after this upcoming game???, whats next???
posted12/25/2010 08:22 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
since the new mk is doing stuff revolving around mk-mk3 don't you feel it's a step backward in the series. what i mean is that it does not feel like a sequel but more of an expansion pack or a prequel to the previous games in the series.

with all that happened with mka. don't we need new fighters and a new tournament. also right after mka we get mkvsdc which does not explain anything to do with the series because it's a side story experiment.

if this new mk game does not have new characters it will bomb. this is just my opinion.

alot of other fighting games always try to include new characters to help out the gameplay and even sometimes in the story.

i wonder if anyone else feels the same. so what's your take on the series of the future installments of the next few games.
08/08/2010 08:13 PM (UTC)
The Next MK game will be the Mortal Kombat Classics HD 3-n-1 of the old MK1, MK2 and MK3 games redone in HD.

But if your talking about NEW MK titles the Game after MK9 will be MKvsDC 2, which will have the same engine has MK9 and have the 2 on 2 tag team feature. Reptile and Killer Croc along with Quan Chi and Harley Quinn will make it into this one as well as the obvious Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Superman and Batman.

To prevent me from being FLAMED for this, I will call this my Prediction, lets just wait and see how right I really am.

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no one will ever be immortal

08/09/2010 11:26 PM (UTC)
are u kidding we dont need more new characters we have over 60 they just need to fix the old ones as in story wise maybe in the nxt game we'll hav new characters cuz in this one they need to focus.
08/09/2010 11:50 PM (UTC)
scorpionpwns Wrote:
are u kidding we dont need more new characters we have over 60 they just need to fix the old ones as in story wise maybe in the nxt game we'll hav new characters cuz in this one they need to focus.

Too bad most of them will be ditched and be gone forever basically... So technically there really isn't over 60 characters if Boon manages to never bring back certain characters.
08/10/2010 01:40 AM (UTC)
They're already hinted at sequels to the upcoming MK, playing it by ear and such. The game needs no new characters. Ask a casual fan to name three characters introduced after the first three and you'll get blank stares, and like it or not, the casual fanbase is where the most money is. I welcome the change, the game looks amazing.
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no one will ever be immortal

08/11/2010 02:51 AM (UTC)
thats tru but i dont like the fact they created these characters just to ditch them and make new ones. To me its just stupid

ps. how do u make ur writing blue?
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

08/12/2010 01:42 AM (UTC)
The smart thing 2 do now is: Since bac in the classic dayz, graphics changed 4 the better each few years that went by in the 90s and early 2000s, and they wanted to kill off characters, but it was demanded by players 2 bring bac certain characters, so that made them bring bak characters. Also if they jus make mk games for now on so that chars only die in gameplay at fatality time only and not die in a story mode which would keep them from bein n the next game, this would stop them from killin off chars we love. Plus from here on like a streetfighter game or tekken, we can keep all the basic mk chars from mk1-trilogy. Its smart to refix all the other early mk's by patchin up all the chars stories like their doin in the new mk. This way from mk(2011) on, the story will remain intact throughout each new mk game in the future.
Since the story and characters will now be fixed after mk 2011 is completed, MKX(10th) can add new mk chars/ stages
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08/13/2010 12:00 AM (UTC)
I would immagine we would continue on with a sequel based on the end of these NEW events taking place. So we'd have a new MK4 story and carry into the DA timeline, Not saying tehre would be a Deadly Alliance due to Raidens intervention. But that timeline.

It seems logical. And with WB ahving MK now, they wanna make their own way with it, so this "reboot" without just kicking the old games aside is really the best way to do it.

So eventually we will have

-Midways MK era (1991/2 - 2008)
-Netherrealm Studios era (2010-____)
08/13/2010 05:27 PM (UTC)
Progress the story forward from wherever MK2011 ends.

Introduce new characters, bring back characters from past games that have huge potential but had no time to develop, bring in characters that have been mentioned but have never appeared.

Kenshi, Drahmin, Shinnok, Nitara, Moloch, Li Mei, Havik, Fujin, Kia, Jataaka, Baphomet, Tiamat, Tremor, the God of Earth and/or Water, the male vampire, Zebron, who knows?

There's still so much that could be explored in the MK Universe. It's unfortunate that there are fans who actually insist that no new characters be introduced.
12/21/2010 12:35 AM (UTC)
I Agree there is alot of characters from mk4-mkA that has potiental and they should return not in this one but inthe future.
12/24/2010 03:33 PM (UTC)
I would love to see a different universe of the MK storyline, like another type of outworld, a new boss, new gods and warriors, mortals and immortals, etc.

Imagine a completely new cast of characters that means no subzero or scorpion. I can imagine Samurai type characters but MK style. I wouldn't mind a couple characters from the more recent games like Kenshi and Hotaru.
12/24/2010 03:43 PM (UTC)
I would love to see a new game based on the Shaolin Monks engine.

Not necessarily a sequel but a new story with a lot of bosses and playables.

I wouldn't mind NRS doing something not MK though. DC Universe fighter perhaps?
12/25/2010 06:54 AM (UTC)
I would love to see a new generation of heroes based on the old warriors... but with their own powers:

- Son of Liu Kang and Kitana
- Daughter of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade
12/25/2010 08:22 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
I would love to see a different universe of the MK storyline, like another type of outworld, a new boss, new gods and warriors, mortals and immortals, etc.

Imagine a completely new cast of characters that means no subzero or scorpion. I can imagine Samurai type characters but MK style. I wouldn't mind a couple characters from the more recent games like Kenshi and Hotaru.
I was thinking the same thing. But people wouldn't buy into it
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