A new tarkatan after Baraka
posted07/29/2015 07:04 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
With Baraka dead by D'Vorah, along with Mileena dead too, I think its about time a new Tarkatan takes over.

Someone that is intelligent, but from what I see in this one, he won't serve Kotal Kahn but another evil.

Plus Baraka's moveset will be given to him/her.

Any ideas?
07/19/2015 12:17 AM (UTC)
I think they're more likely to resurrect Baraka if anything. The Tarkatans are kind of one trick ponies.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

07/19/2015 12:29 AM (UTC)
I'd just like if Baraka was resurrected later down the line. He doesn't have to show up next game, but MKXII would be a nice comeback for him to show up and start stabbing again.

Admitally when I was a young kid I've made an OC donut steel Tarkatan that was more of a powerhouse ala Torr style back in the day. If they were to make a new Tarkatan I'd like to see something like that or the very least a female Tarkatan like the female in Baraka's MK9 ending.
In spite of wanting Baraka in this game I'd rather they introduce a New Tarkatan for the future.

Someone thats quick lean and agile.
07/19/2015 03:52 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see him brought back as a Revenant, how cool would Revenant Baraka be?
07/19/2015 12:57 PM (UTC)
I suppose bringing Baraka back AND introducing a new Tarkatan is completely inconceivable, right?

Anyway, I want that female Tarkatan from Baraka's MK9 ending as a playable character.
07/19/2015 03:04 PM (UTC)
Baraka is already an established trademark name. I doubt they will replace him with a new tarkatan. Not to mention he is a MK2 charachter.

He is a revenant probably now too.
07/19/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
dipshit Wrote:
Baraka is already an established trademark name. I doubt they will replace him with a new tarkatan. Not to mention he is a MK2 charachter.

He is a revenant probably now too.

I wouldn't want him brought back as a revenant.

I agree with a Tarkatan being fast and agile.
07/19/2015 04:54 PM (UTC)
The only way I could of seen a new Tarkartan being sufficient or successful would be if Baraka and Mileena had a child, as it's the way they may breed. The offspring wouldn't have any expectations to live up to, like a common Tarkartan because Baraka and Mileena are well renowned, but both have been slain. He/she would of been of more importance than just another hand picked regular Tarkartan because he/she would of been heir to be superior of the entire Tarkartan tribe because of his/her guardians. I don't think Baraka or Mileena would care about their offspring or a substitute though because they are immensely savage and don't know each other.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/19/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
Since their individuality was ruined when they just made the Tarkata exact copies of each other, who cares about Baraka? They can put the same character back in the game, call him Rabaki, and it wouldn't even matter. Same character, same story, different name. Problem solved.
What about a guy with an actual katar style?

When the Kombat Kast joked about Erron`s Tarkatana being Baraka`s, I joked about Cyber Arm Baraka. Though Kotal seems to provide it during a cutscene in the market ambush from generics.

Baraka DLC, with Klassic Gold ``staples`` kostume would fit with Quan & Lao`s kurrent theme.

07/20/2015 01:54 AM (UTC)
They could easily just say in the next game that the Tarkatan we saw die wasn't actually Baraka and he was just pulling the decoy stunt he pulled in the Deception ending. Seeing how all Tarkatan's look a like.

What a shame that NRS didn't decide to at least capitalize a little bit on what we saw in his ending from 2011 and diversify them a little bit.
07/20/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Since their individuality was ruined when they just made the Tarkata exact copies of each other, who cares about Baraka? They can put the same character back in the game, call him Rabaki, and it wouldn't even matter. Same character, same story, different name. Problem solved.

Did you really think they'd bother individualizing nameless random Tarkatas?

And if they're so lacking in individuality, then why did we see those different-looking Tarkatas in Baraka's MK9 ending?
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/20/2015 02:07 PM (UTC)
We didn't see any of those Tarkata from Baraka's MK9 ending in MKX. Baraka has been dead to me since they made every Tarkata a duplicate if him in Deception. MK9 rectified that by introducing those NPC Tarkata in the Challenge tower. But the fact that they all have the same "Ability" with blade arms and they're all just savage monsters...meh. Baraka doesn't even stand out from the pack. He was unique when they introduced him in MK2, he was meh afterward.
07/20/2015 02:21 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
We didn't see any of those Tarkata from Baraka's MK9 ending in MKX. Baraka has been dead to me since they made every Tarkata a duplicate if him in Deception. MK9 rectified that by introducing those NPC Tarkata in the Challenge tower. But the fact that they all have the same "Ability" with blade arms and they're all just savage monsters...meh. Baraka doesn't even stand out from the pack. He was unique when they introduced him in MK2, he was meh afterward.

