An opening for MK8
posted09/03/2007 02:59 PM (UTC)by
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08/28/2007 07:36 PM (UTC)
I have an idea for the opening of a new Mortal Kombat game.


[Intense battle between Taven and Blaze occurs. The huge blaze attempts to crush Taven, but Taven rolls to the side and Blaze misses. Taven then delivers the final blow with his sword.]

Taven: "YYYAA!"

[Blaze is critically injured, and gushes of lava spill out his body like blood]

Blaze; "Ah, very well Son of Edenia, well done Taven. You have completed your quest, you are the new guardian of Edenia, accept this power."

[Blaze dissapears, infusing Taven with godlike energy, a flash occurs. Taven blinks, and stands up]

Taven: "What was that?"

[Taven looks up to see Orin standing before him]

Taven: "Orin! How are you, I was sure you were destroyed!"

Orin: "Do not worry about me Taven, being protectors us Edenian Dragons remain with our designated client until the very end. Ad you survived, I did too. Unfortunatly due to the death of your brother, Caro sadly did not make it."

Taven: "Whats happened? Has the Armageddon been prevented?"

Orin: "No, only delayed. However you are now a full god and protector of Edenia in your father's place,. Furthermore your father has risen to elder god status, so you have an ally in the high places. But now that you are the protector, it is up to you to stop Armageddon from whatever means you think are necessary."

Taven: "I see. Now that I have become a full god do I have the power To do as I will?"

Orin: "To a degree yes, you have the limited ability to control things how you will."

[suddenly a portal appears. Through it enters Onaga, Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi]

Quan Chi: "Noo, the son of Edenia has already taken the power!"

Taven: "Guess your little truce did little all to stop me sorcerer!"

Shang Tsung: "Don't be so ignorant Edenian. The alliegence does not end here."

Onaga: "Well will rid this pathetic existence of all the forces of good, do not try to stop us!"

Shao Kahn: "All hail darkness!"

Quan Chi: "And we brought a friend of ours, I think you know him..."

[a figure steps out from behind the 4 evil figures, it is none other than the Thunder God Raiden]

Shao Kahn: "We have our own GOD to aid us, We have Lord Raiden!"

Taven: *blinks* "Raiden? But how?"

Onaga: "When the thunder god attempted to sacrifice himself to stop me in my path he only succeeded to destroy himself, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung here. Bot not me! Quan Chi and Shang Tsung's souls were already tained so they were inaffected when they returned, Raiden's wasn't however. During his final moments before his self destruction he joined forces with Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, thus tainting the Thunder God purity of which his personality thrived on. When Raiden re-emerged however he was... different.

Shao Kahn: "Surely you sensed that when we sent him after you before we stepped through the portal. I am suprised you survived but still, you think we didn't know you were there?"

Raiden: *evil cackling*

Taven: "I don't believe it!"

Orin: "i am also quite suprised at these events!"

Shang Tsung: "As you can see, it is quite impossible to stop us!"

Quan Chi: "Our first aim is to overthrown Shinnok's rule of Netherrealm and I will take it as my own!"

Shang Tsung: "When I am finished, Earthrealm will be mine!"

Taven: *looking at Onaga and Kahn* "And what about you two, Onaga and Kahn? You both want the Outworld, what are you going to do.. share?"

[Onaga and Kahn look at each other and stare, everything goes silent for a few seconds]

[Shang Tsung attacks Taven, Taven's eyes glow gold as he holds his hands out, lifts Shang into the air and drains him of his lifeforce and soul. Shang Tsung appears lying on the floor once again in his old man state while Taven floats up in the air, surrounded in gold energy with all the spirits that Shan Tsung pocessed swirling around him]

Taven: "I must prevent Armageddon, this is how I will do it!"

[he shoots the energy of all the souls in the air, presumably returning them to their original bodies. Shang Tsung is on his knees breathing heavily. The 4 other evil figures watch... very shocked]

Shao Kahn: "Attack!!"

