Alternate Costumes For Your Character(s) Of Choice
posted08/05/2015 08:55 AM (UTC)by
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

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08/17/2005 04:26 PM (UTC)
I know this has been discussed and that everyone wants more costumes for the new characters or for DLC, but, since we obviously won't get more alternates for all of them, which characters specifically would you like to see gain more costumes?

For me, it'd be Erron, Kotal, D'Vorah, and Jacqui. The last two especially.

As for DLC, Predator and Jason are fine as is but I wouldn't at all be opposed to Tanya and Goro receiving alternates. Tremor would be a bonus, and I'd honestly be alright if they included a klassic skin for him in a future patch, but won't be torn up about if he doesn't receive any.

What about you folks?
08/03/2015 01:31 PM (UTC)
Takeda in a tuxedo and call it sophis-Takeda.
08/03/2015 01:50 PM (UTC)
In a perfect world, I'd give every new character a 3rd costume. But to choose specifically:

Erron Black -

His Primary is badass and looks really good. His Alt is pure trash. Doesn't give off a bounty hunter/outlaw look at all. Looks more like a male stripper dressed up as a cowboy. The only thing about his alt that's good is the arm tattoo. But it's not on his Primary for some reason. Either way, Erron Black needs a good alt. Just put him in a duster already.

Cassie Cage -

Bland Primary with a great Alt. The problem with her Alt however, is that trash haircut. All they had to do was give her Alt the hair she had from the early builds and it would've been perfect, but no. We get this Justin Beiber haircut that looks all kinds of stupid. I just want her to have a 3rd costume so she can have nice hair.

Kotal Kahn -

Another character with an awesome Primary and a completely lackluster Alt. First time I saw it I thought it was Goro for a second. Give him a 3rd and for the love of god keep the war paint on.

Jacqui Briggs -

Both of her costumes are extremely boring. She needs a fun or cool Alt badly.
08/03/2015 02:53 PM (UTC)
Oh man, where to starts? So many of the costumes in this game are AWFUL and dreadfuly boring and uninspired. It's just unbelievable how how NRS thought these drab bland iditity lacking outfits would be okay in a fighting game.

Okay first of all

Johnny: Yeah he's got his MK 2011 costume but he needs an outfit that reflects his arrogant flashy self assured personality. Why did they ever think it was a good idea to stick him in a primary costume that featured clothing that not even Cyril Figgis would be caught dead in? This guy is a movie star! Why is he not in a flashy suit and tie or something that still says Mr.Big shot.

Cassie: You know her costume wouldn't be so bad if she was the only one in this game dressed in a grey body suit. Sadly that's not the case and this girl is just not standing out. Her appearance needs more personality. Something like a flashier military girl outfit. Have it be something along the lines of her current outfit but have it be over the top and ridiculous. Show us that she's a military girl like her mother but have that personality of her father come through. Think like the War Hammer 40K armor mixed with any cinematic Batman outfit.

Jacquie: Holy fuck NRS what were you thinking? Were you even trying with this girl? This is a fighting game, why are you concerning yourself with practicality when it comes to the appearance of your characters? This girl needs color, more techy stuff on her. Have her in like cyber exoskeleton which connects to her weapon gauntlets that then goes all the way up her arms and shoulders and cover the back of her torso. have her military outfit be more ragged and splash some purple and reds on there in homage to her father.

Goro: Just...what the hell. Everything about how this guy was implemented in this game just comes across as an after thought. His dialogue is limited. As far as it stands his appearance seems to be completely non canonical as it at the moment does not align with the story int he comic. And his design is bare bones and pathetic.
Give him more barbarian like dressings. Have him have like animal skulls on his shoulder, let him keep his cape. expand upon his scales on his back so that he has some sort of spike like scales emerging from his spine, dress him up with some better Shoken ceremonial markings ect. better for once when it comes to designing Goro. *shrugs* or a Shokan in general..

Kotal: *shudders at that second costume* ANYTHING! Just anything would have been better than that! It totally breaks the character to see him have a plain and simple human like appearance. It's Noob Saibot in MK Deception all over again.

Reptile:...*rolls eyes* His name is Reptile yet you insist on keeping some semblance of his human appearance...WHY!? You had so many better designs to go with and you went with the safest, plainest of them all!

