a storyline for sareena in the next game. . .
posted05/10/2013 05:28 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/28/2010 04:19 AM (UTC)
let me know what you think.

once a personnal assassin for quan chi, sareena's essence was banished to the fifth plane of the netherrealm by shinnok for betraying him and quan chi many years ago, causing her human form to be destroyed. after years of suffering and roaming the netherrealm, sareena discovers a portal that was used by shinnok to invade edenia during his invasion of the realms. she enters the portal and finds herself in the middle of the battle. not knowing what side she faught for, sareena was attacked by a blue cyborg with the ability to freeze. she found this warrior similar to sub zero, the man she risked her life for and sacrificed her human form for many years ago. another portal was opening up and before the blue cyborg could get another swing on sareena, she grabbed him and jumped thru the portal. after jumping thru the unknown portal, the blue cybord stopped attacking and sareena's human essence was restored. after a brief pause, sareena asked "sub-zero?" the blue cyborg replied, " i'm kuai liang, sub zero was my brother." before the conversation could continue, a blast of thunder and lightning appered. out of the sky came raiden. "sub-zero, sareena, come with me. i will explain everything later." a portal is opened, and raiden brings the two warriors into battle in MORTAL KOMBAT.
05/06/2013 10:31 PM (UTC)
Um... This makes no sense. Many reasons why too.

First off, how in the world would Sareena believe that cyborg Sub-Zero is the Sub-Zero she once knew? I mean, yeah it's a cyborg that whips out ice powers to attack but it could have anything. Secondly, Kuai Liang took his brother's identity, so he would too be known as Sub-Zero, despite that in the past he was known as something else. Thirdly, Sub-Zero, even in cyborg form, is undead. He would be in this state for the next game since we saw all of the Earthrealm warriors that were killed in the Netherrealm with Quan Chi who has a plan with Shinnok that will eventually get told in the next game. I doubt he would actually talk, let alone remember his own brother in an undead, mind-controlled state.

I'm not trying to be a bitch, but this really made no sense to me. Sorry.
05/07/2013 05:37 AM (UTC)
It's too rushed and unsubtle. Icebaby's points are all valid. I would also point out that she doesn't just automatically turn human the moment she leaves the Netherealm, she has to either deliberately feed on living energy to use that power (which she didn't know she could do until Deadly Alliance, so it hasn't happened yet in this timeline and she'd have to re-learn it), or have a spell cast on her by Quan Chi.

On the bright side, at least you didn't try to characterize her as evil or pair her with Bi-Han. I hate when people do that. Kinda misses the point of the character.
05/07/2013 12:54 PM (UTC)
no i know it needs more work haha, and yea it is kinda rushed it was just ideas i had pop in my head and i wrote it down. . .gotta get back to the drawing board tongue
05/07/2013 05:04 PM (UTC)
irishdude733 Wrote:
no i know it needs more work haha, and yea it is kinda rushed it was just ideas i had pop in my head and i wrote it down. . .gotta get back to the drawing board tongue

It's not bad to jot things down like right as soon as you thought it out. Heck, I do that too. Keep working at it, you'll have something good!
05/10/2013 05:28 PM (UTC)
Sareena, a deadly foe with a demonic past...

After many years serving under Quan Chi, Sareena sees her chance to break free from the Neatherrealm. Amidst the chaos of the war, Sareena uses a portal to escape the hell she was banished to only to find herself in the presence of the thunder god Raiden. Given the chance to prove herself, Sareena vows to aid the Forces of Light in their struggle to defeat Shinnock and Quan Chi.....until he showed up.
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