Anyone else bummed out that we probably wont see new MK soon ?
posted04/07/2012 07:19 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/12/2004 04:20 AM (UTC)
I think the obvious lack of news and rumors, and the fact that Netherrealm is working on non MK related projects pretty much guarantee's we won't see a new MK until at least Fall of 2013.

If they were planning on a Winter 2012 / Spring 2013 release, they probably would have an announcement at E3, and with E3 being 2 months away, we would have at least heard a small rumor about an announcement.

I just don't understand how they could wait so long after the success of MK9. The engine is already in place, and everyone agree's its a good engine, though it needs some major tweaks, but other than that, make some new characters and lets get it moving.

04/06/2012 09:01 PM (UTC)
Well, MK9 will soon be released on the vita. People even consider the possibility for a wii-u release when the console takes on the market. So it is likely that they want MK9 to breathe out totally until confirming stuff for a sequel.

It makes me sad when thinking about it but we know since Septembre 2011 i guess that they didn't plan anything related to a new MK game for this year. We might see it, or at least start being fed with info as the new movie arrives in theaters (Most likely 2013.)

But i also don't understand how i could just sit back and enjoy the praise after doing something really appreciated. I would just go nuts and work on more. Yeah, that might mean failure but i easily understand someone who would take 4 years after an epic fail, if only to try and think out how to get back on track. The opposite? I dunno. But with all the great characters that are still left to be exploited, i would be too excited to wait.

04/07/2012 02:27 AM (UTC)
No. I care more about quality. I don't want NRS pumping out MKs every 2 years like MKDA-MKA. A good game should take 3-4 years. MK9 is a great game, let it live a little.
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
No. I care more about quality. I don't want NRS pumping out MKs every 2 years like MKDA-MKA. A good game should take 3-4 years. MK9 is a great game, let it live a little.

I agree...
04/07/2012 03:39 PM (UTC)
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
No. I care more about quality. I don't want NRS pumping out MKs every 2 years like MKDA-MKA. A good game should take 3-4 years. MK9 is a great game, let it live a little.

I agree...

I agree as well.

However, I feel that if this is the case then don't leave Story mode hanging like they did. I would have at least like something to hold us over instead of Quan And Shinnok readying to invade Earthrealm. They could have left us with a somewhat positive ending seeing as how we are going to have to wait so long for the next story.
04/07/2012 06:19 PM (UTC)

I still wonder why ppl keep repeating that a good game should take 3 or 4 years to materialize itself, especially after the reception of MK9 and the ending letting us expect that Shinnok and Quan Chi will be the next bad guys.

I mean if the game was that close to being the best MK game yet, or that close to perfection, everything they would need to focus on is the plot/story. Still, if it's going to be a sequel, The dead characters have to be helped somehow but shouldn't come back with no good reason or clue right now in the MK10 roster so... Unless they intend to change every aspect of it for the next game: Gameplay, engine, story aspects, which would be lame just to throw in the basket right now, i don't see how taking 3-4 years before giving us a sequel would be necessary.
04/07/2012 07:19 PM (UTC)
I look at it this way, if they had started working on MK 10 a few months after MK9 was released, say last summer, and planned a Spring 2013, that would give them almost 2 years of development time.

If they stick with the same engine and tweak it just a little, they are really only developing new characters and animations. The game engine itself is the biggest hurdle.

What bothers me is that there hasn't even been a hint that they have even STARTED on MK 10, which would put the game a good 2 years away from release , which is waayyy too long.

MK 9 is great, and I can't wait for the Vita version, but waiting 3-4 years for a sequel really sucks.
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