Okay I'm out of energy and don't want to write up a wall....I'll leave it at that.

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/03/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Bland Primary with a great Alt. The problem with her Alt however, is that trash haircut. All they had to do was give her Alt the hair she had from the early builds and it would've been perfect, but no. We get this Justin Beiber haircut that looks all kinds of stupid. I just want her to have a 3rd costume so she can have nice hair.

I actually liked the initial bob they gave her and would have also preferred that. As for her primary, the only thing that saves that for me is it's P2 color scheme. Which is nothing too fancy, but it's better than the grey. Almost kinda wish Cassie or Jacqui got that Motherland skin instead of Sonya.

Onaga Wrote:
Oh man, where to starts? So many of the costumes in this game are AWFUL and dreadfuly boring and uninspired. It's just unbelievable how how NRS thought these drab bland iditity lacking outfits would be okay in a fighting game.

At least there are characters like Quan Chi, Shinnok, and Kitana who have never looked better though.

Onaga Wrote:
Jacquie: Holy fuck NRS what were you thinking? Were you even trying with this girl? This is a fighting game, why are you concerning yourself with practicality when it comes to the appearance of your characters? This girl needs color, more techy stuff on her. Have her in like cyber exoskeleton which connects to her weapon gauntlets that then goes all the way up her arms and shoulders and cover the back of her torso. have her military outfit be more ragged and splash some purple and reds on there in homage to her father.

Seriously. It's a damn shame and also saddening to look through her concept art. They had some great ideas to work off of. None of them were really right on point, but some of the concepts were already miles ahead of what they stuck her with and would have been golden if they just kept elaborating and roughing on some of the other concepts.

Onaga Wrote:
Reptile:...*rolls eyes* His name is Reptile yet you insist on keeping some semblance of his human appearance...WHY!? You had so many better designs to go with and you went with the safest, plainest of them all!

His primary has honestly grown on me quite a bit, and I actually like his alt less than I initially did. Still, neither are really anything special, but they're both leagues ahead of MK9's iteration.

Elaborating on my OP, I do like D'Vorah's primary costume. I just find that her secondary is dangerously too similar. Even though it might seem strange in-game (or that NRS just simply dreads hair animation), I would have liked to have seen an alt with that long black hair in her concept art.
08/03/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
A Predator outfit for Jacqui, with the net and all, as well as other alts based on female characters from the Predator/Alien vs Predator movies, like Leona from P2.

For either her or Cassie, a punk get-up.

Ferra/Torr; Something based on the similar duo from the third Mad Max movie.

D'Vorah: A variety of insectoid designs.

Erron Black: A variety of cowboy get-ups. His alt is awesome, BTW.

Predator: Every designs from the movies, and the Sister Midnight one from one of the Alien/Predator/Witchblade/Darkness crossovers.

Jason: Potato sack mask from Part 2, and his Jason X design.

Tremor: Classic Ninja outfit, as well as an alt based on the Earth Elemental from MKM.

Reptile: MK:DA design, and MK4 outfit.

Takeda: A leather Catman outfit, inspired by Catwoman's design from Batman Returns.

Sonya: Her MK3 outfit and both of her MK:DA designs (especially the General one).

Tanya: All her past designs.

Raiden: An alt based on Marvel Comics' Thor.

Liu Kang: His zombie self from MKD, and the spiritual one encountered in MKD's Konquest mode.

Kitana: All of the concept art designs.

Everyone: A Revenant skin.

About Me

Where's Fujin?

08/03/2015 04:57 PM (UTC)
Klassic Shinnok
Klassic Goro
Klassic Tremor
Another costume for Kotal

I think all of the new characters deserve a third costume, but I'm just going by my own personal wish list.
08/03/2015 05:20 PM (UTC)
Klassic Tanya
Something new for Jacqui, i love her alt though
MK9 Vita alt for Kenshi
About Me

-sig by MINION

08/03/2015 06:27 PM (UTC)
Mileena-MKD primary
Tanya-MKD primary
Jaqui needs something with more umph but I do like her primary and alt.

I think Kung Jin could use something too but I have no idea what.

I'd like Shinnok to get his MKA primary as well.

