Agree/Disagree: Ferra/Torr would have been better as the Sub-Boss?
posted04/21/2015 04:55 PM (UTC)by
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09/02/2004 04:20 AM (UTC)
I got to thinking...

A lot of people have been responding negatively to Ferra/Torr, because they don't bring much to the game/story. They're barely present in the story, serving only in brief scenes as just another of Kotal's minions (same as Reptile and Ermac, but... they have tenure.)

And people seem to write them off from a fight perspective as more of a gimmick than a necessary part of the roster.

Certainly those opinions aren't universal, but they're out there.

So I was thinking... what if they'd been the Sub-Boss?

They do have a unique gimmick. which is actually fairly characteristic in MK sub-bosses. (4 arms, Centaur, Big Ass Oni, Tag Team, being past examples)

They certainly have the size factor, and an imposing look. If buffed up a little in power and durability, they'd have made a formidable behemoth.

And people have actually even been complaining that Goro was a poor choice for Sub-Boss, as he isn't at all present in the game, should be missing his arms in the present timeline as far as we know (ala the comic), and his presence just doesn't make sense in general, let alone make sense as a stepping stone to Shinnok (nor did it in MK4 really)

Wheras as a new character, Ferra/Torr's backstory was a blank slate, and they could easily have been slaves to Shinnok rather than minions of Kotal (and taking them off team Kotal really wouldn't have changed the overall story much at all, because as has been pointed out, they barely played a part)

I feel like... as just one more member of the roster, Ferra/Torr does end up rather low on the totem pole just because there are other newbies shining brighter and given more to do... but with a little Tweak here or there... they could have been an excellent fit for a new Sub-Boss, which would have allowed them to shine much more, and left Goro to just be an extra bit of DLC as we originally assumed he'd be, because Goro certainly didn't and doesn't need more room to shine.

Seems like a missed opportunity to me.

*Shrug* Thoughts?
04/20/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)
Come to think of it now.

Ferra & Torr would've been better sub-bosses together.

I would've imagined in story mode, Ferra would be killed and Torr gets killed later.
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04/20/2015 03:19 AM (UTC)
Agreed. They're far and away my favorite new character(s) and to see them do virtually nothing sucks. It also doesn't help that from what I can tell they aren't particularly great competitively and have many bad matchups.

This is probably the first game where I'm absolutely in love with a new character top to bottom but wish they could have had so much more presence. Sucks.
04/20/2015 03:20 AM (UTC)
Yeah I think Ferra/Torr easily could have been a sub-boss, and probably could have pulled it off well too.
04/20/2015 03:28 AM (UTC)
That would've been a smart move. A unique pairing with potential that was absolutely pissed away, and it makes you wonder if we'll ever see them again as a result.

Just another reason the MKX story mode was so damn misguided.
04/20/2015 04:43 AM (UTC)
Yeah they would've made a better sense as a sub-boss. Especially since in the story they are introduced in a very "Big Brute" type of way.
04/20/2015 06:07 AM (UTC)
Ferra/Torr would have made a great sub-boss, but I LOVE playing as them. Ferra is so cute and adorable and their move set is a lot of fun. It really sucks to see people bashing on them because I like them so much.
04/20/2015 06:19 AM (UTC)
SmashK Wrote:
Ferra/Torr would have made a great sub-boss, but I LOVE playing as them. Ferra is so cute and adorable and their move set is a lot of fun. It really sucks to see people bashing on them because I like them so much.

I was caught off guard by her speech pattern upon hearing it for the first time. It definitely made her endearing.
04/20/2015 06:26 AM (UTC)
I think Ferra/Torr are awesome, and indeed would've served well as a sub-boss, but in the same way that Kintaro served as a sub-boss in MK9. I wouldn't want them to replace Goro, but maybe be interchangeable. I mean, it's Goro freakin Goro. He should be in every MK game, along with Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Who gives a crap if according to the story, he's not supposed to have any arms? He's a non-canon sub-boss, big deal. And besides, those who don't read the comics don't even know about that. All that matters is that they get to right the definitive MK sub-boss before the final big bad.

But that's not to take away from Ferra/Torr, they are pretty damn awesome.
04/20/2015 12:52 PM (UTC)
SmashK Wrote:
Ferra/Torr would have made a great sub-boss, but I LOVE playing as them. Ferra is so cute and adorable and their move set is a lot of fun. It really sucks to see people bashing on them because I like them so much.

They could've been a sub-boss while being playable.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/20/2015 05:26 PM (UTC)
Definitely. Goro's inclusion in the game as as a sub-boss was pointless to me. He didn't even appear in story mode (the only character on the regular playable roster who doesn't). Ferra/Tor would've made more sense as a sub-boss, since they did nothing in story mode. I'm not particularly a fan of them since I find Ferra so damn irritating, but still. Would've worked better, I think.
04/20/2015 05:35 PM (UTC)
Would of been a terrible sub boss, just my opinion..
04/20/2015 05:40 PM (UTC)
I feel very confident in saying Ferra/Torr won't be back for the next game. Neither story nor gameplay were truly that interesting, outside of giving Johnny Cage the chance to toss in a Master Blaster reference.

And they got that reference out of the way.

Would have definitely been a better sub-boss. Already would've been better than Moloch from Deadly Alliance.
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04/20/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
Goro shouldn't be in every game.


KotalKhan Wrote:
Would of been a terrible sub boss, just my opinion..

I agree with this.

Ferra/Torr is by far my least favorite MKX character and I won't miss them if they return.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/20/2015 09:07 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
KotalKhan Wrote:
Would of been a terrible sub boss, just my opinion..

