Accessories for the characters
posted01/15/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Inspired by the latest Killer Instinct game, I'm thinking that a character's design could come with various accessories, like a veil and a mask for Mileena, for instance. You could also have the ability to remove certain accessories, like gauntlets or armor. Obviously you couldn't strip a character naked (not that I'd mind), but you could remove a great deal of objects from their design if you wanted.

I'm thinking that they could even replace alternate outfits. Certain accessories, when mixed together, would form a more "coherent" outfit for your character. You could choose to play as Sub-Zero in his classic outfit, but without the mask. Or the other way around, his MK3 outfit with a mask. You could add the scar on his face, but on whichever side of his face you want, including both. You could even give it/them whichever color(s) you'd want.

Other examples would be removing Li Mei's gauntlets when she wears her primary MKD outfit, or her bandana, or giving Mokap's balls a different color each, or even remove them altogether. Johnny Cage could have a variety of shades to wear, or you could choose to not wear any at all. Kitana could have different looking fans, who either don't change her gameplay at all, or only minimally.

For single player, you could decide what each characters would wear when you fight them, though they'd all have a default outfit (or color for mirror matches). You could reset everything back to default if you wanted.

Finally, every accessories and pieces of clothing would be available in every colors. Even a few other things, like Scorpion's flames and Sub-Zero's projectile, could be customizable. What do you think?
01/09/2014 12:16 AM (UTC)
MK should absolutely start having customization options for characters. That's something MK has really been behind the times on.

I'd love to buy customizables in The Krypt.
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01/09/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
That's definitely something they should get on. A few accessories here and they could add a lot to the experience
01/10/2014 05:15 PM (UTC)
Feel free to come up with ideas for accessories, people.

To expend on a idea I suggested in my OP, gameplay-changing accessories. The changes in question wouldn't have to be drastic.

For example, Stryker: He'd have a wise selection of guns, but he could only have one at a time. Like a shotgun, which would be more powerful than both of his pistols combined, or a magnum, which would be even more powerful, but the recoil would knock Stryker backwards a bit, and his uzi from MK3. All the guns could change his victory pose too. The guns' designs, and even the sound effects could be customizable. I'd love to be able to hear a shotgun blast from a 80s movie, like Terminator. Damn, those were intense.

Some ideas for Drahmin: A hockey mask, and a mask based on a certain narcissist from another series of fighting games, Kabal's, various hairstyles for his head (including Kabal's), a fedora hat, a striped sweater, trousers, working boots, a bag (worn on his head) and pins (all over his head, thus incompatible with any of his masks).

Moloch: A bowling ball to replace his chain ball, a basketball, flowers to replace the chain, a baseball glove with a large ball glued on it, and a special kind of sunglasses that cover all three of his eyes.

Kintaro: You could customize the head of whoever Kintaro butchers in his intro. You can design it to be of any race (including all of MK's non-human ones) or gender. It could be a familiar character, including Kintaro himself. You can set it so that in each of Kintaro's intros, he rips a different person's/creature's head off. Kintaro's own head would also be customizable, and you could choose between his classic mug, from the old games, his recent tiger-esque one, or a full-blown tiger's head. For clothes, a karate gi.

Finally (for now), Goro. You could decide whether he should have two pectoral muscles, or four. Hell, you could even only give him three. You could remove the upper pecs, and only keep the lower ones, or only have one pec per section. and they could all be given a different color each.
01/10/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
One customization option I'd love to see is the ability to change a character's intro and outro. In MK9 every character had an intro pose, and a victory pose. For MK10 there should be more of those intros and outro a for characters. For example:

Scorpion could have a new intro as his default. But he could also have the option to switch back to his MK9 intro. Or he could have his outro be the one from MK9, but also have his outro from Armageddon where he pulls the camera and kicks it away. Each character should have at least 3 intros and outros.

Also, I think the customization options should be strictly cosmetic. Nothing that affects gameplay.
01/11/2014 12:31 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
One customization option I'd love to see is the ability to change a character's intro and outro. In MK9 every character had an intro pose, and a victory pose. For MK10 there should be more of those intros and outro a for characters. For example:

Scorpion could have a new intro as his default. But he could also have the option to switch back to his MK9 intro. Or he could have his outro be the one from MK9, but also have his outro from Armageddon where he pulls the camera and kicks it away. Each character should have at least 3 intros and outros.

Also, I think the customization options should be strictly cosmetic. Nothing that affects gameplay.

