An Analyses Of The Future Of Konquest
posted11/07/2005 06:41 PM (UTC)by
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Now known as Clarifying_Rain.
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09/27/2005 02:14 AM (UTC)
An Analyses Of The Future Of Konquest

Since its debut two games ago, Konquest has seemingly become a major and deeply embedded addition to the Mortal Kombat® fighting franchise. With Shaolin MonksTM out the door and the fanbase awaiting the arrival of the enigmatic Mortal Kombat® 7(Armageddon?), it seemed appropriate to create and organize an in-depth analyses of Konquest, its vices and virtues, and what can be done to make it a balanced addition to future MK games that will truly be Outstanding. wink

While DeceptionTM only followed Shujinko's quest, it may be time to branch out (or return) to the entire cast of kombatants featured in the game Each with a well-developed story to follow with little or (preferably) no retconning in the process. You can do it, Vogel! smile

Debatably, Konquest could follow character storylines in several ways, one way being to follow each respective character's story up until the events of the current game... But that could lead to boring replay in future installments. A continually unfolding plot for each kombatant, relying just enough on development in past Konquests, could potentially work. Or we could trash the whole thing and just show you how to kick someone!


A carbon copy of DeceptionTM's Konquest would be possible, but certainly not logical. Optionally, a combination of the methods used in Deadly AllianceTM as well as the more RPG-style as seen in DeceptionTM could be interesting. Throw in some elements from Shaolin MonksTM and, if done properly, we have excellent replay value.

A more in-depth explanation would be to use some aspects of the RPG design, but make it more fluid. For example, in DeceptionTM, you're limited in your ability to attack characters and objects in your surroundings.

Now, wouldn't it keep things interesting if you had some options? Yes, why, you could punch that thief who just stole your 1000 jade coins... Or you could fly-kick him as he escapes with a cry of "Waataaa!" tongue

Personally, I believe aspects of all three current Konquests should be combined and enhanced to create a very impressive mode in future games. Ed Boon has also mentioned the prospect of a Create-Your-Character mode, so things could get interesting. Your thoughts?
11/06/2005 08:39 PM (UTC)
Konquest mode is risky thing to do, as they apparently cannot keep with the cannon story adventure modes seem to drag it out of them, but it did adore MKD's konquest. I was quite pleased with how it was in Deception and I actually wasn't too fond of MKSM so I would prefer to keep the style its in or something better
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11/06/2005 10:19 PM (UTC)
I'd prefer Konquest to go back to how it was in MKDA. It was much more fun imo. Some elements of MKD's Konquest could be added in. If it were to be an RPG type affair though, it needs to be less linear and it shouldn't be about following a light around that shows you where to go next. MKD's Konquest was boring and tedious and got old fast.
11/07/2005 01:08 AM (UTC)
I think Konquest should be revamped. It should have elements from MKDA, MKD, MKSM, and even SW: KOTOR.

I'm thinking that there should be a create-a-character mode and you play as that character in Konquest and you make your own story for that character through certain places you go to and certain decisions you make. If you want your character to be good then you might join a group like the White Lotus Society. If you want to be evil, then you'd join a group like the Black Dragon.

Maybe there should be the ability to create your own fighting style for your character by picking up certain moves and those moves would be for specific commands so you can't have two moves that have the same command. When it comes to weapons, I'm thinking of having there be different weapons throughout the game. If you want to have some of the weapons that the MK characters have, you'd have to beat them in combat a certain number of times.

When it comes the MK characters themselves, I think that it should be a bit more like MKDA style with the elements of going through their story as well as some info bits on them from the past (e.g. Shang Tsung knowing Snake style Kung Fu from absorbing the soul of a Shaolin monk), but it should be more action/adventure based. Instead of learning the moves and combos like in MKDA, you actually play through their story in the game and the places you go to and the things you do with each character will be much different.
About Me
Now known as Clarifying_Rain.
11/07/2005 06:41 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
...I actually wasn't too fond of MKSM so I would prefer to keep the style its in or something better

Perhaps simply some basic elements from Monks, applied carefully to the current design?

For example, attacks while traversing in Deception's Konquest were somewhat limited in a general sense, meaning that you were unable to attack (with anything other than a punch) a variety of characters, aside, of course, from the actual kombatants featured in the game.

Apply some sort of fighting engine loosely based upon Shaolin Monks', and you could sport a large variety of (upgradable?) skills... And you'd get to attack the locals! wink
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