A single worry about the DLC
posted03/21/2015 09:53 AM (UTC)by
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02/18/2006 09:10 PM (UTC)
So now we know that Tanya and Tremor are coming and with awesome new looks! Using MK9 DLC as an assumption we can expect them to be fully playable characters that have 3 playable variations with their own unique special moves, a couple of fatalities each, an arcade ending, probably just a single costume and a couple of Brutalities.

All of that sounds great and I can't wait to play as them but there is one thing I'm unsure of and slightly worried about which is whether they'll speak or not.

As we all know, one of the best things about MKX is the new intros in which the characters speak to each other which gives everyone a bit of added personality and depth. The DLC in MK9 didn't speak at all and back then all that was needed was a single line of speaking considering they had one intro and didn't speak to anyone in particular. But since the MKX DLC is coming after the game is finished and all the main game voice actors are well done with their work on the game, I'm worried that Tanya and Tremor will miss out on the character building the others get and will receive the silent treatment.

Unless this was all planned months ago and the main game voice actors have already recorded parts for the DLC, I don't think we'll get specific character interactions like Tremor VS Kano "Hey what's up Black Dragon buddy?" or Tanya Vs Shinnok because that would mean re-hiring all the voice actors again to record a couple of new lines which is very unlikely.

We know that there are a couple of generic lines the characters say like Reptile's "I will eat your flesh" that can be said to and answered by more than one character so maybe the DLC will have some of those and the existing characters will just say a generic thing back.

I think everyone hopes they'll speak, but do you think they actually will? Thoughts?
03/21/2015 08:42 AM (UTC)
I don't think we need to worry
All the dlc characters in injustice had voice actors and had character specific dialogue in their clash animations

I'm just hoping they get alt costumes this time
03/21/2015 08:44 AM (UTC)
aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
I don't think we need to worry
All the dlc characters in injustice had voice actors and had character specific dialogue in their clash animations

I'm just hoping they get alt costumes this time

Oh did they? Sweet! Didn't know that, thanks.
That gives me more hope that we'll get some nice Character development for these two then. NICE!
03/21/2015 08:51 AM (UTC)
I REALLY hope so. And would assume that they will. Maybe only one intro per match-up, but they have to at least have some.

They did say Jason wouldn't speak though, but that's because he never does. I wonder how that intro will work.
03/21/2015 09:01 AM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure all of them except Jason will talk.
03/21/2015 09:40 AM (UTC)
Does predator talk? Doesn't him imitate or something? That may make for something interesting

Tremor was black dragon right? Him and kano may have some interesting conversations

Dying to see Tanya interactions with her fellow edenians

It's her first time with a voice actress I believe, unless you count deceptions conquest, which I don't
03/21/2015 09:45 AM (UTC)
She was voiced in her Mk 4/gold ending with that bitch laugh.

And yes, her konquest mode voice count ad well.
03/21/2015 09:49 AM (UTC)
The only ones that I think won't talk is Jason and Predator.

Jason never speaks and IIRC, doesn't Predator only growl and roar? I think they can imitate human language.
Correct me if I am wrong if needed.
03/21/2015 09:53 AM (UTC)
All of them have already been recorded and will talk is my guess.

But even if they haven't recorded yet it'll be like Martian Manhunter in Injustice, he still has multiple intro and clash dialog with every character. They even got his voice actor from the Justice League.

Jason will always be silent tho, is my guess. Predators kinda up in the air too.
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