Anyone Noticed the Unspeakable Character Is Still Being Requested for KP2?
posted08/15/2015 11:35 AM (UTC)by
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03/12/2004 02:25 PM (UTC)
And it's that same guy, too. You know the character....Kh.....Khro.....I can't even attempt to say it.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure he was banned here but he's now harassing me on Twitter because I started a counter-petition just to shut him up. Feel free to sign if you'd like.


Anyways, back to the point; What IS it about this character that makes people so crazy? What's the appeal? I just don't see it.
08/14/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Anyways, back to the point; What IS it about this character that makes people so crazy? What's the appeal? I just don't see it.

He's a ninja. Plain and simple.
08/14/2015 10:42 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Anyways, back to the point; What IS it about this character that makes people so crazy? What's the appeal? I just don't see it.

He's a ninja. Plain and simple.

I see that argument, I just don't understand it nor did I ever get it. So basically, if they make a brown ninja that flings poo, that'd be popular then? LOL
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

08/14/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

I see that argument, I just don't understand it nor did I ever get it. So basically, if they make a brown ninja that flings poo, that'd be popular then? LOL

08/14/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

I see that argument, I just don't understand it nor did I ever get it. So basically, if they make a brown ninja that flings poo, that'd be popular then? LOL


He's more bronze lol
08/14/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
A shiny silver ninja that will be redesigned of course that has the power of liquid metal. Call me generic, but just this concept makes me think its cool. And curious. I mean, we know NRS can't use him either way, but personally it sounds interesting.
08/14/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
AJTheSnowMan Wrote:
A shiny silver ninja that will be redesigned of course that has the power of liquid metal. Call me generic, but just this concept makes me think its cool. And curious. I mean, we know NRS can't use him either way, but personally it sounds interesting.

Meh, sounds better suited to a cyborg if anything.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/14/2015 11:59 PM (UTC)
My friend randomly wants him in. Reason? HE'S A NINJA. lol

08/15/2015 12:05 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Anyways, back to the point; What IS it about this character that makes people so crazy? What's the appeal? I just don't see it.

The appeal of Khrome is all of the same things that the people who find Khrome interesting keep repeating.

What is the point of this thread when it is blatantly apparent that you dislike the idea of the character? You literally argued it to the death in the other thread when said banned user explained to you why they like the character... Now here you've started a "counter-petition" to annoy a Khrome fan.

They made Skarlet cool, they made Tremor cool, another ninja that can be made cool is not going to kill mortal kombat.
08/15/2015 12:22 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Anyways, back to the point; What IS it about this character that makes people so crazy? What's the appeal? I just don't see it.

The appeal of Khrome is all of the same things that the people who find Khrome interesting keep repeating.

What is the point of this thread when it is blatantly apparent that you dislike the idea of the character? You literally argued it to the death in the other thread when said banned user explained to you why they like the character... Now here you've started a "counter-petition" to annoy a Khrome fan.

They made Skarlet cool, they made Tremor cool, another ninja that can be made cool is not going to kill mortal kombat.

Because he should be saved for the next game and last time I checked most people were disappointed with tremors look and voice.
08/15/2015 12:50 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Because he should be saved for the next game and last time I checked most people were disappointed with tremors look and voice.

I haven't seen that reaction to Tremor, but okay. Whether Khrome should be saved or not, doesn't matter. What may be appealing about him is that he's a ninja, and I'm fine with that.
08/15/2015 12:56 AM (UTC)

We don't need another ninja. Also the liquid thing, since it is a Terminator T-1000 rip-off, fits more of a cyborg.
If this charachter is going to be a reality, he should be a cyborg.
08/15/2015 01:08 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Anyways, back to the point; What IS it about this character that makes people so crazy? What's the appeal? I just don't see it.

The appeal of Khrome is all of the same things that the people who find Khrome interesting keep repeating.

What is the point of this thread when it is blatantly apparent that you dislike the idea of the character? You literally argued it to the death in the other thread when said banned user explained to you why they like the character... Now here you've started a "counter-petition" to annoy a Khrome fan.

They made Skarlet cool, they made Tremor cool, another ninja that can be made cool is not going to kill mortal kombat.

The point of this thread is exactly what I stated in the OP; to hear from sane, sound-minded individuals about why this character is needed and what makes him so fascinating in a franchise that already has one too many of this character type; ninjas. I posted a serious question and wanted serious answers, not the obsessive drivel of a clearly insane person.

