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02/26/2007 02:44 AM (UTC)
The only MK's that had an actual "dark" feel to them was MK2 and MK4.....NO Others.
02/27/2007 09:49 AM (UTC)
Sharpeye Wrote:
I really dont think that MK will get dark after all the new characters show up in the new MK games.It will start out light, and then get darker and darker, just like the original games did.
But that is a pretty good idea, dont put me in the wrong here.grin

Yeah Mk1 wasn't as dark as MK2, never tought about that. Mk2 was darker, for me that had something to do with the setting of the kombat, Outworld.
I don't mind if the next gen MK's would follow the same footsteps.
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03/01/2007 12:32 AM (UTC)
MK should get rid of some of the Midevil things it has, it takes place in modern times, make it look like it. Use some earthrealm arenas in cities, like have cars and stuff. Like a modern streets arena. thas why I liked the subway arena. Also, they should include reptiles lair again and actually finish it, have the snake as a deathtrap. I agree with makin it darker, not gothic dark like emo shit, but make it more violent, and scary, actually scary, like have a CGI video of some tarkatans eating people, and have guts. I remember the old MK explosions, there were intestine sprites, ever since I wanted to see a fatality where baraka uses his blade to slash someones stomache open and have their intestines spill out all over the fuckin floor. Im sure it wouldnt be too over the top for MK, I mean manhunt did it. And keep stryker, hes the only earthrealm warrior that reminds us of what time this game takes place. Stryker has some real potential. Manhunt was an amazing game for being graphic and disturbing, like how MK first started out, now MK should fight to be the most disturbing game again! Tear off some jaws, rip open some rib cages. Have a fatality where stryker blows ur limbs off, and then just shoots the fuck out of your face until all thats left is wet chunks of bone and brain. Remember Land of the dead, where that zombie tore buddies face off? Get Liu Kang to do that! I mean, its Mortal kombat, violence should know no boundaries.
03/01/2007 12:36 AM (UTC)
tommystockley Wrote:
MK should get rid of some of the Midevil things it has, it takes place in modern times, make it look like it. Use some earthrealm arenas in cities, like have cars and stuff. Like a modern streets arena. thas why I liked the subway arena. Also, they should include reptiles lair again and actually finish it, have the snake as a deathtrap. I agree with makin it darker, not gothic dark like emo shit, but make it more violent, and scary, actually scary, like have a CGI video of some tarkatans eating people, and have guts. I remember the old MK explosions, there were intestine sprites, ever since I wanted to see a fatality where baraka uses his blade to slash someones stomache open and have their intestines spill out all over the fuckin floor. Im sure it wouldnt be too over the top for MK, I mean manhunt did it. And keep stryker, hes the only earthrealm warrior that reminds us of what time this game takes place. Stryker has some real potential. Manhunt was an amazing game for being graphic and disturbing, like how MK first started out, now MK should fight to be the most disturbing game again! Tear off some jaws, rip open some rib cages. Have a fatality where stryker blows ur limbs off, and then just shoots the fuck out of your face until all thats left is wet chunks of bone and brain. Remember Land of the dead, where that zombie tore buddies face off? Get Liu Kang to do that! I mean, its Mortal kombat, violence should know no boundaries.

Emo and Gothic are two different things. Emos complain about how life sucks yet they write songs and make milions out from them and Gothic is where someone is trying to turn into a vampire.

Anyways, Stryker will never be cool, whether or not he has a fatality where someone doesn't keep their body parts. I bet you if they have Kang coming back into the game, chances are that his story is going to ahve that he won Armageddon and turned back into his human self again. and Mortal Kombat has never had boundries to begin with, they just sucked at making something more graphic.
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03/01/2007 09:17 PM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
tommystockley Wrote:
MK should get rid of some of the Midevil things it has, it takes place in modern times, make it look like it. Use some earthrealm arenas in cities, like have cars and stuff. Like a modern streets arena. thas why I liked the subway arena. Also, they should include reptiles lair again and actually finish it, have the snake as a deathtrap. I agree with makin it darker, not gothic dark like emo shit, but make it more violent, and scary, actually scary, like have a CGI video of some tarkatans eating people, and have guts. I remember the old MK explosions, there were intestine sprites, ever since I wanted to see a fatality where baraka uses his blade to slash someones stomache open and have their intestines spill out all over the fuckin floor. Im sure it wouldnt be too over the top for MK, I mean manhunt did it. And keep stryker, hes the only earthrealm warrior that reminds us of what time this game takes place. Stryker has some real potential. Manhunt was an amazing game for being graphic and disturbing, like how MK first started out, now MK should fight to be the most disturbing game again! Tear off some jaws, rip open some rib cages. Have a fatality where stryker blows ur limbs off, and then just shoots the fuck out of your face until all thats left is wet chunks of bone and brain. Remember Land of the dead, where that zombie tore buddies face off? Get Liu Kang to do that! I mean, its Mortal kombat, violence should know no boundaries.

