03/09/2007 05:04 PM (UTC)
In no particular order.

1) Sindel

2) Kitana

3) Jade

4) Mileena

5) Sonya

6) Scorpion

7) Reptile

8) Ermac

9) Sub-Zero

10) Noob Saibot

11) Tanya

12) Rayden

13) Baraka

14) Kira

15) Sektor

03/11/2007 01:25 PM (UTC)
For me if those characters don't return mk is becomeing something I won't play
Sub-zero(a litle more handsome)
Scorpion(a litle more handosme)
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03/11/2007 04:00 PM (UTC)
Raiden - i think make him DARKER! darker by the day!!
Jax - gone evil by Onaga experience
Reptile- again- how has onaga exp effected him?
Mileena- kills kitana,has both her own and kitana's moves
Noob- more sub/noob conflict
Mavado- half lizard, volunteered for red dragon experiment
Bo Rai Cho
Hotaru- possible boss, big dictator/order grip on realms
Darrious- in alt costume, more jazzy 70s moves
Havik- more self mutilating moves
03/12/2007 10:57 PM (UTC)
1) Scorpion
2) Sub-Zero
3) Kenshi
4) Ermac
5) Motaro
6) Shinok
7) Quan-Chi
8) Shang Tsung
9) Kung Lao
10) and any other characters, I'm to lazy to tell the other ones that I want back grin
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Special thanks to NEST1 for this great sig.
03/13/2007 07:39 PM (UTC)
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03/14/2007 02:48 AM (UTC)
If anyone should return Subzero and Scorpion are the most important since they are the most popular characters Raiden and Liu Kang are next since the world of Mortal Kombat revolves around them. Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn should return too since there the most important bad guys. Well thats 6 characters but I think 15 is a little high if they want to start everything all over again.
03/17/2007 05:13 PM (UTC)
You know I see these posts everytime a new MK game will be made. And the undeniable truth is that the MK team for Midway doesn't read these posts. They don't care what kind of characters you want to see, not see, etc. They're creating characters to fit a story. The MK series has just been an ongoing story. Do you seriously think that for a sequel of a movie the writers would ask ordinary people, who would they like to see in the movie? The answer is no, it's not up to you. You can want, wish, put your suggestions on here, but the only people who read this are just ordinary Joes. That's why they made the Kreate-a-Fighter for MK: Armageddon. It's because they don't want your suggestions, if you want a certain type of character, creat your own. The MK team will decided who goes into their story and who doesn't.
03/18/2007 03:44 PM (UTC)
1) Quan Chi
2) Johnny Cage
3) Havik
4) Kabal
5) Reptile
6) Khameleon
7) Noob
8) Sub Zero
9) Scorpion
10) Shang Tsung
11) Jax
12) Kung Lao
13) Kitana
14) Fujin
15) Kenshi

Probably forgot a few. But I'd honestly also be content if only a handful of fighters return. I really hope that they sincerely mean it when they say they are "wiping the slate clean" this time (unlike when they said it during Deadly Alliance).
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03/18/2007 07:04 PM (UTC)
1. Taven
Taven should return as the protagonist character, taking over the status that once belonged to Liu Kang and Shujinko. I personally like him a lot as a main character in MK, and like I stated in another thread, he's got all the qualities for a protag.

2. Sonya
Not because she's a fave of mine, but because Sonya's made a name for herself in MK and is one of the few classics who still have a lot of untapped potential, instantly making her a perfect candidate to return. If the MK Team pays enough individual attention to Sonya and redo her story and look, she could become an instant classic character all over again.

3. Mileena
I think that Mileena has a lot of potential that can only really be tapepd into once she lets the Kitana rivalry go. There are many paths that the MK Team can take her for next-gen games. Not only that, but she is an extremely complex character with a defining look: you can't just let these qualities go without exploring them to their fullest.

4. Daegon
Daegon needs to return as one of Taven's biggest foes for the next-gen games. This is a new kind of rivalry that MK hasn't really had in the past: two brothers, two half-gods, one a "hero", one a villain; and if you consider Armageddon's storyline, Daegon will despise Taven in the future because he's taken something he wanted deeply ot himself. Good friction, IMO.

5. Johnny Cage
Johnny needs to return because his personality, look, and "style" is one that no other MK character has. He will bring something different to the mix like he always has in the past. IMO, the "vibe" that Johnny's character gives off is necessary to better the MK Games.

6. Quan Chi
He was only shown to be a great villain in MK: DA, and since then, Quan Chi has been out of the limelight for a good while. I think he fits the mold for a villain very well, even better than Shang Tsung himself. I'm sure he'd be able to come up with some very interesting new plots to enhance next-gen storylines.