[they all attempt to attack Taven, who sends each one flying with ease. Then after a flash of his eyes he raises up, hovers, raises both arms which shoot energy into the sky]

[Elsewhere shows snippets of all the other kombatant's below the pyramid on the ground level. Sub Zero battles Scorpion before Noob appears, bringing Smoke.

Noob: "Hello you two!"


[Scorpion rushes in blind rage at Noob, but Noob delivers a low hit then tosses Scorpion over his shoulder onto the floor with a loud thud.]

[The screen shoots to Sub Zero and Smoke watching while Scorpion and Noob's battle noises can still be heard, Smoke and Sub Zero exchange some looks. They immediantly attack each other at the same time, blocking each other's attacks. Smoke making his cyber style voice grunts]

[Smoke then knocks Sub Zero back who when he stands up launches an ice ball, Smoke releases a missle, the missle is frozen in mid air, the two warriors role to the side at the same time just before the missle explodes. A re-enactment of their fight scene in the 2nd movie]

[Back to Scorpion and Noob's duel when a gold light appears behind Noob, it sucks Noob in, leaving Scorpion standing there. Several ninjas bearing yellow coloured ninjastyle outfits much like Scorpion appear through similar gold energy causing.]

[Smoke also becomes reformed in this same style of energy, now appearing more human, falls to the floor, Sub Zero rushes to him and lends him a hand to pull him up, the two Lin Kuei notice their rival Shirai Ryu clan in yellow reformed and dash away before they notice them.]

[It shoots back to Taven floating onto of the pyramid powering up, and homes into his eyes]

[Rapid screen changes of the battle below show Shujinko's age being restored during a brief battle with Reiko who is using his spiked club but misses, then watches in amazement as Shujinko's age is restored. Another shows Kitana, Jade, Jax, Cage, Sonya, Bo Rai Chi, Kung Lao and Fujin right at the side of the pyramid next to the 1st step. Fujin is talking to the warriors when notice a steam of wierd lava leaving the top of the pyramid and shooting off into the distant.]

[Elsewhere we see a portal in the Netherrealm with an light orange ninja with a flaming skull head staring at the portal (he is known as Inferno), behind the spectre is the fallen elder god Shinnok grinning. Also we see a short clip of a cliff somewhere unknown being destroyed and rushing to the ground, after the collision and when the dust dies away we see the brown ninja that never was (Tremor) standing their grunting.]

[A shot to the Lin Kuei temple interior sees a cyber ninja coloured blue mysteriously activating, it punches through a wall, making cyber ninja noises we see through its eyes in the old green cyber style of vision detecting lifeforces. Several Lin Kuei rush in and try to attack this cyber ninja (Hydro) but Hydro pushes them all out the way and lets out a manic cyber battle cry.]

[Another shot is on Sindel, screaming and knocking Mavado to the floor, aswell as Motaro being reformed into a Minotaur while he is fighting Goro. Then the screen appears in outworld on a bridge where a holy man wearing a black and orange cloak gets attacked by the blaze of fire the Earthrealm warriors saw before, the fire forms a humanoid figure, as the man in the cloak gets back onto his feet the two stare at each other for a while. Before... the screen raises to the sky and the logo is displayed, a minotaur can be seen on a distant mountain with its arms in the air screaming (Watchdog), which transforms into the title screen saying 'press start']
About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

09/03/2007 12:25 AM (UTC)
That was an interesting read.
09/03/2007 04:54 AM (UTC)
So, what are the bios(if you are gonna make them). This looks good, hopefully, they will choose this.
09/03/2007 12:08 PM (UTC)
Thanks, I have Shang Tsung's bio already

---- SHANG TSUNG ----

I am Shang Tsung, a sorceror, stripped of my youth by Taven the new protecter of Edenia. On the floor as a weakened old man I eventually perished and awoke to find my soul in the Netherrealm, still in my old man form. To my suprise I found the zombiefied form of my rival in the realm, Liu Kang, who I had killed previously. To my suprise Liu Kang told me that when I was temporarly killed when Raiden sacrificed himself to attempt Onaga's defeat, much of my power was lost and many souls I consumed had escaped. Liu Kang was one, but as he was the champion of Mortal Kombat... Onaga prevented him from ascending to the heavens and kept him down in Outworld to serve as his puppet for evil.

