Are you more interested in the story or the gameplay?
posted06/14/2014 06:28 AM (UTC)by
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Kombat Returns 2015

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12/20/2006 12:55 AM (UTC)
We are all excited about this new Mk game, but be honest, is the story really what you're looking for, or do you hope for a better and faster gameplay?? There will probably be like 16 chapters in story, but I prefer the game to feel fast, interesting and non repetitive. Just a thought.
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06/13/2014 09:34 PM (UTC)
Gameplay always comes first. What's the point of a fantastic story with bad gameplay?

I am very interested in the story though. Really the new characters are what rejuvenated my interest in the MK story. Because Armageddon & MK9 irritated me in the department.
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06/13/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Gameplay always comes first. What's the point of a fantastic story with bad gameplay?

I am very interested in the story though. Really the new characters are what rejuvenated my interest in the MK story. Because Armageddon & MK9 irritated me in the department.

Well yes, in that case it would better be a novel or a comic book.

it is a game, to me they are equally important. I will not cry if it turns out like MK9. Badly written story, though decent acting. It's so bad it's good with some true highpoints. This time though there are no more anchors, so the plot can diverge greatly.

Also, PC version.
06/13/2014 09:41 PM (UTC)
I'm confident the gameplay will be making a big step forward with MKX, they have a really great foundation to go off of, plus new ideas. I'm very interested to see all the different variations and new nuances old characters have to their movesets, because I think that they've done with Sub-Zero and Scorpion and the variations are really cool.

That said, with the reveal of Cassie Cage, it seems like the story is really going to get shaken up and that excites me more than anything. We're finally out of trodden territory and I'm most excited to see where they want to go with it.
06/13/2014 09:45 PM (UTC)
Gameplay is almost everything. Bonus content (costumes, single player modes etc.) comes second.

MKD, MKA and MK9 made me stop following the story. I mean, I enjoy it for the most part, but don't get me started on the contradictions and those weird endings in Arcade mode! 20 years ago the MK saga inspired me to learn English, so I can understand it better. Now, I just don't care about the twists and turns. All I need is a short bio for each character... The rest is up to my imagination.
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06/13/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
I have always come to MK for the story, first and foremost. That said, starting with MKA (and Shaolin Monks if you want to count it, which I barely do) the plot has been on a more-or-less downward spiral and I've become less and less enthused about it. I had much more fun with MK9's gameplay than I had with anything since the 2D days.

I guess you could say I'm more 'interested' in the story because I want to see how they'll write themselves out of MK9's crapfest. My longstanding attachment to the series' plot remains, for better or worse. There were a lot of things that game's plot did right by, and a lot more wrong. I expect that to continue. Meanwhile I have utter faith in NRS' ability to craft gameplay nowadays. I'm interested in it of course, but I know it'll be great. I love what I'm seeing.

I show for the story. I stay for the gameplay.

And I'll state beforehand before any silly arguments start that there is no reason you can't have both. wink
06/13/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)

Hard to enjoy one without the other. smile
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

06/13/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
Gameplay first. Forever.

Honestly, I forgot most of the characters died story wise until some days ago, heh heh.
06/13/2014 10:35 PM (UTC)
Although I am actually quite interested in how the story will turn out for this game, I actually have to say I'm more interested in the gameplay. This has to do with spending time with other fighting games as well as growing to have my expectations lowered for the story aspect of this series. Granted, I'll keep an open mind about MKX's story, and I don't think it's as likely that we'll see another idiot plot. I certainly hope that's NOT the case. But yeah, I'm more interested in testing out each character and having some fun matches.
06/13/2014 10:39 PM (UTC)
I bought Mythologies, MK4, Deadly Alliance, Deception, and Armageddon.

I don't regret any of those purchases.

So...yeah, I'm in for the story. I mean, a good game would be nice too, but none of my friends like fighting games so I don't have anyone to play it with anyway.
06/13/2014 10:39 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
Gameplay is almost everything. Bonus content (costumes, single player modes etc.) comes second.

MKD, MKA and MK9 made me stop following the story. I mean, I enjoy it for the most part, but don't get me started on the contradictions and those weird endings in Arcade mode! 20 years ago the MK saga inspired me to learn English, so I can understand it better. Now, I just don't care about the twists and turns. All I need is a short bio for each character... The rest is up to my imagination.

I agree with you. The storyline in MKX looks just as cartoony and cheesy as MK9. Mortal Kombat has lost its comic book style story telling. Now Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat X reminds me more of the Mortal Kombat Annihilation film, type of storytelling , where the story tries to fit 30 characters, in one film with stereotypical character dialogue (Kitana in MK9) .

As I said in another thread, I am somewhat happy to find out what happens next. We are still on rehashing of old storylines , such as the whole Scorpion still blaming Sub-Zero for his family death.

I've always been a 50/ 50 type of gamer. 50 for gameplay and 50 for storytelling. I am 100% happy we are getting a new fighting engine. Mortal Kombat 9 was more of a nod to UMK3 fans than anything else. Nothing wrong with that, but I was/am ready for a new complex fighting system. From what I've seen the gameplay in MKX is something I've been waiting for since Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance. I was disappointed how Deception didn't improve Deadly Alliance's engine. Armageddon did a decent job with air combat, wake-ups, and parries, but the combat engine was old a that point. This new engine is something new for EVERYONE.

