An idea for a new Mortal Kombat game
posted07/12/2006 01:53 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/23/2005 09:13 PM (UTC)
A new Mortal Kombat game that i would love to see made would be an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) based on the MK community. For those of you who don't know what that is, basically you create a character, then play online with hundreds to thousands of other people doing quests, missions, building your cahracter up, etc.

Please post your ideas about this people.

About Me

Save a life; Kill a necromorph

02/23/2005 09:14 PM (UTC)
it has potential. The question is would they play it???????????
About Me
02/23/2005 09:24 PM (UTC)
well it's an great idea. actually i had the same idea in mind.
You could start as a normal kid at age of 16 like Sujinko and you can choose one out of 3 base fighting syles. You can create a face with and advance fighter face creator. You start in a shirt, normal pans, and normal boots. and you go around fighting other players on line and when you win you get exp and money. You can then go to a dojo or a shop and buy new fighting styles, moves and cool clothes and the level of youe exp shows what level of items you can buy.
For examle:
Level 1: Lin Kuei Mask 200$
Level 2: Lin Kuei Mask Mk.2 200$
Level 3: Ancient helmet 300$
02/23/2005 09:33 PM (UTC)
u have a good idea with the gameplay there, but let me expand on your thoughts. First of all, you should start at like 16 (what you said), and choose one main fighting style. There should also be realms on the game, like Edenia, Outworld, Earth, Netherrealm that you can travel to. You should get to pick your starting realm. In character creation, you should be able to choose a race, like human, demon, tarkata, shadow beasts, or something like that. Then later on in the game, after you get to like level 10 or something, u get to choose a power set, like electricity, ice, water, fire, etc, or maybe something diff for this. Have diverse quests and missions that make you think. And have factions for PvP, like shoa kahn vs mortal earth vs dragon king vs shinnok, etc. That is my starting idea edited: Another idea is weapons and armor. There should be cltohes and weapons you can buy. like some kombatants have sticks/swords/guns to fight with, while other use fists. Then with clothes and armor, there should be heavy/light armor with speed and stuff. just some mroe ideas :) I would LOVE!!!! this game if it came out.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smilesadwinkgrinconfusedwowfurioustonguesleepglasses
02/23/2005 09:39 PM (UTC)
Post your ideas about this people, if we get enuf feedback, then the big boys in charge might decide to make it :)
02/23/2005 09:43 PM (UTC)
I don't like it mainly because I want Midway to concentrate on what they truly need to fix and thats the original fighting game.

Soon as they did this I like your game Idea but needs to be really in depth like Rune Scape!!!
07/12/2006 01:53 AM (UTC)
Sounds good like a game I used to play. Diablo 2. There should be many different stories depending on players or a create a player where you choose your own path. Good evil Neutral idea. Sounds really good though.
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