Another website that has MK HD Kollection Pre-Order
posted11/02/2010 08:47 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/17/2010 06:02 PM (UTC)
Hi all,

I found yet another website that has the game for pre-order with a release date of 11/16:;_re=mortal_kombat-_-79-333-043-_-Product

Same story as the others: PS3 only, Rating Pending, no cover art, and a price of $39.99.

It does however have an item number in their system, not sure if that really matters, but I know on some of the past websites that had it there wasn't one.

Why won't they announce this already?! furious
10/20/2010 03:36 PM (UTC)
TheDarkPassenger Wrote:
Hi all,

I found yet another website that has the game for pre-order with a release date of 11/16:;_re=mortal_kombat-_-79-333-043-_-Product

Same story as the others: PS3 only, Rating Pending, no cover art, and a price of $39.99.

It does however have an item number in their system, not sure if that really matters, but I know on some of the past websites that had it there wasn't one.

Why won't they announce this already?! furious

Great find! Newegg is an established website, so I doubt they would post false information. Could this be the first domino to fall? Once I see box art (on the websites) and a preorder on maybe Amazon or Gamestop, then I'll believe it slightly more (and preorder it myself).

This is the most bizarre strategy by a company I've ever encountered. Could this hush-hush, wink-nod form of advertising actually work? As I've said before, they've yet to spend even one penny on advertising and the entire MK community is already clamoring for the game. Genius or epic fail???
Edit: It's interesting, after searching the listed UPC barcode associated with the game from Newegg, I found two things:
1.) A few other sites, including, have the game listed for preorder as well. Surprisingly, the official UPC website doesn't have the code in their database yet, but since it's still preorder, that might be why.
2.) Now here's the interesting part that might be a deal breaker.... the UPC code also seems to be associated with, wait for it.... Lego Harry Potter. What? That's right, several listings, including one from, show the UPC code 00883929168118 is associated with Lego Harry Potter. Quite a difference from Mortal Komat, though both are from WB.
10/20/2010 03:54 PM (UTC)
It could work, but viral marketing usually works better for something that has an extremely large fan base, for example Halo or Call of Duty.

I guess at one point Gamestop did have it on their website for reserve, but have since taken it down.

Does anyone know the details around why Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 was removed from Xbox Live? I was thinking about this yesterday, maybe it was related, and if so, that happened quite a while ago, so it could be the starting point for the development on this game.

I feel like such a loser for spending so much time thinking about this, but I just love the old MK games and I want this to be real. If it's not, I do not want to be terribly disappointed.

The questions are:

Did they have enough time to do a remake?

Maybe, I mean no one knows for sure when they began the project, but maybe the Ultimate MK 3 removal from Xbox live was the start....

Does it make sense to make this game from WB/NR point of view?

I think so, it would get everyone excited for the new mortal kombat, on top of freshening up some great games that their fanbase loves.

Why have they not announced it?

Maybe it's viral marketing, or maybe they want to include a demo for the new MK so November 16th is no longer the date of release and they do not want to announce it until they know for sure when it will be possible to release with a demo.

They wouldn't want to do what Polyphony Digital is doing to their fans with Gran Turismo 5....that's just shameful.

Ok, I'm done ranting about this possibly fake game; let's hope that it's real and we get some info soon.
10/20/2010 04:13 PM (UTC)
I've heard the complaint before that they don't have enough time to fit this game in. Who knows when they actually started anyway. It's possible they've been working on it since the time of MKvsDC or even before. Also, the majority of the game is intact, they'd just need to fix some stuff up game play wise, polish up the stages and, of course, re-shoot the new actors which wouldn't take more than a month, I'd imagine. Especially with today's technology. Not only that, but when news of this possible game first leaked, it was reported that another studio would be handling the bulk of the process. That way, NR could focus 100% on MK9.

Regarding the removal of UMK3 from XBOX Live, while that's interesting, I don't see how it would coincide with anything from this supposed project. Why? Well, from what I've seen, the game appears to be a PS3 exclusive, at least initially. Not everyone has both a 360 and PS3, so removing a game from the 360 library in hopes it'll increase sales of a PS3 game... well, you can see the dilemma there.

Since the next MKast will be out very, very soon, perhaps that's when they'll "officially" announce it. Doubtful, but who knows. Can you imagine if they not only announced it, but actually showed a couple images from the game?
10/21/2010 03:01 AM (UTC)
Wow never seen people really in-depth search this. Nice job guys. Well whenever it comes out I just hope that it comes out on 360 too
10/21/2010 07:55 PM (UTC)
I don't think this is some new marketing strategy to cause hype. I think WB is just too lazy to promote the game. I've never seen a game this close to release and not have an official announcement. I seriously think they don't want to waste time or money on a small game like this.
10/21/2010 09:26 PM (UTC)
Yeah, but if that were true, why would all of the websites quickly take the game off of their sites for pre-order unless they spilled the beans on something they were not suppose to.

The information and actions surrounding this game are just bizarre, I cannot wait to see how this all plays out. I hope that the game is real, and that its release date is November 16th, but I will not be surprised if nothing happens on that day, and WB keeps quite.
10/21/2010 10:04 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
I don't think this is some new marketing strategy to cause hype. I think WB is just too lazy to promote the game. I've never seen a game this close to release and not have an official announcement. I seriously think they don't want to waste time or money on a small game like this.

Not wanting to spend money to advertise is one thing, but simply making an announcement, costs nothing. If WB wanted to announce the game, they could just say on Twitter, "Mortal Kombat HD Arcade Kollection to hit PS3 on November 16." Done deal. That cost all of 2 seconds and that's that. But in this case, they won't even announce it and, seemingly, are making sure no one from NR even talks about it. Very strange, to say the least. I swear, this must be the most secretive game EVER. Just the fact that we know anything about it is incredibly amazing.
10/22/2010 03:48 PM (UTC)
The UPC Database now lists the HD Kollection on their site.

But... I believe the site allows for user submission, so this could just be from someone seeing the UPC listed on Newegg and and submitting it. I'll keep an eye on it to see if it's changed or deleted at any time.
10/23/2010 04:49 PM (UTC)
Nice find! I've also found it listed on Metacritic with the same release date of 11/16:
10/26/2010 10:54 PM (UTC)
So I don't know how reliable this information is, but I spoke with a manager at Gamestop and asked why they listed MK HD Arcade Kollection and then pulled it from the website.

He said that it had something to do with them calling it a HD game, but it supposedly is just ports of the Arcade versions (similar to MK II currently available over PSN). Because of this "mislabeling", the game has been pulled and will not be released (at least not anytime soon).

Again, I have no idea whether he actually knows something or if he was just speculating. Just thought I would share.

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10/27/2010 10:28 PM (UTC)
Not good news, if true. That would mean what happened with HD remix's intended graphical advancements happened here but worse, so much so that they decided to to scrap all the graphical enhancements in order to meet the release date. And it would go a ways towards explaining the information blackout and purported renaming.

Some folks out there really need to stop writing checks their asses can't cash, if this is the case. Either that or it was a case of "lol, deadlines, lol". Probably both.

Someone in the other thread said they were given a release date of December 10th. I suggest we all hope and pray it just got delayed a little to make it proper, rather than have them just release a mere collection of ports. I personally wouldn't care if they delay it until a month before MK9 is due out, as long as I knew it was coming out as originally intended.
11/02/2010 08:47 PM (UTC)
thanks alot sherlock i'm like so psyched now whooohoo
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