I argued it to death in the other topic because the user was an annoying troll, no explanation needed there really. He merely wanted the character because of God knows what reason and was pretty delusional when it came to whether he'd appear or not and was pretty convinced he would be just off of a few vague tweets and a stupid Kombat Kard (of which, may I remind you, also featured a giant, man-fighting turkey who is also yet to be a real character as well).

As for the counter-petition, it's merely to prove a point to his arguments elsewhere to which he has literally now started harassing me on Twitter, bombarding me with the same crap he repeatedly posted here. Anyways, that's not the point and is irrelevant in this thread.

My counter argument is just that; a new ninja is not an original idea no matter what power they give him, its an idea that's been done to death. And if they really want to go to the well of 'rumored ideas' and spin-off characters, I can name about 10 off the top of my head that have been with the franchise longer, are not your typical run-of-the-mill MK ninjas, and are just as (if not more so) deserving of a chance to be brought into the franchise legitimately because they stemmed from the actual games and not a korny mistake from a collectibles company. I mean, that sort've IS the point to doing rumored characters right? They were rumors coming from the ACTUAL games. Or are we now gonna start throwing in every other rumor coming from a mistake of anything MK branded, too? Cause if that's the case, I should write NRS about that Batmandingo bust I bought 5 years back where Batman's skin color is that of an African-American, because that could TOTALLY be a guest character in Injustice 2.
08/15/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
Not a bad idea honestly. It doesn't have to be a ninja, I just personally like the idea of it
08/15/2015 04:18 AM (UTC)
I really like the idea of a liquid metal ninja/character.

Does the character have to be male? Why not make it female, maybe a female cyborg ninja with liquid metal abilities?

Or possibly a non-ninja character with a different cyborg backstory than the current cyborgs? The possibilities..
08/15/2015 05:55 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
"... in a franchise that already has one too many of this character type; ninjas."
"...He merely wanted the character because of God knows what reason..."
"As for the counter-petition, it's merely to prove a point to his arguments..."
"My counter argument is just that; a new ninja is not an original idea no matter what power they give him, its an idea that's been done to death...

To sum it up; ninjas are not going to win with you, and I better not want one or else you'll start a petition against me.

Honestly I get what you are saying, but I do not agree with you. What is wrong with Khrome other than the fact that you don't want another ninja? Original ideas? MK definitely isn't the game where you bring up the original ideas argument.

After seeing you rampage about Khrome, and then ask this serious question, to which some "sane" people previously provided legit answers... its seems awfully redundant.

Like I said it is obvious that you have zero interest in the character (so nothing is going to change your mind), and it is also equally obvious that you previously saw some real answers as to why people like the idea.

With the tone that I picked up on from the title of this thread, it seems at this point that you're just trolling Khrome fans.
08/15/2015 06:35 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
"... in a franchise that already has one too many of this character type; ninjas."
"...He merely wanted the character because of God knows what reason..."
"As for the counter-petition, it's merely to prove a point to his arguments..."
"My counter argument is just that; a new ninja is not an original idea no matter what power they give him, its an idea that's been done to death...

To sum it up; ninjas are not going to win with you, and I better not want one or else you'll start a petition against me.

Honestly I get what you are saying, but I do not agree with you. What is wrong with Khrome other than the fact that you don't want another ninja? Original ideas? MK definitely isn't the game where you bring up the original ideas argument.

After seeing you rampage about Khrome, and then ask this serious question, to which some "sane" people previously provided legit answers... its seems awfully redundant.

Like I said it is obvious that you have zero interest in the character (so nothing is going to change your mind), and it is also equally obvious that you previously saw some real answers as to why people like the idea.

With the tone that I picked up on from the title of this thread, it seems at this point that you're just trolling Khrome fans.

lol What a lovely response. Here, I'll clarify since you don't seem to grasp the bigger picture of my nit-picky arguments;

Ninja's do win with me, I'm fine with the ones we have. All I'm saying is we have enough as it is. We don't need anymore. It'd be overkill. We're currently sitting at, what, 8 male ninjas now with the inclusion of Tremor? Yeah, that's enough. Considering this franchise is low on several other character archtypes that haven't been exploited through the roof, and archtypes in general that haven't even been touched yet, I'd prefer to see those given a go instead.