The many acts of evil Liu Kang did while under Onaga's control explain why his soul grew a taint that allowed him access to the Netherrealm. To my suprise my zombified rival did not want battle, instead he wanted an agreement, to destroy Onaga. I would gain an ally and remove an enemy and in return I would teach Liu Kang of my ways of knowledge, magic and sorcery. As we spot a portal mysteriously open in Netherrealm we both step through it and emerge in Outworld. Chaos will rule and Onaga is our target.

Changes to Shang Tsung will be that his 1st appearance will be identical to the default sorcerer appearance in Armageddon's KAF. Basically his normal costume but his brown hair is grey, and his gold outfit is purple. His 2nd colour to the outfit will be blue. Also his alternative outfit will be his 2nd Armageddon outfit only with grey hair. In terms of kombat his styles will be: Snake, Crane, Straight Sword. All his moves just like they have been in MK:DA. Except he now has a limited ability to transform into limited characters and adopt their moves. He is the complete 3d remake of his Mk1 self and even hovers above the ground thus being immune to sweeps.
Like everyone else he will have Dark Lord Raiden as the final boss. His noticable opponents in storymode konquest style arcade mode will be Onaga as the boss but also Hotaru as the sub-boss.
Place of Origin: Outworld (originally Earthrealm)
Allignment: Chaos
Allies: Liu Kang, Kano, Goro, Havik
Foes: Onaga, Kenshi, Hotaru
09/03/2007 01:16 PM (UTC)
---- TREMOR ----

I am Tremor. I possess the ability to control the element of earth. I was formerly a member of the Lin Kuei only for my own personal power gain. After I achieved this goal I went to join the Black Dragon and showed my loyalty to Kano thus recieving new powers, I guarded the portal to the Outworld until his defeat at the hands of a Special Forces warrior named Jax. I escaped to the Chaosrealm with many other of my Black Dragon brothers. We have been recruited by the Black Dragon clan once more to take down Jax, Sonya Blade, and the rest of the Earthrealm warriors by pledging our alliegence to Kano and my clan, I shall lead my brothes into battle and dispose of the Earthrealm warriors. long live the Black Dragon clan.

These will be his two costumes, the first picture being his primary costume (the 2nd colour will be a slightly darker brown) and his alternative costume will be this play on Noob's costume in brown. His fighting styles and weapons will be identical to Rain's from Armageddon. Except his Water Blast will be replaced with a Whirlwind Gust, his shocking bolt will be his Thunder Earthquake (where he slams the ground similar to Jax), and his Mystic Vapour teleportation will be called Mole Dig, his Windy Feet attack remains untouched.
Like everyone else he will have Dark Lord Raiden as the final boss. His noticable opponents in storymode konquest style arcade mode will be Onaga as the boss but also Hotaru as the sub-boss.
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: Evil
Allies: Kano, Jarak, Kabal, Kobra, Kira
Foes: Jax, Sonya
09/03/2007 01:35 PM (UTC)
---- HYDRO ----

I am the older Sub-Zero’s past friend and fellow Lin Kuei. I am Hydro, codename LK-5D6, I have the ability to control water and blast strong waves of cold water that freeze opponents upon contact. I grew up looking up to the older Sub-Zero, treating him like a big brother along with the younger Sub Zero, but I am a respectable fighter in my own right. With me I carry two ninja swords on his back. I am the fourth prototype cyber-ninja built by the Lin Kuei. When the younger Sub-Zero evaded capture for automation, the Lin Kuei thought the perfect secret weapon to the Ninja’s downfall would be someone of the same or similar abilities. Many Lin Kuei had similar abilities but I was chosen because of my connection to the renegade Ninja. While Sektor, Cyrax and Smoke were sent ahead; I was kept in the dark as a final disaster, waiting for orders to strike. The order never came... now I have been mysteriously activated, I do not know who by, but I know one thing. The older Sub Zero has returned...

