3 Character Variations Good or Bad?
posted06/11/2014 07:31 AM (UTC)by
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03/23/2004 09:21 PM (UTC)
I 'm personally not a fan. I'm greedy I want to select Scorpion and have all of them moves or a combination of them.

I think it would have been better if we had an option for Kharacter Kustomization. Where we could pick 6 out of 10 Special moves

If one variation is over powered I think it's time wasted time creating the other two. Time they could have spent on other important areas of the game.

What do you think?
06/11/2014 05:01 AM (UTC)
I'm all for it. It's sort of a re-imagining of the different fighting styles in the 3d era, just made a lot more practical. MK characters tend to change fighting styles in games more so than something like street fighter so I think the variation kinda works here. I'm just hoping it's not unbalanced. If it's balanced then I'm all for it.
06/11/2014 05:18 AM (UTC)
I think it'll be great, as long as it's balanced, which I'm sure they'll work to ensure over time. Even if you don't use all of a characters styles, it'll give you a better chance of liking to use more characters, and not running into the problem of liking a character, but not the way they play.
It's great in my opinion, lots of variation. Like Stinky said, it's like the 3D era just more practical. I can see how some want all the characters specials moves available, but now they seem to have so many they're split up for play styles. Very cool. It actually seems to make mastering a character easier in some cases. Instead of having all these moves, you pick with how you play. People are different and will see some character's variation as the only way to go.
06/11/2014 05:31 AM (UTC)
if done properly, I think this could suit a player's preference to a given kombatant. I mean a fighter's variation might be good for combos while another variation has a good zoning game etc.
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-sig by MINION

06/11/2014 05:45 AM (UTC)
I think if all characters have equally good options it could be good. Buuuuuut that might not be the case.
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06/11/2014 05:46 AM (UTC)
I like it, it mixes it up a little bit, its gunna be great for online play, your gunna have to pay attention to which version the other player picked to be able to counter that move set
Personally im not a fan of multi-able styles. I think 1 style should be enough... Its the one thing i NEVER liked about MKDA to MKA.

I'm still puzzled why they change Scorpion and Sub-Zero's moveset entirely this time around? MK9 moveset was a winning formula in book. Now that they have a whole new moveset, which is awsome! But was it necessary?

Another thing i didn't like... that Ed is famous for... is the changes and trading of movesets amongst characters. I remember in MKDA how awsome it was to use Dragon Style for Sub-Zero and then fast forward to MKA, freaking Jarek that *SOB* was assign that moveset. WTF? I just hope these kinda trade offs don't happen in MKXI 2019

06/11/2014 06:32 AM (UTC)
It's fucking awesome. I didn't love switching between styles in the MKDA era, but I did like the variety. This game seems to be striking a happy medium between the two separate eras. We have a 2D plane, as well as the deep variety in the fighting, weapon stances, etc. If they were switched mid play I'd call foul, but personally I'm really excited to have three different varieties of each character, if you don't like one you might like the other.
06/11/2014 06:58 AM (UTC)
Variations are gonna be excellent. SO much better than PS2 styles. Couldn't be happier. I really didn't think NRS would do something that ambitious. Now I don't have to learn a certain character just so I can counter another. I can keep my character and take on the entire roster.

This is gonna be rad online and at tournaments.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/11/2014 06:59 AM (UTC)
I like it, adds a little more strategy.

I was so thrown off by the "variations" a week ago, I thought it would MK2/MK4 Scorpion or something. So glad it's this instead, it can definitely be balanced.
06/11/2014 07:23 AM (UTC)

I'm undecided. I kinda think I would like to have all three combined into one when I select a character. Each character should have all their powers and styles at all once, they shouldn't be separated by category or however they're doing it.

But we will see I guess. I agree with everyone else though, it needs to be balanced.

About Me

06/11/2014 07:31 AM (UTC)
This actually could remove characters who have answer to erverything. I am looking at you Kung Lao.

Very good idea, by forcing you to choose you are removed from your comfort factor. You HAVE TO THINK before going in, which is good.
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