advanced one player mode?
posted04/30/2007 11:07 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/24/2003 11:29 AM (UTC)
alright all,

After Armageddon I would like to see the series reinvented. Personally, I appreciated that the team tried to do something new, with the various styles and what not. But i feel, after what is now the third addition under this format, that things are getting a tad stale. Which is why I couldn't be happier they said MK8 will be grittier and darker.

My idea is that after Armageddon there is just that, Armageddon. The planets has been scorched, and only a few survive. Civilisation has crumbled, and now all that remains is conflicting war-tribes.

As life has returned to a barbaric level, the sport of gladiatory combat has arisen. Tribes bring their various slaves to fight the slaves of other tribes, with money and respect given to the successor.

Therefore, during the one player mode, you select a tribe as opposed to a individual fighter.With each tribe offering different skills to their gladiators. This will also give the chance for the return of old Mk characters, such as a tribe ruled by Baraka etc.

Therefore the format is that you, as the trainer, have a group of slaves, which you must be train. Depending on how you see fit, you can treat them appallingly so that they develop into cold heartless killers, or treat them well, in that they might have more noble features.

The one player mode would act more like a football season, building up to, I suppose, the superbowl of gladiator events at the end, the tournament Mortal Kombat. This is where you earn most money and respect, which will benefit you going into the next 'season'. But you wont reach these heights for a long time, instead taking your slaves to smaller tournaments around the world.
The more money you earn, the better the gladiator-slaves you can buy, or buy the better facilities in which to train them. Maybe even the option to buy other smaller tribes, assimilating their skills. Anyways, this will all lead to the creation of a fierce team of combatants.

I think that one player modes in fighting games need to be developed to increase their longativity. I love sports games, as i start off with a crap team, and generally have to work my way up. At first you scrape whathever money you can get together, buying better players etc. So this new system will operate in a similar sort of way. So you can offer another tribe two slaves and some money for their prize fighter etc.

Newhose, I want the fighting itself to be really really really gritty. I want energy bars to be scrapped. In essence, i kinda envisage UFC, mixed with the dark style of the resident evil series. Where the fighters fight in a cage, one on one, till one fighter cant stand no more. As the trainer, you can select whether the fight is required to go to the death. This in turn, could potentially see you losing your fighter, but if you win, he will gain far more experiance points. Furthermore, the look of the fighters will be completely custom built, whereby you can cover them in tattoos or give them war paint, with the colours of your tribe.

The backgrounds, will intially start off in small outposts, but eventually when you improve, will end up in huge stadiums with thousands chanting etc

I have kinda had enough of all the fighting games with the nice twirly kicks, and the colourful lights following every move. Fighting is fierce, and can end in an instant. This is what i hope they will do with Mortal kombat8, reinvent the genre , so that it is actually like fighting. Some matches might end in an instant, some might go on for twenty minutes (well not that long, but u get the point). Where at the end of the a hard fought battle, your gladiator will be left standing over his pummeled opponent.

Although there wouldnt be an emphasis on individuals characters with specific moves like the old mk games, i think u would really take to your fighters, especially if u had one that started off as a weed. But through your training eventually turn into a legend.

Newhose thats it, sorry for rambling
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