His outfits will be exactly the same as Sektor's outfits in Armageddon.
1st, colour 1 - Sektor's primary outfit in blue
1st, colour 2 - Sektor's primary outfit in navy
2nd - Sektor's alternative outfit in blue
His styles will be exactly the same as Cyrax. I won't go in depth but he shares the same moves as Cyrax and Sektor (teleporting and missle wise)as well as a few extra moves such as Rain's Water Blast and Sub Zero's Ice Slide
Like everyone else he will have Dark Lord Raiden as the final boss. His noticable opponents in storymode konquest style arcade mode will be the Elder Sub Zero/Noob hybrid as the boss but also Human Smoke as the sub-boss.
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: Neutral
Allies: unknown (Formally both Sub Zeros)
Foes: Elder Sub Zero
09/03/2007 02:14 PM (UTC)
--- INFERNO ---

I am Inferno, once a member of the Shirai Ryu clan I was killed and banished to the Netherrealm when I attempted to foolishly betray the clan, the ninja that sold me out was Hanzo Hasashi now known as Scorpion. When the soulnado almost destroyed Scorpion this caused the furies to become unbalanced. As a result, my boss the fallen Elder God Shinnok sent me to return Scorpion to his rightful realm, the Netherrealm. Only his most powerful spectre such as I would have the capability to return a reluctant person to a place of such torment. I am the ultimate hellish ninja and I have been given this task to fufill. My notorious reputation for using the most painful and hellish fighting tactics are known by all ninjas worldwide. My mission: Bring Scorpion home, although I suspect Shinnok senses a disturbance in Quan Chi's loyalty, I feel my task concerning Scorpion is not all Shinnok has in store for my fate.

His first costume will be of an old UMK3 style in an orange colour (darker than Scorpion's but lighter than Ermac's) with normal colour skin and a fiercy skull head. The second colour will be significantly darker with red skin. Also his alternative outfit will be like the picture above with him masked, similar to Scorpion's deadily alliegence/shaolin monks outfit but a reddy orange, masked with orange skin.
Fighting styles will be Hua Chuan,
Choy Lee Fut,
And his weapon will be the Hellblade.
Like everyone else he will have Dark Lord Raiden as the final boss. His noticable opponents in storymode konquest style arcade mode will be the Quan Chi as the boss but also Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion)as the sub-boss.
Place of Origin: Netherrealm (originally Earthrealm)
Allignment: Evil
Allies: Shinnok
Foes: Hanzo Hasashi, Quan Chi
09/03/2007 02:59 PM (UTC)
---- REIKO ----

My name is Reiko, and I am general of Shao Kahn's forces. I secretly have ambitions to become emperor of Outworld someday and sometimes sneek into the Emperor's chamber and try on his helmet. Shao Kahn knows this, but yet keeps me on as his general due to my brutal and ruthless nature which is what he looks for in a general. Onaga now rules Outworld once more meaning it is more difficult for me to try on the helmet and makes my dreams of ruling far more unlikely. My master has formed an uneasy alliegence with the new dragon Outworld ruler so Shao Kahn only commands the military and not the realm, they have also formed an alliegence with Quan Chi and the now tainted evil of Lord Raiden. I have always dispised Quan Chi under my disagreement with him while under the Brotherhood of Shadow, I also sense he plans to overthrown my former master Shinnok for Netherrealm. Quan Chi must die, and Onaga must be overthrown.

His first costume will be of a typical ninja style such as above. He has become one of the stereotypical ninja characters now. His 1st costume is identical to his MK4 costume which will be Maroon, and his 2nd colour will be Crimson. His alternative outfit will be of a typical Outworld guardsman as seen in Deception Konquest.

Fighting styles are identical to what they are in Armageddon

Like everyone else he will have Dark Lord Raiden as the final boss. His noticable opponents in storymode konquest style arcade mode will be the Onaga as the boss but also Quan Chi as the sub-boss.

Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: Evil
Allies: Shinnok, Shao Kahn
Foes: Quan Chi, Onaga
Pages: 1
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