4 things you think the next Mortal Kombat game needs to focus on
posted07/22/2007 03:50 AM (UTC)by
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10/05/2005 12:37 AM (UTC)
1) Storyline
2) Gameplay
3) Replay value
4) Balance
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I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
06/02/2007 05:43 PM (UTC)
if it's in order of importance:

1) Storyline, they need to tigh up all the loose ends
2) fighting system, get rid of the clunky controls
3) new characters, the new characters need to be really good to sell MK8
4) graphics, the graphics need to have more flow, it shouldn't look like two manaquins fighting.

BTW, please sign this petition in my sig.
06/02/2007 09:00 PM (UTC)
1) Gameplay, a good fighting engine for a change.
2) Graphics, less comic like, more realism (also makes for better and darker atmosphere).
3) Storyline.
4) Focussing on the above should keep them busy long enough.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/02/2007 09:53 PM (UTC)
Since MK is a VIDEO GAME, i'm putting gameplay first.

Gameplay- A new and fresh and fun engine that makes the characters feel real

Story- A darker story and tone.

Graphics-Realistic fantasy just like DA. Forget the damn cartoonish graphics and make things more real but yet fantasy like. Unlockables-Make us work for our unlockable characters!
06/02/2007 10:57 PM (UTC)
1. Gameplay, without a doubt.
2. Character design.
3. Graphics. Deadly Alliance had some of the most beautiful backgrounds I have ever seen in any video game... hopefully MK8 can be even better.
4. Cringe-worthy violence. I want to feel the bones breaking...

And Story coming fifth.
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if you are reading this then I can read your mind


06/02/2007 11:56 PM (UTC)
1. Story- Let me understand what's going on damnit!!!

2. Gameplay - Make it as original like how DA was original.


4. Characters - Give me interesting characters, instead of the old cliche ones!
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06/04/2007 05:32 AM (UTC)
1. Modernity: I think the single most important thing that the MK team needs to focus on is bringing MK up to speed not only with the next generation of fighting games (graphics, gameplay etc) but also in the way the story unfolds as well as the characters and overall style of the game.

Yep. Just one thing, but it effects everything else. MK was created back in the early 90's and even though the game has gone 3D, you can still see the 90's influence on MK. The characters look like old video game cliches (complete with spandex outfits and racial/gender stereotypes), there's no spoken dialogue for endings, no real endings since you don't even find out what happened until the next game (give us cliffhangers if you have to, but the noncanon endings have to stop), the backgrounds that all look like either fantasy settings or torture chambers, the OH SO POINTLESS minigames, and everything has this sort of Terminator meets Highlander with a tiny bit of Enter the Dragon thrown in.

The minor spoken dialogue that is thrown in sounds very corny due to bad writing and even worse voice acting. The options as far as gameplay is concerned are very limited offline (seriously, what fighting game since the year 2000 hasn't had some type of survival mode??) and the humor, fatalities and storylines are mainly ripped from the very same MK series that started 15 years ago.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing this series. I've always been a huge MK fan and I'll continue to be one, but as far as making the game better, I just think that they need to truly bring this game into the next generation in every sense of the word. Leave the 90's behind. No more corny fatalites, no more plastic looking characters, no more joke characters, no lame plotlines, no more clunky dial a combo gameplay. I like that Ed Boon says that they're starting fresh. But they need to do things the right way and give the fans what they've been asking for ever since MK made the jump to 3D.

We all want better, more realistic gameplay and not something that's basically the old MK games but in 3D with a bunch of pointless punches and kicks thrown in. We want gory fatalities that make us wince or at least make our jaws drop the way they did back when Sub Zero was first ripping out spines. We want stories that are complex. Most of the old fans who were kids when the first MK came out are adults now. And the young teens who are just getting into MK in the 3D generation have probably been playing more complex video games for years. I think that we can handle plots that are more complex, more interesting, and deal with more than simple revenge or that character is evil so they want power etc.

To make a long story short, MK has to modernize it's approach in every aspect if it wants to improve. I like that MK8 will be using Unreal 3. That's a huge start. I also like that it's going to be darker and (reportedly) without humor. I like that new characters will dominate the scene, but I'm worried because MK hasn't created a very memorable new character in quite some time. I have faith that MK is moving in the right direction, but I've also had that faith in past games and have been a bit disappointed. Hopefully with a new generation and a new direction, Ed might finally give MK fans the game we've wanted since MK2 came out.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/04/2007 06:09 AM (UTC)
1. Gameplay
2. Gameplay
3. Gameplay
4. Gameplay
06/04/2007 03:54 PM (UTC)
1) Gameplay. No duh.

2) More unique characters. I was going to make a thread on this and I might still do.