So you really did expect NRS to individualize random Tarkatas.

All the raptors in Reptile's MK9 ending looked the same too.

The nameless Shokan in Kitana's MK:DA ending looked exactly the same as Goro. Does that mean only Kintaro, Sheeva and King Gorbak look different from him?

The Seidan NPCs in MKD's Konquest mode looked largely the same.

As did the monks in MKM's first mission. And the Black Dragon thugs in MKA's Konquest mode, as well as Sektor's Tekunin flunkies, and Noob Saibot's minions.

But you expect random Tarkata to be oh-so different from Baraka in looks and abilities.
07/20/2015 08:42 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
We didn't see any of those Tarkata from Baraka's MK9 ending in MKX. Baraka has been dead to me since they made every Tarkata a duplicate if him in Deception. MK9 rectified that by introducing those NPC Tarkata in the Challenge tower. But the fact that they all have the same "Ability" with blade arms and they're all just savage monsters...meh. Baraka doesn't even stand out from the pack. He was unique when they introduced him in MK2, he was meh afterward.

So you really did expect NRS to individualize random Tarkatas.

All the raptors in Reptile's MK9 ending looked the same too.

The nameless Shokan in Kitana's MK:DA ending looked exactly the same as Goro. Does that mean only Kintaro, Sheeva and King Gorbak look different from him?

The Seidan NPCs in MKD's Konquest mode looked largely the same.

As did the monks in MKM's first mission. And the Black Dragon thugs in MKA's Konquest mode, as well as Sektor's Tekunin flunkies, and Noob Saibot's minions.

But you expect random Tarkata to be oh-so different from Baraka in looks and abilities.

I can see where he is coming from. It would have been nice if NRS, when approaching the Tarkatan had remembered they were mutants, and hadn't approached them as if they were creatures who endured a natural and steady progressive evolution and giving them all have the exact same physical traits and attributes.

That way, the arm blades as they are with Baraka would have remained unique and so would Baraka. NRS could still turn this situation around.

But we all know that isn't going to happen don't we. Too much work on things that aren't the gore or fighting.
And I know the one thing they should be focusing on the most is the fighting. And because this is a post 2011 world I agree. But these guys still get off saying they are big time story tellers for the fighting game genre. So i can still call them out on their laziness when it comes to the story and "lore".
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/21/2015 02:40 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
We didn't see any of those Tarkata from Baraka's MK9 ending in MKX. Baraka has been dead to me since they made every Tarkata a duplicate if him in Deception. MK9 rectified that by introducing those NPC Tarkata in the Challenge tower. But the fact that they all have the same "Ability" with blade arms and they're all just savage monsters...meh. Baraka doesn't even stand out from the pack. He was unique when they introduced him in MK2, he was meh afterward.

So you really did expect NRS to individualize random Tarkatas.

All the raptors in Reptile's MK9 ending looked the same too.

The nameless Shokan in Kitana's MK:DA ending looked exactly the same as Goro. Does that mean only Kintaro, Sheeva and King Gorbak look different from him?

The Seidan NPCs in MKD's Konquest mode looked largely the same.

As did the monks in MKM's first mission. And the Black Dragon thugs in MKA's Konquest mode, as well as Sektor's Tekunin flunkies, and Noob Saibot's minions.

But you expect random Tarkata to be oh-so different from Baraka in looks and abilities.

Still missing the point entirely.

Read Onaga's response. And if you still don't get it...sorry man. The butthurt will subside eventually.
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

07/28/2015 04:14 AM (UTC)
While I agree that the storytelling inconsistencies, plot holes and corner cutting are becoming more of s detriment as this series has moved on from 90's arcade game with a knock off Enter the Dragon story developed by five dudes to mammoth production with the biggest story mode in the genre, it's safe to say that they're still not quite "there" yet with the story.

Id you want to expect more, and we should, then part of doing that is realizing that your anger or frustration is to your own detriment. If affects your ability to enjoy something much more than it affects the people making the game.

Regardless, as far as Baraka goes, I'd personally like to see him stay out of MKX (no DLC). Then, for the next game, introduce a new Tarkatan. A strong, brutish, but cunning leader that makes the Tarkatan in to a legit faction with their own goals and allies.