Anyone of Kitana's concept art as an alt too.
08/03/2015 06:55 PM (UTC)
I just want the newer characters to have something. I don't care what, but all of them needs to have another costume.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/03/2015 07:22 PM (UTC)
I do not care for the most part about costumes but if I had to request anything I would want football inspired costumes like the one Johnny Cage got. Italy would be awesome. I would switch mains just to play with that character.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

08/03/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi- either his MK9 primary or something based on the sick concept art.

Jason- something based off his "New Blood" costume.

Sub Zero- MKDA or MKD "Shredder" costume.

Kano- MKDA costume(FTW!)
About Me


08/04/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
Erron 100% needs a duster skin, I would have bet money that was going to be his alt when he was revealed.

I really want deception Ermac. I like his costumes in game besides the one dlc skin, just want one with a fully wrapped face.

Honestly I just want a deception pack with costumes for Ermac, Sub, Raiden (he already has a dark skin, I just want one with a cape), and maybe Kenshi or Mileena.

08/04/2015 12:33 AM (UTC)
MK4 Shinnok
MK:DA Raiden
Duster Erron Black
MK1 Goro

I would like for them to make costumes for all of the new characters as well. Maybe we'll get some surprise skins soon, who knows.
08/04/2015 01:21 AM (UTC)


Jason Voorhees
Part 2
Part 3
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Classic ninja
Why not?

New design that isnt cosplay shit
08/04/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
Klassic Skin Pack #3
MK4 Tanya
MK4 Shinnok
SF Tremor

08/04/2015 07:44 AM (UTC)
Obviously all the newbies and Dlc characters need costumes, whatever will do.

But I'd really like to see the below

Cage a new suit.

Kenshi a Neo matrix outfit.

Kano his deadly alliance outfit.

Sonya her MK4 outfit (red), new outfit with shorts and DA jacket. Her face model needs some improvements as her cheeks are bloated especially during win screens as the camera pans down.

Mileena her deception outfit.

Kitana maybe her deadly alliance primary or her princess dress from her ending. Also they need to fix her face, especially her chin.

Raiden, the long hair outfit/beggar outfit in the sketches

Sub-zero deception shredder outfit this will parallel/contrast Scorpions injustice outfit quite well.

08/04/2015 12:30 PM (UTC)
Deception armor Sub-Zero. That's all I need from the costumes department.
About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

08/04/2015 01:01 PM (UTC)
So I guess I'm the only one who likes kotals alt? It looks Good in Sun God, war God it looks kinda dumb. Kotal and goro need a new outfit IMO
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

08/04/2015 03:27 PM (UTC)
MMA outfit (comic)





City Hunter

Deception (main)


08/04/2015 08:04 PM (UTC)
I wish we could get new palettes as well like most other fighting games have (and to an extent, was a thing in MK4)
08/04/2015 08:30 PM (UTC)
MKD Ermac, Sub-Zero and Scorpion.
New costumes for Erron Black and Takeda.
A human colored Reptile, please tongue
Throw in a Scarface skin for Predator and Jason X skin for Jason.
Honestly there are so many possibilities, reason why I still dislike the Brazilian skins.
Kenshi def needs some good alts. His main is decent but the tourney one makes him look like a reject from those awful xmen movies.

I'd like to see him in a raggedy "blind beggar" type of outfit. Something a little creative at least. Alot of the costumes are very bland and not very creative at all.
08/05/2015 08:31 AM (UTC)
Ereptiledysfunction Wrote:
Kenshi def needs some good alts. I'd like to see him in a raggedy "blind beggar" type of outfit. Something a little creative at least. Alot of the costumes are very bland and not very creative at all.

I completely agree with this. Long hair, unshaven face and rough looking clothes. I mean he's blind ffs, unless he frequents a barber you would expect the dude to look a little unkempt!
Warbro666 Wrote:
Ereptiledysfunction Wrote:
Kenshi def needs some good alts. I'd like to see him in a raggedy "blind beggar" type of outfit. Something a little creative at least. Alot of the costumes are very bland and not very creative at all.

I completely agree with this. Long hair, unshaven face and rough looking clothes. I mean he's blind ffs, unless he frequents a barber you would expect the dude to look a little unkempt!

Exactly my thoughts. Make him look like a homeless zatoichi

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