In God knows how many years of Mortal Kombat we have had 63 full fledged playable characters and most of them are human or human looking. I hope the next MK tries to add at least a new Shokan, Tarkatan and a Minotaur perhaps. And no Edward, I don't mean bring back Baraka, Goro and Motaro...again!

3) Music. Deception and Armageddon had some great tunes but most of it was bland especially when compared to Tekken and Soul Calibur.

4) Storyline. Just make it enjoyable.
06/04/2007 04:31 PM (UTC)
1) All new characters on the select screen. Classic fighters should be hidden.
2) New levels
3) New graphic designs on characters.
4) A direct focus on the fighting.
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06/04/2007 05:06 PM (UTC)
1 - Gameplay (Shaolin Monks inspired)
2 - Characters (Even if the game is good, if the characters have no personality I can't enjoy it)
3 - Story
4 - Graphics (Less cartoony)
06/04/2007 05:31 PM (UTC)
1. Gameplay: It needs to have a solid foundation this time, and that means having all the needed basics for a 3D fighting game (e.g. wake up game, throw escapes, etc.) the execution of them needs to be good. So I don't want to have clunky controls and stiff animations.

2. Story: The story needs to be dark and be even darker throughout the installments. Basically, I think they should use the kind of theme that Nolan and Goyer are using for The Dark Knight, namely about things getting worse before they get better.

3. Characters: For the roster, I would probably like to see half returning characters and half new characters. There doesn't need to be too much of a roster. For the returning characters, I want to see worthwhile characters return such as Sub-Zero, Sareena, Hotaru, Raiden, and Li Mei instead of ones like Kai, Jarek, Baraka, Chameleon, and Motaro. For the new characters, I don't want to see any stereotypes, such as MKDA-MKA Jax, but instead have archetypical characters who can hold my interest. Not everyone can or has to be stars, but I don't want any of them to be flat and boring.

4. Good Replay Value: The future MK games should have that type of replay value that keeps us coming back for more and more, so that we can do a lot of exploration. The gameplay plays a big part in this. One problem with the previous MK games was the lack of depth in the fighting, making everyone's gameplay style rather shallow as only a few key moves were the ones worth using. So with more moves, proper balancing and testing, and things like that, there could be different ways to play each character.

And yes, even things like other modes, unlockables, etc. are also important in replay value as we would want to be interested in finding a lot of cool things. However, it's the first three things I mentioned, especially the first, that'll be key to a lot of replay value.
06/04/2007 08:38 PM (UTC)
game play
06/04/2007 09:57 PM (UTC)
1. Gameplay

1 Gameplay
2 Visual style = More realistic
3 characters
4 story
06/05/2007 07:35 AM (UTC)
1) Characters - They need to be amazing and catchy. I don't want shit characters like Dairou and Kobra in the game at all. Also, future females need to stop looking so laughably slutty and start looking more serious and powerful. All characters should also have fun, bad-ass, creative specials.

2) Atmosphere - The arenas, music, graphic designs and everything need to be dark and intruiging yet still with that beauty that MK always delivers. It has to feel like I'm in Evil Wonderland.

3) Gameplay - I actually hate how some characters are incomparably stronger than other characters. I want the players to be balanced. For instance, if one character has speed, let another character be slower but deliver more damaging hits, etc. The combos need to feel a million times for fluid and firm instead of being clumsy and sloppy like many combos we currently have. And I also want the gameplay to be more intricate so that there are lots of different things to do instead of the same things over and over.

4) Konquest - Next-gen MUST have Konquest. It has become vital to the games' stories and is a great way of getting to know the characters (I want them to bring back training so we can learn about their moves as well as their story) and the current events happening in the MK Universe. I want future Konquest to be more like MKD's Konquest where we can do all these things and freely explore the realms deeply, instead of MKA's Konquest which was more about staying alive and fighting mindlessly.
06/05/2007 08:21 AM (UTC)
2 words-- REBOOT
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06/05/2007 10:21 AM (UTC)
1. balance, and by that the following is meant:

-move properties, vertical horizontal and dilational dimensions for each attack. Strength application, proper connection animation.

-different attack-contraattack mechanisms. Solutions instead of breakers,
strings instead of chain-based combos.

2. content:
-be relevant, include real martial arts and have the game actually deliver something worthwhile instead of joke-gore. Induce and encourage practi-ce of martial arts, self-improvement, encourage social life, whatever....

-non-idiotic plots.

3. reboot the series. Terminate previous content and never return to it.

