Anyone think the ladder boss and story mode boss will be different characters this time around?
posted01/24/2015 04:02 PM (UTC)by
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09/09/2014 07:13 PM (UTC)
MK is becoming more and more about its story. Long ago, ladder mode was all there was, and after that, in the 3D era, the story bosses were spelled out in the intro cutscenes since they didn't have in-depth playable narratives. However, the MK story is starting to shape up into something more integral to the overall experience... something people don't want spoiled. In MK9, we all knew the boss would be Shao Kahn, so there was no use in hiding it. But here in MKX, the big bad is supposed to be some big surprise and I can't believe NRS is just gonna allow you to fire the game up and spoil yourself on who the final boss is by playing the ladder before completing the story.

As an alternative, I could see them having Shinnok as the ladder boss, as that won't give anything away while still providing each character with an admirable pursuit worthy enough of an arcade ending, while some other character is only a boss in the story mode. (I say this because it's unlikely Shinnok is the story boss, IMO.)

What say you? Edit: Story mode boss would probably be playable.
01/24/2015 06:08 AM (UTC)
I feel that they wouldnt do that but God damn would that be cool
01/24/2015 06:27 AM (UTC)
I don't think they'd do this simply because they wouldn't want someone to have to go through the entire story if they want to fight the final boss again. Of course.. they could just have it like injustice with selectable chapters.

Anyway, I think it'll just be how MK9 ladder was

Main boss
Sub boss
Shinnok(Pre-boss like Shang)
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01/24/2015 06:35 AM (UTC)
I can't see them doing this because people don't want to have to play all the way through story mode just to be able to fight a certain character again.

A possible way to do this and get around that would be to have the final boss of the story mode not appear on the arcade ladder until you've beaten story mode, which 'unlocks' the character to fight against.. It would be kind of a weird way of doing things but it would be a way to do it.

Because I do think you raise a good point about not wanting to be spoiled about the final boss with it being such a big surprise. It would be cool if you could play through story mode the first time without having any idea who the ultimate(final) villain of the story will be.
01/24/2015 06:51 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
I can't see them doing this because people don't want to have to play all the way through story mode just to be able to fight a certain character again.

A possible way to do this and get around that would be to have the final boss of the story mode not appear on the arcade ladder until you've beaten story mode, which 'unlocks' the character to fight against.. It would be kind of a weird way of doing things but it would be a way to do it.

Because I do think you raise a good point about not wanting to be spoiled about the final boss with it being such a big surprise. It would be cool if you could play through story mode the first time without having any idea who the ultimate(final) villain of the story will be.

1) A solution to that is having the story boss be playable, especially if it's someone normal like Liu Kang or Raiden. Just saying. Only big brute bosses have typically been unplayable, going off of Shinnok being playable in MK4 and Quan Chi/Shang Tsung playable in Deadly Alliance.

2) That's definitely another way of doing it, but it's a bit odd, as you say. It would work, I guess.
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Props to MINION
01/24/2015 06:54 AM (UTC)
The game's intro is gunna reveal the main boss anyway wink
01/24/2015 06:57 AM (UTC)
Possibly, but I think this is the first time the boss is gonna be kept a secret since it's being hyped up as a surprise, which is why this thread exists, because it wouldn't be a very well-kept surprise if the ladder or intro spoils it.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

01/24/2015 09:13 AM (UTC)
MKX can go in so many directions with this final boss, and sub boss. I don't particularly mind if its a over powered Shinnok or not, but I just cant escape this eerie feeling it's really Shinnok. If they follow up MK9's story mode, we know Lord Shinnok has plenty of unfinished business with the conquering Earth, and Outworld under his control.

-However if the producers cancel that spin off, and MKX is this 100% new alternate timeline then yeah. A new boss is coming. An unherd of boss suprise might come either way.I hope they make him extremely hard to beat, but not impossible.
- I hope MKX dont get weak in the Fatality department. Thats a huge aspect of the game as well. Violence in MK has to be nice, and juicy. Extra Rare done. No B.S. Once you drop your core values, you drop the ball. I have faith MKX will be fine though.
01/24/2015 02:53 PM (UTC)
I don't think they'll do that because they don't care enough. Which is good, because who cares if the final boss of story mode gets spoiled through arcade mode? It doesn't take away from the story or that boss.
I just hope they make the A.I. ridiculous hard.... Like nearly impossible to beat because MK9's A.I. was pathetic.
01/24/2015 03:37 PM (UTC)
I like the idea of different bosses for the ladder and story modes, respectively.

To people who'd complain about having to play the story mode all over again to fight it's boss: get over it. But, as was already suggested (and ignored, of course), either players get to choose which chapter they want to play after beating the story mode, or it's boss is unlocked as an opponent in the ladder one.

I think it'd be great if not only there were two different bosses, but that by unlocking the story mode's as a ladder opponent, the game required players to fight the sub-boss and both final bosses (in random order like the DA in MK:DA) when playing on the hardest difficulty setting. This idea could be applied to sub-bosses too, with a story mode sub-boss that's added to the ladder alongside the others.

Damn, the exciting possibilities.
01/24/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
Yeah I don't think they would do this because some people don't even play the story so I doubt they would keep a character limited to only story mode.

It would be cool if they could use the sub boss as the ladder boss UNTIL you beat the story though, then the real boss goes to the top of the ladder once you finish story, but I know this wont happen since some people don't want to play the story for whatever reason.

The first thing im going to do once I put the game in is go straight into story mode anyway, so I don't have to worry about it, unless NRS reveals the real boss prior to release.

01/24/2015 03:57 PM (UTC)
It wouldn't really make any sense if they did it that way. So, my answer is NO.
01/24/2015 04:02 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
It wouldn't really make any sense if they did it that way. So, my answer is NO.

How insightful.

Blade4693 Wrote:
Yeah I don't think they would do this because some people don't even play the story so I doubt they would keep a character limited to only story mode.

I should have mentioned that this boss would be a playable character on the roster.
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