A Smashing Pumpkins soundtrack for a future MK game?
posted05/10/2006 10:09 PM (UTC)by
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04/23/2006 02:34 AM (UTC)
Okay, The Smashing Pumpkins fit MK with their music, trust me, MK's main menu needs a soundtrack from this band, their music has a mythology/MK sound to it, so for the arcade just have written pieces by the former writters of the music, but for the main menu, they should have a soundtrack from this band.

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05/06/2006 06:46 AM (UTC)
Dude, I live in Chicago, and here, you can't go a week without hearing some rumor about the Pumpkins getting back together. But until now it hasn't happened. But, let's grant the premise here, just for the sake of argument...

The Pumpkins reunited, play Lollapalooza, do some reunion shows and then settle down. But they don't want to go through the stress and rigors of making a new album and resurrecting the good name of one of a very solid 90's band. So they decide on a small project. A videogame soundtrack. It'll get their new music out there without having to do a whole album or even promote the songs, as the videogame promotes the music for them.

Okay, so barring how unrealistic that it, we're still back to your question. A Smashing Pumpkins soundtrack for a future MK game? It depends on which Pumpkins era you're talking about. I'm assuming it's not the "long hair, today is the greatest day, tonight tonight, uppity happy" Smashing Pumpkins but rather the "we're so goth, Lost Highway, Billy Corgan looks like one of those evil guys from Dark City" Smashing Pumpkins. Nevermind that Corgan's music has gone away from that since he's been in Zwan.

The problem here is that Billy Corgan's voice doesn't fit with the dark, foreboding, industrial sound that MK has had recently or the techno sound of the movies, or even the small bits of old asian music. If we're just talking instrumental, it's possible, but I could think of better fits than the Pumpkins. How about Nine Inch Nails? Trent Reznor has done numerous video game soundtracks, and I think that he can mix right in with any of the MK sounds. As far as instrumental, he can do techno, he can do industrial (duh) and he can do hardcore guitar riffs.

Personally, I hope that MK goes in more of a mystical direction with MK8. I liked the gong, I'd like to see more unconventional instruments used to make a more asian sounding ambient musical score. I'd also like to see a sort of operatic element in there as well. So I'm kind of divided. When I say operatic, I mean something along the lines of "Navras" by Juno Reactor. Or at least the first two minutes. Something like that would be cool for the opening sequence.

I guess I'm just not sure what Smashing Pumpkins you're talking about. Light hearted grunge? Goth? Or a newer Zwan type of sound? All I'll say is that they better not make a video with the Pumpkins like they did with Adema. That was just hideous and unbelievably corny. Definitely one of the more useless extras in MK:DA (which is saying alot considering the 20 or so pictures of Carlos Pesina holding a stick or fake hook swords).
05/06/2006 12:16 PM (UTC)
But, there is one song that should be on here, and it is 1979, it has a perfect voice for MK and a good instrumental beat for MK. Also, his voice fits well with MK with this song, this is when they were kind of goth like, in 1995, trust me the song fits wellwink
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05/09/2006 04:50 AM (UTC)
I'm an avid fan of the Pumpkins (YAY), and I honestly can't say that their sound would be good for an MK game. Billy Corgan, however, would write an amazing score - was it Stigmata he did the soundtrack for? If it's the one I'm thinking of, it was damn good.

I could see, however:

Marilyn Manson (Listen to the Resident Evil soundtrack - his style would be perfect)

Also, Trent Reznoror or Raymond Watts.
05/09/2006 11:05 PM (UTC)
1979 would be a great song, you can't argue about that, it has the perfect sound and voice of Billy Corgan for MK.wink
05/10/2006 09:47 PM (UTC)
I am a big Pumpkins fan but I love all the MK tunes (bar the movies) that have been out over the last decade and a half. Dan Forden and co have done an excellent job and I hope they keep doing it.
05/10/2006 10:07 PM (UTC)
Don't get me wrong Keith, I like MK tunes that Dan Forden wrote, but what I was thinking is that you could unlock a soundtrack in the krypt/vault or whatever they are going to have in the future, and choose at the options screen, MK Tunes or Smashing Pumpkins soundtrackwink
05/10/2006 10:09 PM (UTC)
Don't get me wrong Keith, I like MK tunes that Dan Forden wrote, but what I was thinking is that you could unlock a soundtrack in the krypt/vault or whatever they are going to have in the future, and choose at the options screen, MK Tunes or Smashing Pumpkins soundtrackwink
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