4. actually the design team should be properly outfitted and properly ma-

06/05/2007 11:03 PM (UTC)
1)realism,serious game,dark look....ok,but this doesn't means that we don't have to laugh here or there,so OK with a realistic style but also a funny one.
I like actual Mk style.don't make another boring Soul Calibur 3
2)graphics,don't use Unreal Engine 3;toay is a huge graphic,but in 2008 it can be used,over-used and obsolete.Make a graphic engine by it own,like other games such like Company of heroes and Infernal
3)differences between characters,no the same winning pose,the same fatality,the same punch,kick,fighting style....no clones wth different clothes in other words.
4)storyline,please tell us the fate of EVERY characters,and if possible tells us everything unspoken about them....the enemies faced during all mk games,all the fights,all the alliance...and more important make the "Armageddon storyline" sensed with actual storyline.
bye bye

06/06/2007 08:18 PM (UTC)
1. Characters
2. Storyline
3. Fighting System
4.Replay Value
06/18/2007 01:18 PM (UTC)
1. Blood
2. Gore
3. Vilonce
4. FATALITYS!furious
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06/19/2007 12:15 AM (UTC)
Though I do realize that Mortal Kombat is a video game series, I'm more focused on the storyline and plot elements. I'm probably a mediocre, or above average player, but I don't have nearly as much fun playing as I do thinking about the storyline. Silent Hill is a great example of this--amazing story in all games, with lots of twists, personal interpretations, and things that make you think, but the gameplay could use a bit of touching up, even though it's not the primary focus of the game (though it'd be fair to say that normal people sucked into Silent Hill don't have much physical prowess).

I'd like the storyline and, subsequently, characters to be explored. If they have to, I want to see professional writers or psychologists on the scene hammering out these realistic characters. Scorpion is a good character to use: he had an excellent storyline of being torn apart by honor and vengeance, yet that was retconned, utterly screwing whatever hope there was. Similarly, characters such as Dairou and the like would probably get better execution; he does have a good storyline that is filled with personalization, but you don't really understand exactly what he's facing because emphasis is not placed on it.

Mythologies through Deception had a really nice buildup, but again, because of how everything was executed, Onaga didn't seem that great (though we do have Armageddon to blame, I feel). I would like some consistency to go with this. I don't mind questioning the canonnity of each ending, it does add some suspense and raises questions, but again, the execution and consistency is really lacking.

Secondly, atmosphere. I want to be affected by what I see and hear. Some songs have enough power to send shivers down my spine; certain novels have the ability to inspire me; some movies and video games can affect me, but Mortal Kombat has not fulfilled that in a while. First things first, get rid of the outlandish acts. I don't want to see OCEANS of blood along the floor; it doesn't look real at all. I want the blood to have some depth, either it stains their clothes, or affects the scene. I also don't want to see females in skimpy clothing, and I want to see realistic fatalities.

I want music that fits the environment and can help emphasize the stage (the Armory music in MKA was utterly ridiculous). I want characters to have fitting voices and not reused voice clips. Hell, since the franchise is doing so well, I wouldn't mind CGI for endings--even using character models from the engine for cutscenes would be much better (there's a term for this, which escapes my mind).

Thirdly, gameplay. I'm no real expert on this, so I won't comment on this much, but I would like to see MKDA's Konquest return. It didn't really help me learn the moves much, but it did give some insight on the fighting style, which was nice. I don't want to see infinities, and I'm really sick of using the same combo for every fight. I'd also like some more balance between characters and some environment interaction--MKD did this, but I felt they could do it better.

Aside from that, I don't know what else. I think that pretty much covers it. Despite all these problems I have with the game, I still like it, so I'm not just bashing it.
06/21/2007 05:23 PM (UTC)
1.) Better defensive system to start of with
2.) Physical character properties to distinguish characters differently
3.) More of a darker feel during fights
4.) Visually make the game more appealing

Explained in more detail:

1 - Lets face it - blocking in any MK game was rubbish.
They gotta develop something worth mastering rather than some rock paper scissor bs and guessing games.

There are 2 ways to implement this.

a) Use of timing method of defense. (for experts)
A timed button press allowing your character to block your enemies attack by using and taking advantage of frame rates. The rewards for blocking extremely difficult attacks should result in a counter attack, with low damage - to prevent abuse of this method.

b) Use of meter method. (for novices)
A button held down till the meter depletes fully should enable a character to block anything their opponents throw at them, obviously till the meter depletes. This will prevent noobs from consistently holding the block button, and with this method, you are not able to pull of any counter attacks whatsoever - this is the easier method of blocking, so it should be less rewarding.

Essentially if both methods are available per character to choose from, you get to choose how your character can fight defensively. The easy Meter method, or the rewarding Timing method.

Proper hit properties should be used with High's, Mid's, and Low's, and add in linear and angular attacks.
This will provide 6 types of attacks:

High Linear
High Angular
Mid Linear
Mid Angular
Low Linear
Low Angular

If every attack is put into on of the 6 categories above, a certain movement should seen visually to evade each type of attack.

Like for a low angular, jumps, backward flips, raising the leg etc are all valid movements. for high linear, dodging, parrying etc - you get the idea.

