Appearance For The Next Ladder
posted02/08/2014 02:00 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
Throughout the series, we've seen some different ladder looks

1-4 - I guess we can call this the "traditional" ladder where it's just the portraits that has you moving up once you've beaten your opponent. Kahn sits on top of the mountain when he's the boss.

Deadly Alliance - The portrait of your opponent hovers over the actual arena, kind of like a map-like look. You get to see the outside of the arena, which I thought was pretty neat looking (and it's also one of my favorite).

Deception - Kind of goes back to the traditional looking ladder except your opponent is in an idle fighting stance with a screenshot of the arena behind them. Once they're defeated they somewhat roll around on the ground before you move upward to the next character.

Armageddon - Goes back to the traditional looking ladder except when you reach Blaze, you see him roaring on top of the pyramid, but the rest of the ladder is just you staring at portraits.

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe - Ladder has it where the heads of your opponent are in front of the arena you'll be fighting them in.

2011 - Sort of the same appeal of DC Universe except you don't see the arena behind your opponent and they change poses when you reach their portrait.

Now, with all of this said, is there any kind of appeal you want for the ladder? I've always liked the Deadly Alliance's version because it was so cool that you get to see the outside of the arena you're fighting in. It felt more interesting seeing how it looks like you're traveling around to opponent to opponent. What do you guys think? Want to see what we've already seen or something different?
02/04/2014 12:47 AM (UTC)
I guess I'd like the ladder to go back to the traditional way. Where it had the character portraits where everybody had different backgrounds. That'd be pretty cool.

What I'd really like is to have Choose Your Destiny back.
02/04/2014 02:51 PM (UTC)
I want it to be like MK4. Not because MK10 might follow the story line of MK4, but because of the way the Choose Your Destiny worked.

5 Towers: Novice, Warrior, Master, Champion, Ultimate

Each tower you should be able to spin to change the character arrangement.

The Ultimate tower should be the tallest (obviously) and have EVERY single fighter in it. It's very disappointing and boring when I play through MK2011's arcade mode and from a pool of over 25 characters, I fight against less than half before it's over. Pathetic.

Endurance matches need to return. Especially MK Trilogy style ones with two sub-bosses to beat your ass up... and hell, maybe even the ones where you have to beat 4 in a row.

I don't care how the towers look. As long as they have the above functionality, I would be happy. I call them towers, but they can be mountains like in MK2 or Deception. Whatever makes it cooler the better.
02/04/2014 04:23 PM (UTC)
CYD (or Choose Your Destiny) should return. If only to hear the commentator say "Choose your destiny, please." It's one of the good trademarks of Mortal Kombat.
blacksaibot Wrote:
I don't care how the towers look. As long as they have the above functionality, I would be happy. I call them towers, but they can be mountains like in MK2 or Deception. Whatever makes it cooler the better.
A post-apocalyptic NYC skyscraper would not only be realistic but cool and something new for a change. Alternatively something Hell-related would of course work out.
02/04/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)
I would love for Choose Your Destiny to return.

If it doesn't return (and it better return), I wouldn't mind seeing a battle plan similar to that of Deadly Alliance. It was very interesting, and I loved seeing the overall area of the arena, prior to actually being there.
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02/06/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
Deception's was always my favorite. It looks really cool and dynamic to me.
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02/08/2014 02:00 AM (UTC)
I totally forgot what Deception's ladder was. I had to Google it! For shame!wow

I really like the ladder style MK2011 had, I would like to see an updated version with character portraits for all their alternate outfits &/or accessories.
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