For the most part, I agree. I think it's pretty interesting to mention modernizing Mk. The only thing is, the cast//characters are pretty diverse in thingd like: ethnicity, race, race-of-being, and in time span/scale. Since that is so, it conttributes to the "fantacy appeal" Mk has. So, I think modernizing certain parts of Mk is definately a good Idea.....but only to distinguish "where" or "when" we are in the game while playing, and as long as it doesn't sacrifice the fantasy appeal. Mk has portals and everything so, maybe if modernizations only applied to Earth and or Edenia....or even like the OrderRealm influenced areans and such...

that gives me an idea for my stickie...hm

Oddly enough, I never really looked at the term "scary" concerning Mk. Usually I think "Res Evil" or some kind of first person shooter when that term comes up. You see, "darker" doesn't..or didn't associate itself with "scary" in reference to Mk to me ever. "I'm not scared of the dark" Ha! I'm gonna think on that...

Sub-Frost055 Wrote:

Anyways, Stryker will never be cool, whether or not he has a fatality where someone doesn't keep their body parts. I bet you if they have Kang coming back into the game, chances are that his story is going to ahve that he won Armageddon and turned back into his human self again. and Mortal Kombat has never had boundries to begin with, they just sucked at making something more graphic.

Oh man I totallly disagree with the black ink there. Dude, who more likely from earthrealm to actually do a fatality than a Riot Squad Leader? I feel they missed a huge opportunity with Stryker being just the "regular joe" character. "I was just doing my job"....ect. Do you understand how much violence and hostility they're capable of being exposed to? We'd have to gauge it by how big the crowd is. lol

Stryker has always been a love of hate character....I loved that character. Especially during MkT....Wow.
The rest of the quote there, I....kinda agree. Liu Kang shouldn't return as a playable character.....If at all, a spritual influence for a new champion. Or something relative to "why" the "chosen ones" are..........."chosen". But not playable anymore.

I want to see a darker MK also.

Mix Gears of war, Silent hill and MK.

A dirty , scarry, brutal and serious MK.

The combat has to be more realistic in the sense that it looks incretible and is elaborate with individual move sets for every character.

Have less characters with more moves.

The fatality system should be custom with a mix of basic and unique moves.

Get rid of mini games

Get rid of funny / silly stuff.

Blood should be lots but still look more realistic.
03/08/2007 03:13 AM (UTC)
A darker Mk is the right path for the future of this series.Some newness too.
03/08/2007 11:26 PM (UTC)
add the graveyard from MK2 with the music remixed, then it would be tight.
03/10/2007 02:50 AM (UTC)
but if anything, normally they will probably have to go back and just review their old genesis games, think to back where in the past, how did this game get so popular? that is what they should, if they are not too lazy and boon is not complaining that there is not enough time, as he quotes from he last three games that came into the world starting with Deadly Alliance.
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03/10/2007 04:25 AM (UTC)
The only MK's that had an actual "dark" feel to them was MK2 and MK4.....NO Others.

That's so true....
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03/10/2007 04:50 AM (UTC)
bleed Wrote:
I want to see a darker MK also.

Mix Gears of war, Silent hill and MK.

A dirty , scarry, brutal and serious MK.

The combat has to be more realistic in the sense that it looks incretible and is elaborate with individual move sets for every character.

Have less characters with more moves.

The fatality system should be custom with a mix of basic and unique moves.

Get rid of mini games

Get rid of funny / silly stuff.