As for what's wrong with Khrome, I believe I summed that up in my last post. Fan-fiction ideas have no business in a Mortal Kombat game. If you want to call Ermac and Skarlet fan-fiction then I'll clarify; rumors stemming from something OUTSIDE of the game franchise have no business in a Mortal Kombat game. The whole shtick about these rumored characters coming to life as playable characters is that they originated from rumors about the games. As I stated, are we now supposed to count every rumor from any media as well? Because if that's the case, hell, let's toss in Art Lean while we're at it. Technically he's an MK character, right?

Anyone can come up with a shitty rumor based on a mistake. I can order a Kitana statue and if it comes back pink, does that mean I can start a petition for a character named Cashmere and people would actually back it and that NRS should honestly consider it? (For those who don't get the joke, Prince has a track called Pink Cashmere) Why do we need Khrome when we still have Hornbuckle, Nimbus Terrafaux, Jataaka, Kia, Gemini, Tasia....hell the list goes on. So why should Khrome come before any of these actually established rumors / characters that have never been in a formal MK fighting game?

As for the legitimacy of this thread, are we really gonna sit here and debate this considering how many threads after threads after threads we have of crap about a possible KP2, whether Noob's alive or dead, why the roster sucks, ect ect ect. It's called a debate thread, it wasn't meant to be hostile, it was posing a legitimate question I had without having it tainted by the nutcases who previously went wild in the other thread and ran it into the ground.

So I'm sorry Mister Thread Police, if you'd actually read my entire "rampage" about the character in the other thread then I'm assuming you conveniently skipped over the part where I mentioned that I was originally open to the idea of his inclusion, albeit if re-done completely from the ground up, losing his ninja nature and coming up with something better than just ripping off the T-1000 but the fact that several 'outstanding' members of the community had gone to lengths such as spamming their petition everywhere, acting like complete ass-hats, dragging even non-gaming community folks into it (posting on a social anxiety sufferers forum for Christ's sake) and acting with hostility towards anyone with a differentiating opinion (I'm still getting harassed by multiple accounts by HankyPanky / FutureChampion / whatever the hell his name is now), I've now been completely turned off by the character because honestly, and quite frankly, I don't think NRS should support or back that kind of behavior by giving them what they want.

So in short, I am looking for legitimate responses to the posed question on this forum because it now houses sane individuals and in reality, I'm only trolling that one dick who's constantly trolling me with his un-blockable, never-ending Twitter accounts and profiles on other forums. So think whatever you like but if you're just here to try and start shit with me, I'd rather not.

Yes, it's blatantly obvious that I do not like nor want the character but the point of this thread is debate. Why should I like / accept this character concept? What is the potential? Are there any ways of doing him without completely ripping off Terminator? These are the things we should be discussing in this thread, not whether its a legit argument or not. This forum is a safe place to express your opinions, whether you're for or against something. So with that said, back to the topic at hand. Anyone else want him in or out and why?
08/15/2015 07:37 AM (UTC)
I got a good laugh at the petition. "Go Home Khrome." LOL!

Anyways, I don't think Khrome fans being annoying is a legit counter-argument. This is more of a personal annoyance.

I happen to think, like Tremor before MKX, Khrome has great potential to become a great character. Liquid metal, the ninja factor....yeah, I like it. Besides, he already sounds cooler than Kung Jin and Jacqui tongue
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

08/15/2015 07:52 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Anyways, back to the point; What IS it about this character that makes people so crazy? What's the appeal? I just don't see it.

He's a ninja. Plain and simple.


Same exact reason why, for over a decade, the legions of Tremorons...sorry, "Tremor Fans" harassed Ed Boon to the point where NRS decided "okay, let's shut them up". Frankly they did a good job of it.

But at least Tremor was a character, to some extent, in an MK licensed property.

Khrome Khrome isn't even a character. The concept of Khrome is based on a manufacturing mistake on a Sub-Zero statue that result in silver paint instead of blue.

But ninja. Therefore wanted by idiots.

I love ninjas, but there's a considerable line between loving ninjas and obsessing over a character (or manufacturing mistake) simply because it's a ninja.
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08/15/2015 11:35 AM (UTC)
Don't be jackasses.

SmashK Wrote:
Anyways, I don't think Khrome fans being annoying is a legit counter-argument. This is more of a personal annoyance.
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