A must read reguarding mk 7
posted11/22/2005 10:47 PM (UTC)by
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09/07/2005 04:41 AM (UTC)
so the x-box 360 will not support backwards capablities with mk5 and mksm only deception because m$ said that they would be only supporting greatest hits and big hits from the x-box so what if mk 7 is released on this gen everyone else will be busy on next gen and the worse case is if it is this gen i have a feeling it wont be backwards compatible for while so this would hurt midway very badly and i dont think there going to go this route so do u think this settles that mk 7 will indeed be on next gen concole?furious
11/15/2005 05:45 PM (UTC)
I think it should be on the next gen console because:

1) my PS2 is bust and I dont know how

2) the graphics will be alot better

3)get into the future now

and most of all

I wanna get 360 or ps3 with a mk game
11/15/2005 08:36 PM (UTC)
with the new hardware i bet the developers could have more room and could have fun putting in alot more stuff in the next game.

either way, if mortal kombat stays on these consoles i will still buy the game. it would be a logical choice however to move on to the next generation but we can't make that decision as fans.
11/15/2005 08:53 PM (UTC)
I don't feel the need to jump ahead onto the next gen systems just yet. I love my gamecube and the games for it. I play my x-box occasionally but my cube is great. The graphics are already superb! Games are at a great selection and everything is pretty fine as it is. I don't want to piss away €500 for a system that's just an upgrade of a previous one.

Though I must say I am looking forward to Nintendo's revolution. Cheap, different, compact.
11/16/2005 12:48 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
I don't feel the need to jump ahead onto the next gen systems just yet. I love my gamecube and the games for it. I play my x-box occasionally but my cube is great. The graphics are already superb! Games are at a great selection and everything is pretty fine as it is. I don't want to piss away €500 for a system that's just an upgrade of a previous one.

Though I must say I am looking forward to Nintendo's revolution. Cheap, different, compact.

I like what the previous user said. I don't see the need to jump to next-gen consoles just yet. Matter of fact, it will be easier on our pocket books to just stick this game out with a current gen game. wow
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"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

11/16/2005 05:16 AM (UTC)
shadowcat Wrote:
so the x-box 360 will not support backwards capablities with mk5 and mksm only deception because m$ said that they would be only supporting greatest hits and big hits from the x-box so what if mk 7 is released on this gen everyone else will be busy on next gen and the worse case is if it is this gen i have a feeling it wont be backwards compatible for while so this would hurt midway very badly and i dont think there going to go this route so do u think this settles that mk 7 will indeed be on next gen concole?furious

Periods kick ass.

How would this hurt midway? If it's sold for the current system, played on the current, by people who own the current system, how would this hurt Midway? Making a shitty fighter, is what hurts Midway. Period.
11/17/2005 05:19 PM (UTC)
you all are poor if you cant afford a next generation console...... seriouslyconfused
11/17/2005 06:16 PM (UTC)
MKungLao Wrote:
you all are poor if you cant afford a next generation console...... seriouslyconfused

Well we can't all be spoiled rich kids, can we?

I think if MK7comes out any time soon, it should be for current gen platforms, PS2 and Xbox. Like people have said, there will be more chance of people buying it for systems they already have (if the game is good in the first place), plus launch games for new systems often aren't that great.

MK7should be current gen, which would give Midway more time to learn the ins and outs of making games for the new systems (maybe releasing a different title to do this) then make a next gen MK once the new gen systems are fully established with the public and the older ones phased out more or less. Plus it'll avoid the mistake they made with MKG, releasing a big new MK title on a new gen system that didn't really succeed.
11/17/2005 11:31 PM (UTC)
Ok..... to all you retaarded people out there going, it should be on the next gen, the next gen!!! F**K that, why would u wanna buy a $400 game consule which is going to be just the same as the x-box... theres no real difference... you guys are retarded... think about it.. a $50 game for mk7 or lets pay $450 for a x-box 360 and mk7... wow there goes a shit load of ur money... hate to live in your house, wouldnt have nehting to do.. but whatever, thats my opinion... bye bye
11/17/2005 11:32 PM (UTC)
Ok..... to all you retaarded people out there going, it should be on the next gen, the next gen!!! F**K that, why would u wanna buy a $400 game consule which is going to be just the same as the x-box... theres no real difference... you guys are retarded... think about it.. a $50 game for mk7 or lets pay $450 for a x-box 360 and mk7... wow there goes a shit load of ur money... hate to live in your house, wouldnt have nehting to do.. but whatever, thats my opinion... bye bye
11/18/2005 02:36 AM (UTC)
( to the guy above) Well 360 will boast better graphics, memory, loading, overall performance above the Xbox, that is why game consoles are upgraded. Why keep Windows 96 when four years down the road an easier, more modern, better computer in the Windows XP is out. Its all about upgrade, and of course not just the Xbox is taking one. I am not gonna talk about the whole tech specs because there is no need, if you want your proof just google it and compare the tech specs. I wouldn't buy a 360 just to play MK7, I'd buy it to play soon-to-be current games.

