All new characters
posted04/07/2009 03:29 PM (UTC)by
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07/27/2008 01:42 PM (UTC)
They have MKvDC coming out which features all of the classic characters... I hope that Boon sticks by what he said (for once) and says that they are gonna scrap the old characters after Armageddon unless they really have to have a select *FEW*
07/27/2008 03:48 PM (UTC)
Yeah, but that might not happen because of Scorpion.
07/27/2008 05:28 PM (UTC)
That's for MK9 atm. Expect to See Subby and Scorpion in every game though. Yeah, no changes there.
07/27/2008 11:31 PM (UTC)
Scorpion and Sub-Zero will always be in. I think that's a given.

But I wouldn't drop every character...just most of them. I think it'd be a waste of good, fresh characters like Sareena, Havik, Nitara, Drahmin, Hotaru and some others who've barely had a chance to go somewhere.

I would also keep a very small handful of the older established characters, besides Scorpion & Sub-Zero, for the sake of familiarity and because some have actually managed to stay interesting and not-quite-as stale. Characters like Raiden, Kitana, and Mileena.

This would also be beneficial as character quality seems to slip when the MK team feels it has to force new characters simply for the sake of there being new characters.

Mostly new characters, but keep some of the more recent characters and a couple of veterens.
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07/28/2008 01:39 PM (UTC)
MortalManic Wrote:
They have MKvDC coming out which features all of the classic characters... I hope that Boon sticks by what he said (for once) and says that they are gonna scrap the old characters after Armageddon unless they really have to have a select *FEW*

They dont really need to keep a few. Will they do that I doubt it. I dont see
how it would hurt MK series as long as there new characters would come with there on unique stories and bios that ties them in to the new story line
it would be rather interesting. The main story of course is were they would
have to really impress the MK world for it to work though. If Boon and Company can do that it would go over. Thats my thoughts on that.

07/28/2008 02:08 PM (UTC)
Well... I was thinking about some characters that have to go.... I want Quan Chi dead already. And no more red dragon since Daegon died. With Kabal being the new Black Dragon? I HATE IT! I WANT KABAL BACK TO THE GOOD SIDE and have Kano take his place. And maybe some new clans. For ex. White Tiger Clan. I think Jax has to go... maybe have Johnny Cage take his place so that he'd give up the whole movie star thing. Sonya and Johnny could get married and have a daughter.

How about more Chaos and Order warriors... and the people were right about Darrius... he's not good. How about other warriors like.... aquatic warriors? birds? insects - a mantis and arachnid?

Frost? Have her join Noob Saibot and maybe when Blaze's death hits him, he'd be something like - Noob Zero.... AND DON'T YOU STUPID MK FANS SAY U HATE IT! I LUV THAT NAME... with ice and shadow powers and Smoke returned to human. Sektor and Noob should team up and try to make a first cyborg demon... maybe call him - Virus.

I want Raiden gone, and Liu Kang to be returned and marry Kitana this time. AND DON'T YOU STUPID MK FANS SAY YOU HATE IT! NEVER! I LIKE IT THE WAY IT IS AND YOU WON'T STOP ME!
07/28/2008 02:11 PM (UTC)
07/28/2008 04:04 PM (UTC)
to me the only characters deserves to come back are....
1)scorpion(he doesn't deserves,but is Ed's Favourite)
2)Subby('cause he is scorpion side-kick)
3)kenshi(best looking character,with personality,cool special,good fatality and excellent story)
4)Onaga( a TRUE bad guy better than shao kahn)
5)Nitara(only if her storyline is improved and more detailed)
6)Stryker(after his armgeddon restyling he deserves a second chance after all)
7)Taven(new Hero,instead of Liu Kang)
07/28/2008 04:20 PM (UTC)
Characters stay
- Scorpion & Sub-zero (stay, because they are cool. But maybe Scorpion can have his human face back and Sub-zero's mask off for an alternate costume. Have his son brought back)
- Kitana & Liu Kang (Have her queen. Give up his title and marry)
- Sonya & Johnny Cage (Continue to stay and Johnny give up his career as a movie star)
- Smoke (switch back to human, and no more cyborg)
- Fujin (new protector of Earthrealm)
- Kung Lao (stay)
- Shang Tsung
- Reptile (Wield Onaga's power)
- Noob & Frost (Noob wield his old self's power and Frost become a new member of the Brotherhood of Shadow)
- Sareena (help Sub-zero)
Characters out
- Jax (Some people don't like him... but maybe give some of his abilities to Johnny)
- Quan Chi (Have Scorpion destroy him for good)
- Sheeva & Kintaro (out for good! and Goro can stay and maybe change his way)
- Shao Kahn out! (Give Reiko the helmet and be the new emperor) - Meat, Chameleon & Khameleon (unimportant)
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07/30/2008 10:13 PM (UTC)
HenshinSlayer000 Wrote:
Well... I was thinking about some characters that have to go.... I want Quan Chi dead already. And no more red dragon since Daegon died. With Kabal being the new Black Dragon? I HATE IT! I WANT KABAL BACK TO THE GOOD SIDE and have Kano take his place. And maybe some new clans. For ex. White Tiger Clan. I think Jax has to go... maybe have Johnny Cage take his place so that he'd give up the whole movie star thing. Sonya and Johnny could get married and have a daughter.

How about more Chaos and Order warriors... and the people were right about Darrius... he's not good. How about other warriors like.... aquatic warriors? birds? insects - a mantis and arachnid?

