having to really work.

And that's why they seems like rip-offs to me. But yeah, I mean ports.

And what I also hate is that the news were gonna be getting will be all about UMK now, as if the games it features are anything new to most people.

Uh im pretty sure most people who create video games would like to get some money out of it, and if you can do practicaly no work and dish out old ports that people will buy why the hell not. Its those "Rip-offs" as you call them that could someday keep the MK franchise alive.

Give them time, they rushed the past 3 games and in my opinion they all sucked, minus SM, so id rather wait and get something worthwhile then get an unfinished product.

And besides just because they dont release any news on MK8 dosent mean there making no progress, shit id rather have hardly any info then a ton. I remember when MK:DA was set to come out most people or any one who had a computer knew everything about the game before they even played it, i like a little surprise thats what made the older MK's so magical to me, the value of seeing something you didnt expect.

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07/23/2007 10:01 PM (UTC)
Keep in mind that these 2 games are the only MK games for the Wii and DS respectively. Maybe the DS game was a bit unneeded but they made it because the PSP got an MK game and the DS didn't.

And I think that the Wii version of MKA was more important than any MKSM2. I'm sure some people who only have Nintendo systems are MK fans.
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