Personally I am a bit torn about the idea of MK7 on either the next or current gen. I mean I'd be all up to have it on current, bc then it wouldn't require me to buy a new system. But if MK7 wants a revamp, next gen is the answer. I mean I will get a new system anyway so there is something else. However, in my opinion I do think MK7 will take advantage and go for the new hardware. I mean if you look at it, for some reason I feel Nintendo will be screwed, and won't get MK7 at least not next year. Just my thought. I'm thinkin MK7 will be for next gen, 360 comes out in a few weeks, PS3 in a few months, plenty of time for it to have already been developed for the new systems. Therefore by next year when it is slated to be out, the 360 will most deffinitely be out for a year, and the PS3 just slightly under. If MK7 is to include brand new features and to host the largest roster, next gen would deffinitely be a great supporter. Either way, MK7 will kick some major ass.
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11/18/2005 07:50 AM (UTC)
TheSoulOfErmac Wrote: Why keep Windows 96 when four years down the road an easier, more modern, better computer in the Windows XP is out.

I don't remember a W96. Anyways, everything is better than XP unless Porfessional Servicepack 2 is on.
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11/18/2005 10:47 AM (UTC)
shadowcat Wrote:
so the x-box 360 will not support backwards capablities with mk5 and mksm only deception because m$ said that they would be only supporting greatest hits and big hits from the x-box so what if mk 7 is released on this gen everyone else will be busy on next gen and the worse case is if it is this gen i have a feeling it wont be backwards compatible for while so this would hurt midway very badly and i dont think there going to go this route so do u think this settles that mk 7 will indeed be on next gen concole?furious

Don't put must read in your title bar on pointless posts please, it annoys me greatly when I go into a thread expecting to find something worth reading and finding a pointess unpunctuated rant.
11/18/2005 04:39 PM (UTC)
TheSoulOfErmac Wrote:
( to the guy above) Well 360 will boast better graphics, memory, loading, overall performance above the Xbox, that is why game consoles are upgraded. Why keep Windows 96 when four years down the road an easier, more modern, better computer in the Windows XP is out. Its all about upgrade, and of course not just the Xbox is taking one. I am not gonna talk about the whole tech specs because there is no need, if you want your proof just google it and compare the tech specs. I wouldn't buy a 360 just to play MK7, I'd buy it to play soon-to-be current games.

Personally I am a bit torn about the idea of MK7 on either the next or current gen. I mean I'd be all up to have it on current, bc then it wouldn't require me to buy a new system. But if MK7 wants a revamp, next gen is the answer. I mean I will get a new system anyway so there is something else. However, in my opinion I do think MK7 will take advantage and go for the new hardware. I mean if you look at it, for some reason I feel Nintendo will be screwed, and won't get MK7 at least not next year. Just my thought. I'm thinkin MK7 will be for next gen, 360 comes out in a few weeks, PS3 in a few months, plenty of time for it to have already been developed for the new systems. Therefore by next year when it is slated to be out, the 360 will most deffinitely be out for a year, and the PS3 just slightly under. If MK7 is to include brand new features and to host the largest roster, next gen would deffinitely be a great supporter. Either way, MK7 will kick some major ass.
but I am buying the X-box 360 or PS3 just for MK7
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StretchShrimp: Destroyer of OWG: Most dominate clan on Xbox Live

11/18/2005 07:04 PM (UTC)
By the time Mk7 comes out , which wont be for at least another year, Xbox 360 will have a price drop to compete with ps3. Ps3 isnt coming out till holiday NEXT YEAR. It would be stupis to put Mk7 on current gen cause it would suck online. Im sure Midway wont make the same online mistake again. Playing MK7 online would be WAAAAY better on 360.

The fact that some of you believe that it would come out for current gen is retarded and irrational.

Unless you want MK7 to be BETTER than MKD than it MUST come out for Next Gen.

If you cant afford it, start saving now and by the time it comes out you should be able to afford it.
11/22/2005 10:47 PM (UTC)
I have to disagree with you spoil rich kids. Not all of us can afford to spend four hundred dollors for the next gen system.

I know i want to get more mileage out of my PS2, Xbox and Gamcube. Which i bought for low low prices :D

Yes i wait a long time to get the current consules and i'll do the same for next gen systems as well.

I have to thank Midway for carring enough to give us one last title for the C
current consules.

Yeah! Thanks, midway!

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