A MKM-like story mode for MKX
posted09/17/2014 10:55 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Self-explanatory title. I'd like a mode that plays similarly to MKM: Sub-Zero, that combines MK gameplay with a little platforming.

You should end up playing as various characters throughout that mode, and even have some segments/puzzles that require a particular character's special moves. There should be no variants for the characters, as they should be able to use all their moves, except in fights against other regular characters (including bosses encountered in the arcade/ladder mode), in which case, you either get to select your character's variant, or the game selects it for you.

It should also be a little like Super Smash Bros: Brawl's Subspace Emissary mode, with more than one playable character during segments, only you should be able to switch characters anytime you want. Said characters should be killable, which, in some levels, should leave you stuck and having to start over.

Once you beat the story mode, you should get to play as any characters you want in any levels, though for the sake of certain segments, specific characters would be authomatically picked alongside those of your choice. Cutscenes could either stop playing, or remain the same, even if you selected characters that aren't a part of them. Beating that mode should also unlock a Boss Rush mode, but unlike SSB: Brawl's Boss Battle mode, you don't get to heal your character after a fight if you're playing it on the hardest difficulty setting.

All bosses should be designed to be defeatable by everyone, but certain characters should have a much easier time defeating certain bosses.

Finally, some ideas for chapters/levels: Kotal Kahn's rise to power, as he fights a variety of characters and creatures like Shokan and Centaurs with the help of some playable loyal henchmen/women (like Kano for instance), and another where Torr is above you and throwing obstacles your way.
09/17/2014 02:14 PM (UTC)
Some great ideas here. Although I think that would make a great MK game on its own. This would take way too much time and resources in order to look complete and balanced. And I don't think they would bother to create such a deep Sotry-Mode.
09/17/2014 02:16 PM (UTC)
I'll say the same as I said with Konquest mode... No.

It will just be half-assed. I'd rather have a full on adventure game that is NOT just a mode in a fighting game.
09/17/2014 02:47 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'll say the same as I said with Konquest mode... No.

It will just be half-assed. I'd rather have a full on adventure game that is NOT just a mode in a fighting game.

Then perhaps they could release a MKM-like game based on MKX's story sometimes after MKX comes out. I really think Kotal's rise to power could either make a great game of it's own, or an entertaining chapter.

But personally, I thought SSB's subspace emissary was done well, not half-assed at all, and it was a mode within a fighting game. It wasn't perfect of course, but I liked it. Do you not trust NRS to do even an half as good job on such a mode? Because I wouldn't blame you if you did.
09/17/2014 02:51 PM (UTC)
What was that mode in Tekken 3 where you pick a character and kind of side scroll and fight random no name goons and it gets more difficult as you go along?
09/17/2014 02:52 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
What was that mode in Tekken 3 where you pick a character and kind of side scroll and fight random no name goons and it gets more difficult as you go along?

Tekken Force.

As for an MK adventure game, I prefer the Shaolin Monks style over the Mythologies style.
09/17/2014 03:05 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
What was that mode in Tekken 3 where you pick a character and kind of side scroll and fight random no name goons and it gets more difficult as you go along?

Tekken Force.

As for an MK adventure game, I prefer the Shaolin Monks style over the Mythologies style.

Yeah I liked mythologies and I love side scrolling games but idk how well that would work in a modern MK game. I would love it if NRS hooked up with (Or took some notes from) the guys that make God Of War and made a new Shaolin Monks style MK. NRS would handle story, design ,and just about everything while the GOW guys could just give them tips with the gameplay a little bit.
09/17/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
Another Shaolin Monks-like game would be great, but I found MKM's gameplay rather fascinating. I liked how it combined MK gameplay with platforming elements. It was rather unique. Sure, it was difficult to play, but come on, all you needed to do was get the hang of it.
09/17/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
You had to push a button to turn right and left... And it wasn't right and left.

Mythologies was a good story, but bad gameplay.
09/17/2014 04:47 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
You had to push a button to turn right and left... And it wasn't right and left.

Mythologies was a good story, but bad gameplay.

The turn button wasn't such a big deal. Though it's the N64 version that I own, so perhaps it was easier in that version to reconfigure the buttons to make the game more playable than it was in the PSX one, but still, it wasn't that big a deal for me.
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We share blood, we are not brothers

09/17/2014 06:05 PM (UTC)
Not a bad idea at all, but as someone said before, MKSM's style is better.

What I REALLY want are QTE like the ones in Injustice.
09/17/2014 06:49 PM (UTC)

No need to. NRS does better games, when they make fighting their top priority. Adding some other big mode, will make the game unblanaced mess like MKD or MKA. I've enough of this, so no thank you.
I am OK with MK9 story mode, with few changes.
About Me

Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

09/17/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
I'd love a little MK side scroller available on Android/IOS that would be a fun little addition but as part of MKX its okay.

I'd love another SM type game though!
09/17/2014 10:55 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

No need to. NRS does better games, when they make fighting their top priority. Adding some other big mode, will make the game unblanaced mess like MKD or MKA. I've enough of this, so no thank you.
I am OK with MK9 story mode, with few changes.

Totally agree. This is the absolute truth.

I swear, when MKX comes out, people on MKO need to learn at least ONE bnb combo for a character of their choosing, and not some scruby, waste three bars for 30 percent combo, but an actual one bar or meterless bnb max damage combo for their character. People on this site gotta learn to actually play the damn games and not just play for a couple weeks to unlock costumes and story endings. MK is a fighting game, not an RPG no matter how much you love the story and this isn't a bad thing. I don't mean to sound like a pompous dick about it, if fighting games just aren't your thing thats totally cool, but honestly these games are SOOOO much fun once you actually get into them. NRS is amazing at designing the gameplay for their characters in a way that matches the character's personality and overall style while still leaving plenty of room for the players personal strategy/style. The shallow, crappy 3d era is over, the core game is fun again people!

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