Thank goodness.

Thread answer: BOTH
06/13/2014 10:46 PM (UTC)
violence and image for mk.



my opinion.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/13/2014 10:51 PM (UTC)
For a very long time, I was all about the story. The games were always fun to play, but the mythology is what kept me hooked. These days, I'm proud to say I'm a bit more versed in fighting game terminology and techniques(thanks in part to this site). There will always be things that I just can't wrap my head around(frame counting for instance), but these days I'm very happy that I can say I care about both equally.
06/13/2014 10:55 PM (UTC)
50/50 for me. A game needs good gameplay to be enjoyable, especially a fighting game. But if there's no interesting story to it, I lose interest in it quickly. So yeah, 50/50.
06/13/2014 10:56 PM (UTC)
Far more interested in gameplay. Story is good and makes the game more interesting in the short term, but the real fun comes from the gameplay imo, and from competing against other players. It's nice to know why these characters are fighting, but I think for fighting games especially, story is not that important.

I wonder though, how many people play the Super Mario (Kart) series for the story lol, or is it the infectious gameplay that draws people in...
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06/13/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
I stuck with MK's lore through MKDA, MKD and MKA. It was the central point in speculation and still remains the thing I most enjoy theorizing and talking about. While I play in tournaments and LOVE the gameplay, I have to go with story, by a hair.

06/13/2014 11:35 PM (UTC)
somnambulist Wrote:
Story is good and makes the game more interesting in the short term

Actually, a story sticks with you your whole life and remains a discussion topic long after you've stopped playing a game because it's been a couple years and you got bored and moved on to other games or it's no longer supported or the sequel came out.
06/13/2014 11:58 PM (UTC)
Gameplay first, all day. Ive been around fighting games forever but have really leveled up in recent years. Im really into seeing whats new in that department.

That said, the story has creeped into my brain in a soap opera sort if way over the years. So now I gotta see what kind of shit's gonna go down. It really is like a soap opera. Who's sleeping with whom? Who's fucking up the realm now?

And Sub's a G.
06/14/2014 12:00 AM (UTC)
Well, despite that both of them are important for me, I feel that gameplay has more of an importance, and here's why:

I've always said that I prefer game play over graphics with any kind of game. Heck, even if a game were to have PS/N64 graphics but have beautifully smooth game play, I'd be down in playing that rather than some beautiful looking game with horrendous game play.

And the reason why I say game play more than story is because of this: Netherrealm Studios unfortunately took away some important details with certain characters after 2011. Most notable is Sub-Zero and the whole code name thing. They're clearly retelling things in a way while either throwing out or forgetting to list or whatever their reason is to not mention something we've already known for years, I'm not expecting a perfect story. But I still care in a way where I'd like to know what's going on and have it where it at least makes enough sense.

So yeah, game play I feel should be more important to care about, but at the same time the story should be important as well, but not as much as game play.
06/14/2014 12:02 AM (UTC)
If it were any other fighting game, I would say gameplay.

But this is Mortal Kombat. The story actually means something.
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-sig by MINION

06/14/2014 12:09 AM (UTC)
For a long time story was the only thing MK had going for it but with MK9 and Injustice I have a tiny bit more faith in NRS when it comes to gameplay. Still I'm more interested in the characters and where they'll end up.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/14/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
somnambulist Wrote:
Story is good and makes the game more interesting in the short term

Actually, a story sticks with you your whole life and remains a discussion topic long after you've stopped playing a game because it's been a couple years and you got bored and moved on to other games or it's no longer supported or the sequel came out.

But the gameplay is what brings you back to the game. A nice story is a nice story, but a nice story isn't going to determine replay value. Good gameplay is. If I only want a good story I'll curl up on the couch with a good book, not fire up the 360.
06/14/2014 12:25 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
But the gameplay is what brings you back to the game.

Again, that's shorter term than the memory of a story.

When you're 75 and your thumbs don't work as well as they used to and the current consoles aren't backwards compatible with games made 50 years ago, the thing you're still gonna have in your brain is all the great books you read and movies you saw and video game cutscenes you watched.
DOING things is a fleeting experience. Passive entertainment is forever.
06/14/2014 01:13 AM (UTC)
When I'm that age I think I'd look back fondly at how much fun I used to have playing that old game called Mortal Kombat, and how many hours it used to suck out of my life beating other players online, rather than how many times scorpion sought vengeance of sub zero or how old man shujinko got tricked by a floating ball of light. I probably won't even remember half the characters names lol.
06/14/2014 01:45 AM (UTC)
I feel like both are important. If there is bad gameplay (like unbalanced characters and such), that could deter people from the game, regardless of how good the story mode may be. And even though gameplay is the main part of this game and draws you in, the story is what makes you feel connected to the game and the characters. And I tend to like to have that connection. Makes me have a new found sense of appreciation for the cast and the game as a whole. I want to get to know the new cast that's gonna stick around for a while (maybe).

And with that said, I have to say that I am interested in both equally.

Actually, I found myself even attempting to find the relationships and alignments of each character already. During the interviews, and not the Gamestop videos that they posted, they could be heard talking to each other in the intros. We all know this. However, I was finding myself trying to hear what exactly was said in the conversation of both the characters rather than wanna watch them fight, honestly. Maybe I favor story (character relationships and such) slightly more.
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