I'd say give this female character a unique looking arm blade on one arm and a cyber arm with a collapsible sword that can be spun. Give this character a unique move set and s cool story about how a once defeated Tarkatan, abandoned after being beatly killed, was able to not only return, but take control of this group of bloodthirsty savages (perhaps with some help).

You then have Revenant Baraka return as s hidden (super! lol) unlockable character. He's got a black cloak and hood to obscure his forehead scar and chest scar.

He's allied himself in death willingly to Liu Kang and Kitana, who want his Tarkatan horde on their side. So he must choose his horde or his allies, and what he'll do to gain control of them, but also if this woman Tarkatan is a true enemy and who she's allied with.

So yeah, two Tarkatans in MKXI. That's how I'd do it.
It`s ethnic cleansing, getting rid of the non-humans.

First Motaro n the Centaurs, then the Shokan get decimated in the comic, and the Tarkatan`s leaders have been offed with a number of generics.

Maybe it`s to add in new races.
Don`t want the game too cluttered with the Outworld U.N.
Not everybody gets fair representation.

07/28/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
So, before Shao Kahn invaded Baraka's "realm" and stuff, the Tarkatans were a mix between Outworld citizens and Netherrealm demons. My head canon was that they couldn't control the Tarkatans at first and they laid waste to a big part of Outworld(the so called Wastelands) until Shang Tsung added a bit of Oni Warlord to Baraka, making him more intelligent and capable of controlling the horde.
07/28/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
Eh, I'd rather just have Baraka. To me the problem with having a new tarkatan is that it'll just seem like a Baraka rip off. I don't wanna see the Jarek or Kira of tarkatans, only now much bigger and with spinning blades and whatever other gimmicks take the place of the king himself. I think NRS has kinda walked themselves into a hole story wise with almost every character belonging to an entire race or faction of similar looking creatures/people. I know this trend isn't new and wasn't started in MKX, but it has certainly reached its peak in MKX. Like why not have a new Zatarren (sp?), a new Tarkatan, another Shokan, another special forces military tech dude, another bug person, a new lin kuei assassin, fuck it another Ferra/torr since there is a long lost race of them too apparently, the list goes on and on. Like these characters used to be special or could have been special because they were so different and unique, but now there is an endless supply of all of them. And I don't care if their race is extinct, NRS could easily find a way to include a new character or just retcon their story that they don't seem to give a fuck about anyway.

Like this will probably be a shitty example, but to me any new Tarkatan, or Zatteran, or whatever will feel like a Shemp from three stooges type of deal. Like you have this new stooge who fits the mold of the three stooges, same look and comedy style and whatever, but he just doesn't fit. For whatever reason, maybe he doesn't have the story history or since he wasn't part of the original he forever comes off like a trying too hard wanna be, but whatever the reason he just doesn't fit. A CappaDonna from the Wu Tang clan would also be a good, and slightly more recent example

Maybe I am off base here or lookin at things the wrong way, I dunno. I'm not totally against a new Tarkatan and for all I know it could turn out really cool and be the best way to really progress the story.
07/29/2015 04:07 PM (UTC)
And why would a new Tarkata be a Baraka rip-off, Spaceman? Have every new human characters been rip-offs of old ones? The female Tarkata's blades in Baraka's MK9 ending seemed different from his, and there was another male one that seemed bigger and had more spikes on his arms, so I don't believe individualizing Tarkatas would be Mission: Impossible.

Anyway, if we ever get a female Tarkata, make her freaky like a Tarkata should be. Don't make her look more human than Baraka, since we've already got Mileena who looks almost completely human/edenian.
07/29/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
With Baraka dead by D'Vorah, along with Mileena dead too, I think its about time a new Tarkatan takes over.

Someone that is intelligent, but from what I see in this one, he won't serve Kotal Kahn but another evil.

Plus Baraka's moveset will be given to him/her.

Any ideas?

So let me get this straight, you want a brand new Tarkatan character but give him and/or her Baraka's move set?

Okay, genius. I never would have thought about that one. A brand new character, just don't give them anything new, move wise.
07/29/2015 07:04 PM (UTC)
I hope Liu Kang stays dead and we get a new Shaolin Monk that can throw fireballs, do flying kicks and bicycle kicks next time.

Do you guys think maybe they will unmerge Edenia from Outworld in Xi? Then we could get a new princess that uses fans. That would be cool.

I hope we get a new guy to usurp Kotal next game. Some strong dude wearing a skull helmet and wielding an hammer. He could do shoulder tackles and stuff. That would be cool!
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