7. Kitana
I think Kitana is very close to being up there with Sonya (tongue) when it comes to favorite females of Mortal Kombat. Although I think it would be good for her to remain the background for a little while, it would be a nice touch to have Kitana resurface in the near future as the queen fo Edenia. A rivalry with Rain would be a nice idea, IMO.

8. Jade
Like Kitana, she should await the right moment before making a splash in next-gen games. I liked Jade's appearence in MK: D a lot, mostly because of her absence in past games and her explosive return as one of the "heroes". It sort of freshened up her character; the same should be done for next-gen storylines.

9. Tanya
I really like Tanya as a villain. She has qualities that I love in bad-ass characters like her: self-centered, power-hungry, and bitchy wink. I think that bringing Tanya back in next-gen games would be a smart move, for reasons similar to Jade's.

10. Sareena
Her MKA bio made me like her more than before (I didn't really care for her in the past). She is a multi-layered character, with diverse emotions and an internal struggle that seems to control her at times and cause her to be unpredictable. I think next-gen MK could use a character like that.

11. Shao Khan
The villains of all villains has not grown stale yet! Shao Khan is an icon to Mortal Kombat, and I can only say that about very few characters. He's the ultime bad-ass, and just HAS to come back in the future to wreak some more chaos in everyone's lives. Long Live the Emperor!

12. Sub-Zero
Like Khan and few others, Sub-Zero is an icon to MK and way too liked to let go right now. For most ninjas, I would say kick them out and give me something new, but Sub-Zero has had such a great storyline in the past that I think he can pull it off next-gen as well.

13. Kira
Kira can come back under one condition: give her her own f*cking moves! I think the girl has potential, just not a lot of attention was paid to her. Mainly, she was brought in as an excuse for a lack of Sonya, but her story and personality makes me view her as a very likable new rival for Sonya.

14. Frost
I'll say Frost, but hesitantly. The reason why I think she should return is that she would make a very good enemy for Sub-Zero and Sareena, and I'd like her rivalry with Sonya to be further developped. But her intense similarity to Sub-Zero is what makes me hesitate. If she's redone to be as unique as possible, I'd like to see her come back.

15. Raiden
Raiden should return as well, just because he's too important to the storyline and is considered the "mentor" or "leader" type of character in MK. His "taint" needs to be taken out of whatever, and he needs to find a way to return to his old, benevolent self in order to deal with the new threats that should arise in next-gen MK.
03/18/2007 10:19 PM (UTC)
quan chi
kung lao
(ressurected) liu kang- not that gay zombie shit
light raiden- evil raiden.. ruins everything
johnny cage- DONT MAKE FUN OF CAGE
(old) stryker
kitana-of course
jax - oooo yeaahhh
shao kahn
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03/21/2007 10:25 PM (UTC)
6-Raiden(the Good one).
7-Liu Kang(Pre-zombie Form).
9-Reptile(Human or MK4 Form).
10-Noob Saibot.
14-Quan Chi.

Honorable Mentions:
Smoke(Human Form).
Kung Lao.

Basically all the memorable MK characters up to MK4.

03/23/2007 01:09 AM (UTC)
1. Mavado - Red Dragon needs a better storyline, i.e. Teaming up with The Lin Kuei to get rid of the Black Dragon once and for all.

2. Kano - Even though he's in the Black Dragon, I just think an Australian character would rock.

3. Kabal - WITHOUT MASK!!! I just think if he was to turn good, he would help Earthrealm so much.

4. Kung Lao - Is an explanation necessary? He has a razor-edge hat, for gods sake.

5. Sub Zero - He is one of the most well known MK characters, an MK game without him isn't MK.

6. Scorpion - Same as Sub Zero

7. Kenshi - The guy is blind, and he still kicks ass. And, he just looks so badass in his DA Alt

8. Rain - I think he has huge potential, but he doesn't get good enough storylines.

9. Onaga - He's like, a dragon.

10. Baraka - Baraka is so cool, I just think that he needs to be in it.

11. Cyrax - Mainly because in the MK:A intro, when he's gwtting thrown off the pyramikd, he says "Screw You!"

12. Shang Tsung - He's the only decent bad guy MK has.

13. Bo' Rai Cho - This guy rocks! His moves are a belly bash and puke. What more do you want?

14. Hsu Hao - Being serious, I didn't really like him at first, but now, i think he has potential.

15. Moloch - In Deadly Alliance, he was Moloch the Bollock. In Armageddon, he's Moloch The Owner. I'm never anybody else. Plus, he's funny. Yeah, I don't like female fighters, but I'm not being sexist.