Blood should be lots but still look more realistic.

Oh my God, it'd be so awesome if they added something similar to Silent Hill. I just got finished playing with Silent Hill 4 a while ago, and needless to say, the nightmares have not ceased. The hauntings and monsters looked very demonic and scary; I could care less for the shock moments and jump-out-and-scare-you parts, though.

I agree with you on everything. Another thing I would like to see, along with the darkness and everything, would be accurate depictions on fighting and weapon styles, but that's just me.

Outside of that, I can't think of anymore more grotesque and ugly to see, and I mean that in the most encouraging way. The blood and rusted scene that Silent Hill 4 was amazing, and completely freaky; that would be deliciously awesome to have in Mortal Kombat.
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Having defeated her opponents, CaTigeReptile was granted full access to the sorcerer's cookbooks. There, she succeeded in discovering the sequence of ingredients necessary to satisfy her hunger with delicious results. Have a nice day.

03/21/2007 12:39 AM (UTC)
I'm way too tired to get into this too much, but I think that one problem with MKD was the Order/Chaos thing, but not because it was a stupid idea, rather because it was too BIG of an idea. As in. . it would have been better as its own game, and if it were its own game, maybe the characters involved could be taken a little more seriously. Like how Havik is definitely the seidan guardsman who ran the jail in Chaosrealm before it got overthrown, Dairou was the ex-leader of the guard and Hotaru looked up to him, the fact that all of the Seidans look like normal humans but Hotaru has white hair and no eyes (Genetically engineered? Chimaera? Half-demon? Angel-thing?) -- the hyperfuturistic technology of Seido, the hypocrisy of its government. . .The senate! The senate! The senate! The way the devoted subjects (i.e. Dairou/Hotaru/whoever) were/are misguided. . . whatever the hell happened to Chaosrealm, whether it was always like that, how they get away with worshipping water while worship itself is a form of order. . .yeah, the hypocrisy of BOTH sides. . .How Chaos and order together are yin-yang. . . all that good stuff.

To me, wiping the slate clean of that and leaving it to rot would be like throwing away a whole plate of food after taking one bite. It just doesn't feel right.

03/21/2007 10:53 AM (UTC)
CaTigeReptile Wrote:
I'm way too tired to get into this too much, but I think that one problem with MKD was the Order/Chaos thing, but not because it was a stupid idea, rather because it was too BIG of an idea.

My toughts exactly, I think MKD went overhill with the MK universe thing, it has a more soap opera feel to it. How many characters have a vendetta with each other? Too many, it started with scorpion vs. sub zero or sonya vs. kano. Now it is overblown..they need to narrow it down.
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03/21/2007 09:37 PM (UTC)
I'd welcome a much darker MK game myself. Make it one that is unflinchingly & intensely brutal and realistic. Now, that would really turn my head. Not that I don't like the current MK games, I do, yet I'd like to see it take a more serious tone. Like some of you said, so it could compete with other fighters out there. Look at how people view games such as Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, or Dead or Alive. I think the humor & whatnot is what makes these magazines and gaming sites not take Mortal Kombat so seriously. They think it's a joke. Course, we-as MK fans-get it but they don't. I'd like to see it get darker much in the same way that Twisted Metal did between Twisted Metal 2 World Tour and Twisted Metal Black. I know they are two totally different genres of games but I think some of you get where I'm going with this. To compete with every other game, MK has to grow and evolve.

At any rate, if they are going to take the Gears of War approach to the next game, you can make a safe bet that it will- indeed- be a much darker and more realistically brutal game. I, for one, am looking foward to it.
03/22/2007 09:02 PM (UTC)
bleed Wrote:
I want to see a darker MK also.

Mix Gears of war, Silent hill and MK.

A dirty , scarry, brutal and serious MK.

The combat has to be more realistic in the sense that it looks incretible and is elaborate with individual move sets for every character.

Have less characters with more moves.

The fatality system should be custom with a mix of basic and unique moves.

Get rid of mini games

Get rid of funny / silly stuff.

Blood should be lots but still look more realistic.

I agree with this man. In a nutshell, this what I was saying before in my post about the ONLY 10 things that Midway really needs to carry over from the MK games they've already created. They're creative dudes, and they've proven many times that they're capable of innovation and, above all, making awesome fighting games that are fun to play over and over. I just feel like they've had a tendency to recycle old material too much.

