02/17/2007 07:57 PM (UTC)
RomanK Wrote:
prodigy004 Wrote:
RomanK Wrote:
I didn't like it in MKA so it should leave.Unless they make it more realistic.

How are they gunna make fighting in the air more realistic?
I mean't to say,they should fix the stifnes on the game.While your up in the air,and the characters shouln't bounce back up.

Oh I see. Personally I found it fun to bounce all around the place. But fighting in the air is already unrealistic so why try to make something like that more realisitc? people dont want that, they want some crazy shit thats totally impossible. Well speaking for myself.
02/17/2007 08:33 PM (UTC)
It should stay if they ad more features such as air fatality.grin
02/24/2007 07:08 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Overall, aerial combat was broken and not that useful. Also, I find it to be rather unnecessary.

Well, yes, it is unnecessary, but isn't it nice to be able to do "a little more" than just the usual ground combat the whole time? Plus, the great thing about air combat is that you don't HAVE to use it. You can very well just stay fighting on the ground using juggles or whatever.

It was broken, mainly because there was 2 out of only like 4-6 combo systems for all the characters to have. And it was very stiff-looking.

And how is it useless? It does the same thing as ground combat (fill up your oppenents life meter with red) except in a different way.

Hell, I think Midway should treat air combat as just the begin of combat twists and special features for MK. After this, we should also be able to bounce off walls and launch ourselves at our oppenents.

Or like someone above said, an aerial move where you knock someone to the ground and stomp on them.

Plus breakers, parries, and the move where we stay on the ground after a knockdown and kick or punch our enemies from there.

I hate having nothing but ground combos and juggles to do. There should be different ways to fight your enemy so that the combat isn't repetitive and so there could always be something new or different to see or do. Air combat is a great start.
02/24/2007 02:58 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Overall, aerial combat was broken and not that useful. Also, I find it to be rather unnecessary.

Well, yes, it is unnecessary, but isn't it nice to be able to do "a little more" than just the usual ground combat the whole time? Plus, the great thing about air combat is that you don't HAVE to use it. You can very well just stay fighting on the ground using juggles or whatever.

It was broken, mainly because there was 2 out of only like 4-6 combo systems for all the characters to have. And it was very stiff-looking.

And how is it useless? It does the same thing as ground combat (fill up your oppenents life meter with red) except in a different way.

Hell, I think Midway should treat air combat as just the begin of combat twists and special features for MK. After this, we should also be able to bounce off walls and launch ourselves at our oppenents.

Or like someone above said, an aerial move where you knock someone to the ground and stomp on them.

Plus breakers, parries, and the move where we stay on the ground after a knockdown and kick or punch our enemies from there.

I hate having nothing but ground combos and juggles to do. There should be different ways to fight your enemy so that the combat isn't repetitive and so there could always be something new or different to see or do. Air combat is a great start.

No, it was broken because of air cancels and also because some characters did more damage in the air than others.

It's useless to me. It does indeed lead to more damage, but I don't personally like it.

MK can't even get the ground combat right, so why should they just add on more things they can't do right? It's basically having lots of gameplay features that are all done sloppily, which is what MKA's gameplay is like.

I'd rather they fix the ground combat first by having the essentials and doing them right before moving on to anything else. I think it's important to have a solid foundation, otherwise, the game will fall apart as can be seen by several of the last MK games.
02/24/2007 03:29 PM (UTC)
I'm all for a much more REALISTIC combat system. Now I know MK fighters don't have realistic powers, but the more real the fighting is the better. I'm very anti-"ragdoll physics" and flying in mid air for 30 seconds at a clip. I wouldn't mind combos that continue in the air for a hit or two, but the more real the better for me.
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04/02/2007 09:09 PM (UTC)
I personally think that it should stay, stay, stay. Why? Because It made the gameplay more interesting and fun. The only thing that I didn't like was the fact that it was repetitive. Everybody was doing similar shit when they fought in the air, so if the team can spice it up a bit and give each character their own personality and moves in the air then it would be better. The weapons in the air idea was a good one and it would make since if characters in Sindel, Ermac, and Fujin can stay airborne.
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04/02/2007 10:16 PM (UTC)
Basically it ruined the remaining fun from the fighting engine. Kill it, this is hopefully not DBZ.
04/06/2007 06:27 AM (UTC)
I agree with Prodigy crazy messed up shit moves FTW! It would be awesomer if it have Marvel VS games AK system IMHO
04/06/2007 10:18 AM (UTC)
It could stay but with improvements:

