A new Cyborg creature...
posted04/21/2005 11:43 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/15/2003 03:46 AM (UTC)
The cyber-frost post has got me thinking...should the MK crew create a new type of Cyborg that is the equivilant to Cyrax or Sektor? If any of you guys have any new ideas about cyborg/Robot creatures, please post them here....thanks!
04/19/2005 05:12 PM (UTC)
As someone who's never really liked the cyborgs, I'd rather there were no more. But Sektor should make his overdue comeback in MK7 (I can bear one cyborg, and think he's the best), and I like Smoke's new, etheral form seen in the MKD alternate. Hopefully they expand on Smoke's new form, and develop him into his own character.

I liked the MKD concept art of what Sektor might have looked like (since he was originally announced), and hope they go with that. But, imo that should be it for robots/cyborgs.
04/20/2005 03:43 AM (UTC)
I think three is enough. The old Lin Kuei were responsible for creating the cyborgs Cyrax, Sektor, and Smoke. It has been a while since the clan had disbanded and the production of cybernetic ninjas have ceased, untill Sektor created the Tekunin.

Being a fan of the classic Mortal Kombat games that had the ancient chinese mythological feel to them, I am not very fond of the more modern characters such as the cyborgs and other characters like Kabal. But hey, the route of the story in Mortal Kombat is probably going to introduce a new cybernetic character.

I mean, Noob Saibot is hoping to create an army of cybernetic demons, and Sektor is out to lead a full scale assault on the newly formed Lin Kuei and bring a war to Sub-Zero. So it would make sense to see another cyborg.
04/21/2005 11:43 PM (UTC)
I'd only want another Cyborg if it looked totally different from Sektor and Cyrax.

I'd like to see a female tekunin warrior, or maybe a cyborg demon from Noob Saibots army that he created.
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