Realistically, there is no way that Boon and friends can cater to everyones' hopes and dreams for MK8. And they shouldn't, because they are the artists, and MK is their creation to mold how they see fit. If they build it, we will come. But, essentially, what you and I have both requested is to burn everything else to the ground and reinvent MK in a darker light, keeping ONLY the elements that have truly been unique Mortal Kombat innovations, and expanding on them. I think they have enough street cred at this point that they don't need to worry so much about making another half-assed release geared toward pleasing fanboys who have wet dreams about their favorite characters every night. Just give the developers the benefit of the doubt and stop obsessing over little details. Let them take it from here and dazzle us once again. I don't care if MK8 takes place 1000 years in the future or 5000 years in the past...just so long as it is a dark, brutal, bloody game designed for players that like to kick ass while listening to Slayer's "Reign in Blood" (just kidding).

Seriously though, I think people have the illusion in their minds that unless MK8 is a game filled with familiar characters and a familiar look, Midway will be selling out to the masses. Maybe Boon believes this as well. On the contrary though, I think that the only way Midway can "keep it real" and please their devoted fan base is to once again impress us with their creative innovation and revive the original spirit of MK without all of the mini-game frills and ridiculous comedy moves.

Lose the fatties who puke, fart, and try to make friends with you. Bring back Johnny Cage's ball-buster. Metaphorically speaking, that's all there is to it.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/27/2007 04:56 PM (UTC)
ok here this.... will be back in an Hour............ oh shit I have class
03/28/2007 10:15 PM (UTC)
I want it to be dark AND twisted...

-have it take play 20 years after Armageddon, have quan chi raise scorpions son then his son ends of killing scorpion and then gets to be the new scorpion that kills for quan chi (which he thinks is his father).

-then have jarek go crazy killing people for no reason wanting revenge.

-taven ends up turning evil do to blazes power..
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03/28/2007 11:37 PM (UTC)
Iori9 Wrote:
I want it to be dark AND twisted...

-have it take play 20 years after Armageddon, have quan chi raise scorpions son then his son ends of killing scorpion and then gets to be the new scorpion that kills for quan chi (which he thinks is his father).

-then have jarek go crazy killing people for no reason wanting revenge.

-taven ends up turning evil do to blazes power..

Those 3 story ideas are really terrible in all honesty.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/29/2007 07:50 PM (UTC)
I really agree that MK8 should be darker, and when I say dark I mean DARK. From the point where you get to the main menu, to the select your fighter screen, you should already be feeling like you're gonna piss your pants. Now wit the kreate a fatality thing, I didn't mind controlling the fatatliy but the way it was done in MKA made me HATE the idea period. I personally think that the team should stick to comming up with their own fatalities for each character and give them 2 each. Also bring back the animalities and the brutalities. Although I want the game to be DARK, I still appreaciated the humor that MK has always had so bring back the friendships too. Oh and one thing, with the animalities and friendships PLEASE put some thought into them because I found most of those finishers to be the same. (i.e. reptile's jack-n-the-box vs. scorpion's jack-n-the-box and animals that continuously maul their opponents.) And make the fatalities like the characters were feeling pissed off, I mean what would you do if you had their powers and your opponent pissed you off. Here's an idea for a fatality I thought of for Rain:
Raining Pieces: When Shao Khan or whoever says, FINISH HIM/HER,
rain raises his arm and the sky begins to turn dark as if a thunder storm is comming.It begins to rain and as it gets darker you begin hearing the rumbling thunder and see the lighting as one of the clouds mysteriously come down in the form of a hand and grabs the opponent. The hand-shapped cloud then carries the opponent into the sky till the point where your victim dissappears in the clouds. Finally, the pouring rain becomes pouring blood followed by the bones and peieces of your opponent falling from the sky after a loud strike of lighting. When Rain sees this he then strikes a victory pose. FATALITY. Now Rain must have really been pissed off don't you think?grin
04/02/2007 11:55 PM (UTC)
the plot for mk8 should be like mk3 and mkd
that is a good idea to have it darker cause mka wasnt realy dark.furious
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