I agree with this.

Ferra/Torr is by far my least favorite MKX character and I won't miss them if they return.

Also agree. Like Li Mei before them, their ending was single-handedly the most interesting thing about them. The Symbiote story arc where Torr
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
withers away and dies as Ferra matures into a mount for another rider was a neat concept.

But being the sub-boss wouldn't have helped either. For me, anyway.
04/20/2015 09:10 PM (UTC)
I guess. I'm kind of sad about Ferra/Torr because, what else can you do?

The ending is already showing that their time together is limited so we know the gimmick can't last. What next for them?

Torr will die and Ferra will transform into a brute herself. I mean I would be alright if she came back and took on the role Torr had and she had like...a sister or something who was her rider..

I don't know I like them but it kind of seems like a one shot deal.

Prove me wrong NRS! Keep this Big Daddy/Little Sister thing going. Blow me away!
04/20/2015 09:20 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
I guess. I'm kind of sad about Ferra/Torr because, what else can you do?

The ending is already showing that their time together is limited so we know the gimmick can't last. What next for them?

Torr will die and Ferra will transform into a brute herself. I mean I would be alright if she came back and took on the role Torr had and she had like...a sister or something who was her rider..

I don't know I like them but it kind of seems like a one shot deal.

Yeah, but what's limited by Outworld standards? It could be 100 years, could be 1000 years, for all we know.
04/20/2015 09:25 PM (UTC)
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
I guess. I'm kind of sad about Ferra/Torr because, what else can you do?

The ending is already showing that their time together is limited so we know the gimmick can't last. What next for them?

Torr will die and Ferra will transform into a brute herself. I mean I would be alright if she came back and took on the role Torr had and she had like...a sister or something who was her rider..

I don't know I like them but it kind of seems like a one shot deal.

Yeah, but what's limited by Outworld standards? It could be 100 years, could be 1000 years, for all we know.

With the way it was presented in the ending it seemed as though this partner ships end was imminent. Like only having a year or two left.(not quite what imminent means.....)
04/21/2015 01:14 AM (UTC)
I'm really digging those two as character , even while finding their intros annoying and not interesting at all. Liking them more than I ever thought that I would.

But wouldn't like them as sub-boss. they don't have that aura of impotence and intimidation. They are more in the lines of fun characters with a shtick.

Having a sub-boss which isn't in the story is silly in general, but putting Goro in that place is purely gimmick made to pay homage for MK4 which i can respect, so it isn't completely without reason.
If they had put Kintaro or anyone else who's also without no involvement there, it would be lame, this way it's kind of cool. (Making people pay for sub-boss, on the other hand, is definitely not cool).

But if we want to go with story involved sub-boss, Kotal Kahn would be the best choice.
He's got gravity, size, looks and is a heavy hitter. With a ruthless AI he would be great...
04/21/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
It would make sense if Kotal Kahn was the last boss, since Ferra Torr are his bodyguards

Before the game release I was expecting that Quan Chi was the sub-boss. Goro is out of place, even dont appear in story mode.

04/21/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
I guess. I'm kind of sad about Ferra/Torr because, what else can you do?

The ending is already showing that their time together is limited so we know the gimmick can't last. What next for them?

Torr will die and Ferra will transform into a brute herself. I mean I would be alright if she came back and took on the role Torr had and she had like...a sister or something who was her rider..

I don't know I like them but it kind of seems like a one shot deal.

Yeah, but what's limited by Outworld standards? It could be 100 years, could be 1000 years, for all we know.

With the way it was presented in the ending it seemed as though this partner ships end was imminent. Like only having a year or two left.(not quite what imminent means.....)

Lets not forget the obvious point that MK endings are never solid canon either. I mean if they really want to bring them back in MK11, MK12, or 10 years from now in MK15... they still CAN... they need only disregard this ending as they have countless others.
04/21/2015 12:01 PM (UTC)
To me, there was nothing imminent about that ending. It was vague enough that like I said, it could be decades down the line. I dunno, it didn't strike me as being imminent at all.

Also, with all the people getting paranoid about them not appearing in future games, I think they will. But if they were a sub-boss, I think the chances of them appearing in MK11 would have been less likely.
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04/21/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
I can already see a direction they could go with this:

Spoilers for Ermac and Erron Black's endings:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
As viewed in Ermac's ending, Shang Tsung is still around, and in Erron Black's ending, we see the reason we've got a cowboy walking around in present times is because Shang dramatically slowed his aging time. If they wanted to cast her as brighter than the average rider, Ferra could seek Shang out to slow or stop time for her and Torr altogether so she could stay young and remain smart (relatively).
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04/21/2015 04:55 PM (UTC)
Agreed with the OP. It's a huge missed opportunity. Personally, I feel Moloch of all people would actually fit perfectly as someone Shinnok would bring along as his muscle, but I guess not. :/

Or hell, now that I'm thinking about it in terms of what actually happened in the story mode, some kinda Amulet-powered version of D'vorah would be rad as shit.

>yfw she goes full Kerrigan

I gotta say, even though Ferra/Torr serve Kotal and would have no reason to fight on Shinnok's side, it'd still be better than what we got. I honestly have no idea what the fuck they were thinking when they decided to not only include Goro in this game (he has nothing to do with anything that's happening), but make him job for Shinnok.

I guess he was there in MK4, and we are getting a proper do-over, but holy shit that's a flimsy justification. Especially when you consider that his appearance made no sense even back then.
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