A New Chapter of Kombat
posted07/27/2006 12:50 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/07/2002 10:05 PM (UTC)
OK, I posted this on the wrong board a while ago, but I'm looking for feedback on my thoughts for a new Mortal Kombat, that would be a continuation of the series (I know Boon & Co. said they were going to break fully from the old story, but you know Scorp & Sub will probably be back, so I included them in my synopsis)...

tentatively titled "Mortal Kombat: Revolution" (no relation to the website!)
With the return of the Dragon King, Onaga, and the kamidogu which represent the six realms of existence housed within his chamber, universal chaos ensued as all six realms became one. This awakened The One Being, whose resurrection was foretold by long-lost ancient oracles to signal the end of all existence. It was also foretold that the One Being could be shattered again, but there would be no guarantee that the previous order of the universe would be regained. Having no choice, every remaining warrior (including would-be rulers such as Onaga, Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi) banded together in the ritual of Mortal Kombat, and barely prevailed, shattering the One Being's physical manifestation. However, it was a pyrrhic victory; only a small handful of warriors survived the attempt to restore order, and all took refuge on Seido, the only former fragment of the One Being to separate from the rest of his cosmic body. Seido bore no resemblance to the harsh police state it had once been, however; since Darrius' revolution, utter chaos reigned on that realm. That chaos reached a fever pitch as it ceased to exist on its own with the return of the One Being. Since his defeat, Seido's remaining natives have been engaged in constant conflict. Now, amidst all the strife, a new tournament emerges. At stake is the future of the only world in the new universe.

I haven't come up with new characters yet, cause that's a weak point for me, but here are some of the characters I thought of bringing back:

Hotaru: When the war against the One Being ends, Hotaru finds that his home world of Seido is the only one to emerge from the chaos. He returns to continue the duty of restoring order after Darrius' revolution creates enduring conflict, but finds that the Order of the Seidan Guard is no more. With no military force to back him up, Hotaru seeks the permission of Raiden, one of the only remaining gods in the universe, to invoke the rite of Mortal Kombat and be recognized as its champion. Instead, the thunder god agrees only to help Hotaru restore order on Seido. Despite this, the former guard goes on to proclaim himself champion of a new tournament that he hopes will bring some semblance of order to his once quiet realm.

Jax: With no home realm or government to report to, Jax takes refuge with the surviving mortals on Seido, where he finds chaos running rampant. Recognizing his military experience, Hotaru asks Jax to join his effort to restore order on the realm. Knowing of Hotaru's history and preferred tactics, Jax refuses, until he is persuaded by Raiden and Fujin. The Special Forces major settles on an uneasy truce with Hotaru, which he fully intends to break if he perceives the former Seidan guard to be using excessive force at any time.

Scorpion: Scorpion was instrumental in the defeat of Onaga. This enabled him to receive divine protection from Raiden in the fight against the One Being. With the defeat of the One Being, however, Raiden's influence over Scorpion expires. No longer a champion of the deceased Elder Gods, Scorpion seeks to return to the only home he has known since his murder, the Netherealm. However, it no longer exists, having merged into the cosmic body that was the One Being. With his nemesis, Quan Chi, having fallen in the war, the ninja specter no longer lives for vengeance. His new purpose is to use the tournament as a means to further fragment reality, in hopes of restoring his home realm.

Kung Lao: On Earthrealm, Kung Lao once spent his life in the service of his former group, the White Lotus Society, who were devout followers of Raiden. During the war against the One Being, however, the thunder god was unable to protect Kung Lao's fellow Shaolin monk, Liu Kang, who perished in the fight. As a result of this, Lao returns from that war with a different perspective, and turns his back on the Order of Light. When Raiden calls him to fight in a new tournament, he reluctantly accepts, making it clear that he does so only to honor the memory of his friend Liu Kang.

Sub-Zero: Sub-Zero is asked by the surviving gods of Earth to do his part to restore order to Seido after the war. The Lin Kuei grandmaster instead retires from fighting, preferring to train Lin Kuei members for future battles. This comparatively easy life is cut short when he is confronted by his former ally Smoke. Despite all of Sub-Zero's past efforts to help the elemental waif regain his sanity, Smoke instead unleashes turmoil on his former clan by carving a path of destruction through their ranks, killing many of Sub-Zero's students. Before the ice master can respond, Smoke disappears, leaving behind an invitation to meet him in single kombat in the midst of a new tournament...

In my story, I also bring back Noob Saibot as a solo sub-boss, I have Raiden & Fujin as tournament hosts (though not necessarily bosses - haven't worked that one out yet, I'm thinking probably powerful hidden characters), and a few more returning characters. I'll post more if anybody's interested.
07/27/2006 12:50 AM (UTC)
i can help you out with the carecter thing
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