Frost? Have her join Noob Saibot and maybe when Blaze's death hits him, he'd be something like - Noob Zero.... AND DON'T YOU STUPID MK FANS SAY U HATE IT! I LUV THAT NAME... with ice and shadow powers and Smoke returned to human. Sektor and Noob should team up and try to make a first cyborg demon... maybe call him - Virus.

I want Raiden gone, and Liu Kang to be returned and marry Kitana this time. AND DON'T YOU STUPID MK FANS SAY YOU HATE IT! NEVER! I LIKE IT THE WAY IT IS AND YOU WON'T STOP ME!

HenshinSlayer000 Wrote:

You and your kind are the cancer that killed the quality of Mortal Kombat to begin with. I beseech you, and be thankful that I have ceded my mod powers for the better of this site.

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08/06/2008 02:48 PM (UTC)
If Midway did this idea(knowing them they won`t)I would add in some new characters that relate to the story.How they got dragged in the war of MK VS DC is one option they could state in their story.
08/06/2008 03:00 PM (UTC)
tonshaad1230 Wrote:
If Midway did this idea(knowing them they won`t)I would add in some new characters that relate to the story.How they got dragged in the war of MK VS DC is one option they could state in their story.

08/06/2008 03:11 PM (UTC)
If midway did do fresh characters we already know who wouldn't make it in MK9 due to the events in MK6.

Hotaru died.
Mileena died.

so you wouldn't see them in the next game. If they do keep old Characters, they need better storylines, Sub-Zero is almost irrelevant to the MK series now, he does nothing and they make him low tier every game....
08/06/2008 04:19 PM (UTC)
mercenarydartz Wrote:
If midway did do fresh characters we already know who wouldn't make it in MK9 due to the events in MK6.

Hotaru died.
Mileena died.

so you wouldn't see them in the next game. If they do keep old Characters, they need better storylines, Sub-Zero is almost irrelevant to the MK series now, he does nothing and they make him low tier every game....

Firstly, Mileena and Hotaru aren't dead because they were in Armageddon. And even if we ignored Armageddon, we wouldn't know which endings happened and which ones didn't.

I fail to see how Sub-Zero is irrelevant to the MK series. They've been building him up for something major for some time now.
08/06/2008 08:24 PM (UTC)
mercenarydartz Wrote:
If midway did do fresh characters we already know who wouldn't make it in MK9 due to the events in MK6.

Hotaru died.
Mileena died.

so you wouldn't see them in the next game. If they do keep old Characters, they need better storylines, Sub-Zero is almost irrelevant to the MK series now, he does nothing and they make him low tier every game....

Everything you have stated is completely wrong. Here's why:

You've named two characters who you beleive are "dead" in the series. Since when does anyone die in Mortal Kombat? Secondly, many characters will not be returning whether or not Midway is still going to have some of the endings in any game be true or not.

Hotaru and Mileena are not dead, though no one besides Sub-Zero and Scorpion are confimred to make another appearance in the next game.

Thirdly, since when has Sub-Zero ever been a low-tier in any Mortal Kombat game? That is definately not true, especially when I've been playing as the guy since the very first game back in 1992.

Sub-Zero, if you haven't noticed, has done A HELL OF A LOT of things in the game. He became Grandmaster, he's in charge of the Lin Kuei, Raiden trusts him as a partner to help him out with the Deadly Alliance, other characters trusts him to help them out in tough situations, aka Kenshi. There's a lot to list, though if I go on, I'll be boring people.

Though your entire statement is inaccurate. I don't think you're a huge MK fan, becuase if you were, you wouldn't have even said that.
08/06/2008 08:51 PM (UTC)
I want all new characters. No Sub-Zero or Scorpion, just an all new cast.
08/07/2008 05:02 AM (UTC)
Lolacaust Wrote:
I want all new characters. No Sub-Zero or Scorpion, just an all new cast.

Basically, when pigs are able to turn into Spider Pig and shoot bacon that tastes like blue-raspberry slushies from their eyes, is when we will not see Sub-Zero and Scorpion.

Though they will be in every MK game from now out becuase they're icons.
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04/07/2009 01:33 PM (UTC)
noob zero... noobs mka ending say they clashed but if they clashed then i think sub saibot sounds better
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04/07/2009 03:29 PM (UTC)
Firstly, Mileena and Hotaru aren't dead because they were in Armageddon. And even if we ignored Armageddon, we wouldn't know which endings happened and which ones didn't.

I think it's pretty safe to say Armageddon wasn't really canon. Not in my opinion anyway.
The reason I believe Raiden is dark and turning evil is because after Onaga obliterated him (along with Quan Chi and Shang Tsung), he respawned with their dark energy (thus explaining why they were absent from Deception).

So it's kind of stupid to see all 3 of them return in Armageddon.

Lui Kang is dead and I think he should stay that way. Zombie-Kang is just stupid.

Onaga and Reptile are the same being so you can only have one or the other.

Kobra, Hotaru and the MK4 characters are all crap in a big way!

I think it's about time we saw Scorpion and Noob go at it. Battle of the undead ninjas - not to mention Noob is the original Sub Zero (these 2 guys killed each other remember). And NO I do not want to see young Sub Zero and Scorpion fighting as they are not rivals or enemies!!!

So for the next MK, they need to have (in my opinion): Scorpion, Sub Zero, Evil Raiden (as the main boss), and Noob (as a rival for Scorpion), oh and maybe Fujin or some new character as the new protector of Earthrealm.
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