The air combat combos are too universal for the MKA characters. If each character had his own combination moves, this would bring more fun.

04/06/2007 10:31 AM (UTC)
It could stay but with improvements:

The air combat combos are too universal for the MKA characters. If each character had his own combination moves, this would bring more fun.

04/07/2007 02:45 AM (UTC)
Not to sound biased, but I really think that it should have only been for Sindel, Nitara, Ermac, Raiden, Fujin, and all the rest of the fliers.

I think that other characters just look silly doing it, and I'm still puzzled at how air combat is really....possible, I mean, is gravity suspended during these combat maneuvers?

I'm sorry, i'm no good at one page opinions. It should be only given to a fraction of the characters, with moves unique to the character, (Sindel: Punch punch, hair whip, backflip, air fireball.) or (Nitara: Kick, kick, backflip, bloodspit, chest ram)
I agree with this idea, it would make more sense.

If other characters have air combos, make them like a double hit hop attack something that makes them go like 6 feet off the ground at most and limit it to 2 or 3 hits.

Same thing for juggles and stun combos.

I'd like the game to focus more on strategy than long combos.

2 or 3 hitters are OK, but too many games do the juggle thing.

I'd make the pop up combos go from air to the ground depending on the attacks you use. Like if you launch the opponent, land 2 quick juggle punches, the opponent lands standing but stumbling back which would be about the equivalend of a crumple stun. You can follow up with a running flying kick or something like Baek's 3+4 Halberd kick.
Short and sweet.

Higher damage could be awarded with perfect timing on the button inputs for these short combos, like loose just frame attacks.

Perfect inputs could allow for more custom combos like the just frame attacks in Tekken and VF.
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PSN: Eazail70x7

04/09/2007 02:53 PM (UTC)
It should stay
I say expand a bit on the idea. If a three-style system comes back, uniqueness is an absoulute must between styles.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
06/26/2007 06:37 PM (UTC)
The current aerial fighting system should go. Bleed has mentioned excellent ideas as to how it could work.
My own take on Aerial Kombat can be found at the following link: Aerial Kombat.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

07/10/2007 02:29 PM (UTC)
the one thing wierd about it is when i drop down and bounce back up like a ball but it should stay
07/10/2007 04:44 PM (UTC)
The whole fighting layout needs to be revamped completely.
07/10/2007 11:08 PM (UTC)
I think the aerial combat should go away forever. It looked retarded. I hope that the next Mortal Kombat is darker and more REALISTIC.

The next game needs to focus more on the actual real fighting, no aerial combat, and alot less special moves. Every damn character has their own "fireball" type move and teleport move. They're martial artist, not super-heros!!
07/11/2007 07:15 AM (UTC)
FreshMetal Wrote:
The next game needs to focus more on the actual real fighting, no aerial combat, and alot less special moves. Every damn character has their own "fireball" type move and teleport move.

MK is a fantasy/fighting game. Special powers that the characters have are just as revelant to the fantasy style as the elaborate arenas and fatalities.

People complained that characters had too few special moves in MKDA, so I think the amount that we have now for some characters (I think 6 is the max) is perfectly fine.

They're martial artist, not super-heros!!

They're martial artists in a fantasy universe. Why they have "superhero" moves makes perfect sense.
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