This way the blocking system will not only look good, but will be a game in itself to master.

2.) Physical character properties

What I mean by this is, when i play as a thunder god, i want to play like one.
When i play as Sub-Zero, i want to feel like Sub-Zero.

One of the things i loved about the very first MK was that each character felt how they should be.

An example of this is if I'm punching Li Mei as Raiden, i wanna see her react to the thunder god. If Sonya Blade is fighting Li Mei, i wont see as much of a reaction. This will give off the feel straightaway that Raiden is more powerful than Li Mei, which he should be as he is damn thunder god! keyword "GOD" In this instance i feel Raiden is Raiden and not Sonya as per previous games.

Picture Raiden lifting Li Mei and throwing her - how easy do you think that would be for Raiden? Then picture Raiden lifting someone like Bo Rai Cho, or Onaga etc - you get the idea

If i'm playing as Shang Tsung, i expect more emphasis on sorcery abilities - more reaction from people lesser than Shang Tsung and less effect on people bigger or more powerful than Shang Tsung.

As Scorpion, i expect to be a badass fighter but with the added elements of a Ninja Spectre.

Same with Subby with elements reflecting his icy abilities

As Sonya Blade, I would expect to be quicker than most other characters, pulling more combos at quicker speed etc.

I want the characters to feel the exact way they are portrayed and behave as such.

3.) Dark feel.

I want there to be a strong feeling of anxiety and worry that everytime my character is in a matchup, he/she is at huge risk.
Make it as if every punch/kick counts, kinda like the atmospheric feel feel of MK2. The MK games nowadays is not like that, the lean more to the recreational side to me. Every action in the action should get a reaction out of the player.

4.) Visual Appeal

I like watching fighting, so why not make the fights look appealing.
What I mean by this is rather than blocking a sword slice with your arm, duck under it, or flip over it etc. If someone throws a combination of 2 hook punches, the first time you block you may parry them, the second time you block,you bob, weave dodge etc. This will relate to the proper hit properties i mentioned in point 1

These are 4 things i think the next mortal kombat game needs to focus on, and is my opinion,

whether it is implemented - who knows!
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06/22/2007 02:46 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
1. Gameplay: It needs to have a solid foundation this time, and that means having all the needed basics for a 3D fighting game (e.g. wake up game, throw escapes, etc.) the execution of them needs to be good. So I don't want to have clunky controls and stiff animations.

2. Story: The story needs to be dark and be even darker throughout the installments. Basically, I think they should use the kind of theme that Nolan and Goyer are using for The Dark Knight, namely about things getting worse before they get better.

3. Characters: For the roster, I would probably like to see half returning characters and half new characters. There doesn't need to be too much of a roster. For the returning characters, I want to see worthwhile characters return such as Sub-Zero, Sareena, Hotaru, Raiden, and Li Mei instead of ones like Kai, Jarek, Baraka, Chameleon, and Motaro. For the new characters, I don't want to see any stereotypes, such as MKDA-MKA Jax, but instead have archetypical characters who can hold my interest. Not everyone can or has to be stars, but I don't want any of them to be flat and boring.

4. Good Replay Value: The future MK games should have that type of replay value that keeps us coming back for more and more, so that we can do a lot of exploration. The gameplay plays a big part in this. One problem with the previous MK games was the lack of depth in the fighting, making everyone's gameplay style rather shallow as only a few key moves were the ones worth using. So with more moves, proper balancing and testing, and things like that, there could be different ways to play each character.

And yes, even things like other modes, unlockables, etc. are also important in replay value as we would want to be interested in finding a lot of cool things. However, it's the first three things I mentioned, especially the first, that'll be key to a lot of replay value.
That about somes it up.Also I don't want ANY more mini games.Its just a waste of time.Konquest shouldn't be in the next MK too.
06/22/2007 07:34 AM (UTC)
personaly i think they should ditch the 3d crap and the new fighting system. its to slow and sluggish you cant be creative with it. with all the next-gen systems out there all the power in the 360, ps3, and pc now days, back to basics would be amazing; a remake of Trilogy (or a MK like it, ever played the UMK3 Hack?). fully renderd live action hi-res characters, full blood and gore to the max , old combo / fatality system, new voice overs in dolby digital, fix all the loose ends in the story (wich is a total rewrite at this point) and a create a fighter that you control from scratch (eye toy / xbox live vision). i remember when i played MKII for the first time and i was blown away... few years later MK3 came out and again blown away. new combo system really real looking fighters and awsome fx. ever since MK4 came out it seems im just dissapointed every time. the last 3 all looked alike and the story has really messed up the whole MK universe. too much extra crap. UMK3 Hack or MKT are the only ones i have fun with anymore. c'mon dev guys i need my fix of amazingness
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