I like your ideas. Though, they should feel free to add as many intros and outros as they want, not just three.

More ideas for customization

Quan Chi: Pins on his head might actually suit him more than Drahmin, especially if they came with a leather robe, but there's no reason certain characters couldn't share accessories.

Motaro; in the arcade version of MK3's intro, we saw various centaurs, including one with long hair. No reason that couldn't be an optional feature for his head. Players could make his upper human half look more like that of an actual human, of any ethnicity you want, and his horse half's fur and hooves could be any colors you want. The features from his MKA alt such as the paintings are of course a must.

Kitana and Jade: While Kitana's been white in most of her appearances, in MKVDCU, she was Asian, and I personally liked it. You should be able to choose between the two ethnicities. Same for Jade, though I admit I'm bringing her up mostly because in MKD, she looked white.

Johnny Cage: He should have all the accessories needed to resemble various fictional characters, especially those of movies.

Kano: You should be able to move his implant to the left, or even give him two implants, though only one could fire a lazer, or remove the metallic eye altogether (while maintaining the ability to shoot a lazer). You could choose to make him bald, to combine every single one of his previous designs together, or to shave any parts of his body, even the entirety of it. Two other accessories would include his lock of Sonya's hair from MK:DA, and a red wig with pig tails.

Mileena: Various veils and masks with different imagery on them. One with an exact replica of her mouth, others with some goofy or creepy mouths drawn on them, etc.

Blood: yes, even that should be customizable, in every colors.
01/11/2014 04:46 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I like your ideas. Though, they should feel free to add as many intros and outros as they want, not just three.

Absolutely. I'm saying 3 should be the bare minimum, I'd love if they had more.
01/12/2014 05:33 PM (UTC)
A good idea that should be taken into consideration for the next MK.

If I may about a wide range of weaponry? Any Kombatant could use any weapon. As long as they don't pull the weapon out of thin air. The weapon must be attached to the character in some way. A holster, sheath, belt, etc.
01/12/2014 07:12 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
A good idea that should be taken into consideration for the next MK.

If I may about a wide range of weaponry? Any Kombatant could use any weapon. As long as they don't pull the weapon out of thin air. The weapon must be attached to the character in some way. A holster, sheath, belt, etc.

Great idea. And to further expand on it, certain, if not all characters should use the same weapon(s) differently from one another. Shao Kahn's hammer, for anyone much physically weaker than the emperor himself, would be heavy, and they'd have to drag it around like James Sunderland in Silent Hill 2 did with Pyramid Head's great knife. Some would start the fight with it already in their hands, and they'd have to leave it on the ground if they wanted more mobility.

Jade and Stryker however, could use one another's respective weapons (staff and nightstick) similarly, seeing as they (the weapons) are precisely that, a bit similar.

Giving armed characters a weapon other than their own could cost them some of their special moves, however. But on the other hand, some weapons, could leave them with new special moves to replace the lost ones, and perhaps even new fatalities. Suffice to say that without their respective weapons, Jade and Stryker would be a bit limited, but a few others, like Johnny Cage's nunchaku, could make suitable replacements.

To conclude, what you said about characters not pulling a weapon out of thin air, if it's something that can't be plausibly attached to them, they should start the fight with said weapon(s) already in their hands, as if they found it prior to the fight. Thing is, some characters in the latest games have actually made their weapons appear magically. Shao Kahn's hammer is never attached to him, he always make it appear in his hand. If "equipped" with a different weapon, he could do the same. And in the case of Frost and Sub-Zero, even borrowed weapons could be made of ice, so when "pulling them out", they essentially just materialize them with their powers.

So essentially, some characters could make their weapons appear out of nowhere, while others would have them attached or already wield them in their hands when the fight starts.
01/12/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
No because then they would start selling accessories as DLC. give us all costumes in the first instance of the game.
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01/12/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
hankypanky1 Wrote:
No because then they would start selling accessories as DLC. give us all costumes in the first instance of the game.

Holy shit I ... er... agree(?)

I got the idea after completing MKD konquest when unlocking Shujinko's special moves, of something similar. Also if implemented like the relic hunt of MKA it could work. I wanted to unlock options for moves for the KAF by finding relics.
01/15/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)
hankypanky1 Wrote:
No because then they would start selling accessories as DLC. give us all costumes in the first instance of the game.

Like they wouldn't sell costumes as DLC as well? I would love multiple customizable outfits for each character. As Injustice proved, there will be plenty of costumes with the game, and plenty for Paid DLC if people are interested.
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