another completly useless idea
posted11/30/2006 08:09 PM (UTC)by
About Me

"because real men throw eggs"

Member Since
03/18/2006 01:07 AM (UTC)
this is just a nother useless for a MK game

the game dosnt have a name, and most people will think the idea is so stupid i shouldnt even think of posting it, but sucks to be them

anyway, enough negitive thoughts

Story: Mortal Kombat had made Johny cage and Mokap rich. they where the best. They had everything. fame. money. happeness. Johney cage was loving his life, but Mokap wanted more. All he could think about was money. he did everything to get it. He resorted to crime when he ran out of ideas. After a year, he discoverd that the movies of Mortal Kombat had gotten him most of his green cheese. he devised a plan. He and spread rumors to everyone wo was ever in mortal Kombat, and set things up to belive they where true. Friends turned agaist each other. People commeted suicide. terible things happend that almost destroed all of Endnia. Then, they all discoverd that Mokap had set them up. They all wanted revenge. they would kill Mokap for his treathery. Mokap spread a few more rumors, Whitch turned revenge into a new Mortal Kombat. Everything was falling into place.........

told you it was bad. Most of the new charecters are camara men and hitmen. As you can tell, mokap is the boss, and the sub-boss is a new char.


Sub-Zero: I had heard that members of my clan, the lin kuei, Where turning agaist me, and planed to turn me into a cyborg. One of my closest pupils tried to kill me. he was dead in seconds. I had massicerd everyone in the temple. only to discover he was not the student i thought he was, but instead someone hired to look like him and try to kill me. I leart mokap was behind it. i had heard he had close body guards. and i know them. but i dont care who dies, mokap shall pay......

coments: I thought it would be nice if he finaly went neutral.

Rose: I am Rose. many think i am a regular person. But i am not. i am one of the deadlyest assains to ever exist. I was hired by the red dragon clan to murder the one named mokap. it will be to easy, because I have permission to do it my way.

coments: I just thought it would be good to have another women killer.

thats it for now
About Me

"because real men throw eggs"

11/26/2006 04:26 AM (UTC)
baraka: I had heard rumors that my love, mileena, would attemp to murder my intire race. i didnt belive it, untill i discoverd i was the last of them left. I had tourn her heart out made her eat it. Only to discover mokap had set me up. He shall die as did my sweet mileena

coments: none

Johny Cage: Mokap has gone mad.he had many belive terrible stuff. I had warned them all, but it was too late. I discoverd Mokap wanted me to tell them. I will be known as a heartless monster if mokap is sucssesful. He shall die......

Coments: Just wantred to make him serious for once

999(triple nine): The black dragon wants me to kill the one named "mokap" I had heard everything about him. I know theres going to be more then just one killing, because no one pays 5.5 billion dollars to get someone to kill a movie maker. They know that if im not payed, i get there blood instead.

coments: his story is more important with jarek then with himself

jarek: Mokap made me belive that kabal was going to rat us out to the special Forces, He made kabal belive kano was going to do it, and made kano belive some new guy did it, and so on. that started a huge fight. Now kano and I are the last ones left. We hired someone called triple nine to do our dirty work, but kano wants me to follow him. If he dies, i am to finish the fight, if he kills mokap, i am to kill him. i hope he finishes the job.

coments: he is hiding in the story because he is so weak.

more later
About Me

"because real men throw eggs"

11/29/2006 02:05 AM (UTC)
Cyrax: The special forces had restored my soul. At first, I was to turn human again. Untill it happend. I had heard that someone would kill me once i was human once again. I was a fool. I had found a rifle aimed at the spot where i was to stand to get a picture takin of me as a human. I saw a string on it, heading around, and splitting in two. On end went to sonya blades quarters, the other to the quarters of jax. I had to stop them. When i had located them, Sonya was dead. I Striked at Jax, but he just punched me, and i went hay-wire. The next day, he reprogramed me to distroy Mokap. My mind tries to hold back, but i have no control over my body...

coments: Just thought i could have him a heartless killer again

Ok, i left a LOT of stuff out. one thing, the weapons. Sub-zero has an ice Frail. 999 has throwing knives, Johny Cage has these solid-gold gloves he puts on. Baraka, you all know his weapon, Jarek has his black dragon sword, jax has an M16, Cyrax has his sword, and rose has Realy long fiber wire(used as a whip, and stangilisation device as Fatilaty)

Finishers: Fatilitys: Sub-Zero: He freezes there intire body excep the head. Ice spicks come out of his hand, and he dose a clap in there face

999: The opponet looks around and sees nothing. Then 999 Stabs a knife in there back, and pulls up. There body stays in place, but there skin moves with knife.

Johny cage: He puts on his gloves, and puts one hand behind the opponets head, with the other hand, he punches them in the face, there head falls into the first glove, while the secong one crushes there face flat

Baraka Stabs one blade into the other persons stoumache, and decapitaes them with the other blade

and thats it for now

uuuuuuummmmmmmmmmkkkkkkkkk that's aaaa interesting i guess
About Me

"because real men throw eggs"

11/30/2006 08:09 PM (UTC)
ok, this is just stupid

Thread closed
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