Anyone worried about the future of MK ?
posted10/26/2006 03:51 AM (UTC)by
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"no one ever really dies in mortal kombat"

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10/03/2005 11:13 PM (UTC)
Are any of you worried about what it means that they will start a new chapter in the MK mythology.

Personly i think that they are going to do allright.

What MK fan didn ́t love those new karakters we were introduced to in the early 90 ́ties.

It ́s proberly the same thing all over again.

Decides i don ́t buy it for one second that we won ́t see any of the old karakters ever again. Midway knows the demands of theire fans and sooner or later they will release a game with some of the old karakters.
10/18/2006 08:30 PM (UTC)
I am kind of woried due to MKA's storyline.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

10/18/2006 08:36 PM (UTC)
gameplay wise i'm not worried. they seem to be learing their lesson about that. mka was a playable game IMO.

graphics wise i'm not worried. with the kind of power that the 360 and the ps3 are offering, i think it'll be damn near impossible to screw that up.

story wise.....this is where i worry. just how in the hell can you start fresh, with a brand new story, when you technically didn't end the first one? I'm almost sure we'll see sub zero in some capacity (one of the few endings in mka that was alright). but i just don't see where they're going with it. are they gonna show the conclusion then...or are they just gonna act like armageddon didn't happen. i just prey for the story's sake that they don't cop out.
Im worried about charecter quality...the last couple batches of new charecters have been completly terrible, and people these days dont seem to want to tolerate the beautiful ninjas. Personally, I wouldnt mind a whole damn game of ninjas, if that would mean they could spend less time thinking up and making costumes and more time fixing the story and fighting up. Of course...they WOULD eventually run out of colors...what to do then!?!
10/20/2006 07:16 AM (UTC)
I just worry about the price,it will be in PS3 console,surely the price will be higher. Anyway,the story should be revamped and useless characters should DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
About Me

Welcome to the desert...of the real.

10/20/2006 03:18 PM (UTC)
I'm extremely worried. After the disappointment of MKA (in my opinion), I know I won't buy the newest MK game. Probably rent it though.

My concerns are storyline (which has always been the best of any fighting game), new characters, and I'm kinda worried that it'll be rushed just like some of the others and will end up incomplete.
10/26/2006 03:51 AM (UTC)
I feel Mk's future is in peril at this point due to the fact that Midway is too lazy to put in bios for the characters so we can figure out what is going on and why some ppl like Rain , Reiko, and Sheeva have decided to come back and fight after their long absence.
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