posted07/06/2006 01:03 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/05/2006 09:10 AM (UTC)
If you were writing a spanky nu game, what characters would be in your game? Who would be the final boss? What rivalries would begin/continue? Who would be bumped off? and what would be your big ending? Cant wait to read your ideas. Heres my go:
Main Characters: Raiden, Fujin, Shinnok, Scorpion, Sub z, Reptile, Lei Mei, Baraka, Shao Kahn, Lucifer, Kung Lao.

Shinnok, after witnessing Shujinkos death at the hands of Raiden, sees his oportunity to strike after remaining dorment for so long. He makes a deal with Lucifer who helps him destroy anything left of the elder gods and absorbs their essence and powers to be used for evil...in return for a "payment" that is to be collected later. All relics of mystical origin were useless. (This removes Onaga as any sort of a threat) The mortals were alone.
Meanwhile Reptile awkens to find Lei Mei healing his wounds. Shao Kahn had sent a warrior to assasinate Reptile after displeasing him. Lei Mei discovered him barely alive. Reptile wanted revenge and Lei Mei wanted freedom for her people. A partnership was formed.
Shinnok then approaches the unstable Raiden in a vision, advising him to join him or die. He sees Earthrealm bursting into flames and molten rock and its inhabitants being slain and consumed. He refuses and, accompanied by Fujin, travels to the netherealm for Kombat.
Sub Zero travels to the Ice Caves to visit the resting place of Frost where Scorpion challenges him one last time. Baraka and a horde of Tarkatan fighters ambush them and, realising their feud is not important, they work together, slaying the hundreds of warriors with ease. They realised what a powerful faction they formed and so, an unbeatable alliance came to power. Fire and Ice. Ying and Yang.
After most of his followers had abandoned him to serve Shinnok, Reptile and Lei Mei practically walked up to Shao Kahn and challenged him. All 3 near death, Lei Mei refused to back down due to her stubborness after what she considered a "humiliating" rescue by Bo Rai Cho. Although thankful to her Master she needed to prove herself. Reptile remained evasive until he saw an opportunity whereas Lei Mei went for a constant attack. Kahn swung his hammer, connecting with Lei Meis face - killing her instantly. Reptile saw his chance and swung his tail knocking Kahn down. He dug his claws into Kahns shoulders. Pinning him down, he grins gushing green acid down onto Kahns face, slowly dissolving skin and tissue, leaving the skull. Turning his head he clamps his fangs into the bone, crushing the skull as brains and blood pour onto the floor. FATALITY! The freedom Lei Mei didnt have in life, she found in death.

A fading Raidens eyes glow red as Shinnok delivers a final devastating blow before preparing for a Brutality. Raiden, now standing, buzzes with power preparing to end this once and for all, grabs Shinnoks throat and tightens his grip until Shinnoks eyes also turn red, but not with power...Raiden falls to the floor after a sharp blow to the head. Fujin stands over him(1st boss). Filling up with rage Raiden looks over to a grinning Shinnok. "Not everyone is as foolish as you Lord Raiden" he mocks. The wind howled as it lifted Raiden into the air. Fujin Raises his blade aiming it at Raiden. Raiden falls to the ground and watches Fujins head roll across the floor. Kung Lao steps forward adjusting his hat. Shinnok stands in disbelief. A smile creeps across Raidens face.

Theres a low rumble from the ground. A voice whispers in Shinnoks ears: "I think now is the time I collected my payment"

What do you think? I know, not great but its a cliffhanger and its open for another game. And you dont know if the "payment" is good or bad news for Raiden. I like the new major powers: Scorpion and Sub Zero. Okay your turn..
07/06/2006 01:03 PM (UTC)
You're not allowed a thread in two forums simultaneously, so I'm closing this one, and leaving the one in the Fan Submission.
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