I also think that the Kreate-A-Fighter should allow you to create about 5 characters on one profile, instead of just one.
03/23/2007 03:26 AM (UTC)
You do know MavadoFanboy that you CAN have all the fighters in one profile. well sort of. Just give all the profiles the same password.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/23/2007 05:43 PM (UTC)
OK check this out, everybody should return with the acceptions of:
1. Mokap (what's the point)
2. Darrius (wack)
3. Hotaru (annoying)
4. Lui Kang (he's a zombie anyway)
5. Ashra (what's her motive?)
6.Blaze (I think he made a shitty boss, human form maybe)
7.Lizard Reptile (keep the ninja outfit please!)furious
8. Shujinko (Lui Kang's replacement? yeah right, Shang Tsung rip off)
I would perfer to see smoke in his MK3 robot form, I agree wit you on Raiden, the evil one sucks and I would have said Reiko but he stepped his game up.grin
03/24/2007 03:27 AM (UTC)
1. Baraka
2. Ermac
3. Fujin
4. Jade
5. Kabal
6. Kung Lao
7. Mileena
8. Quan Chi
9. Reptile
10. Sareena
11. Scorpion
12. Shang Tsung
13. Sonya
14. Sub-Zero
15. Taven
03/24/2007 05:05 PM (UTC)
1: Sonya Blade

2: Kitana

3: Nightwolf

4: Kung Lao

5: Smoke

6: Sarrena

7: Sub Zero

8: Ermac

9: Dairou

10: Sektor

11: Khameleon

12: Reiko

13: Jade

14: Li Mei

15: Bo Rai Cho - I can see him with a big role in future games.
03/25/2007 06:22 PM (UTC)
I dont know if there are 15 who should definitley return.

1. Sub Zero- Probably the best developed character in MK.

2. Sareena- Theres so much in her story and potential that she could pretty much do anything and fit into most stories.

3. Havik- Havik is a somewhat of a floater character, and could be slotted in anywhere also. he's also the best of the Order/Caos story, should that return, he should carry it on.

4. Dairou - Dairou has lots of potential IMO, being a mercenary we dont know all taht much about him and his motives (personaly motives I mean, not ones where he's hired to do things).

5. Kung Lao- See Below

6. Nightwolf- Kung lao and nightwolf seem the obvious choices to be the returning Earth Realm heroes, even if its only as mentors.

7. Scoprion- Pretty much a given.

Those are the onyl characters who i think should return, and I only listed Scorpion because its pretty much given that he will Return.

Possilbe Returners:

Kitana - Only is she DOESNT become Queen of Edenia. her links with many characters and invovement in many of the main storylines makes her and ideal canditate. if she becomes Queen tho she should take a back seat and only be mentioned in bios/possibly intros etc.

Reptile and Khameleon - Reptile is a fairly well established character. His realm has still not been restored, that in itself ould bring him abck. Also if it does get restored, it could mean Reptile or Khameleon have to defend it. Also they could try and take over other realms.

Nitara - So underrated and underdeveloped, set aside the fact she deserves another chance in the MK World, her realm is relatively unexplored in the MK World, and her people could pose a threat to earht. Also the new games could take place there, perhaps with her realm being the main realm.

May add more later.

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Firm Turtle

03/25/2007 11:18 PM (UTC)
1. Ermac-not fully developed
2.Sub Zero
4.Fujin-shouldnt be kicked aside he hasnt really done anything important yet.
5.Reptile-needs to restore zaterra and he's awesome
6.Reiko-same as ermac
7.Stryker-we still dont know yet why he was saved in mk3. I see him as the new protector of earthrealm.
8.Sareena-suby's ally
9.Havik-i picture him doing really evil things in the future
10.Noob-possibly restored by sub zero. This i say because of konquest mode. Also because he is not seen in opening cinematic. Which i understand isnt completely canon.
11.Hotaru-if havik returns so will he. Just get rid of those stupid flags.
14-Li Mei
04/02/2007 08:11 PM (UTC)
9.sub zero
04/03/2007 05:13 AM (UTC)
i would hope:

1. liu kang
2. scorpion
3. sub zero
4. kung lao
5. kitana
10. shang tsung
11. quan chi
12. shinnok
13. johnny cage
14. noob
04/03/2007 08:47 AM (UTC)
In MK8, there should be at least:
1 ninja (Scorpion)
1 Lin Kuei (Sub Zero)
2 Allies of Main Heroes (Ermac and Kenshi)
2 Special Forces enemies (Kira/Mavado/Sektor)
1 Evil guy (Reiko)
1 Seidan (Dairou- no other choice)
1 God (Fujin)
1 Special Forces (Jax)
1 Classic Main Hero (Kung Lao)
2 Edenians (Jade and Taven)
1 Demon (Sareena)
1 Chaosrrealm (Havik)

04/06/2007 03:22 AM (UTC)
Blind_Swordsman Wrote:
In MK8, there should be at least:
1 ninja (Scorpion)
1 Lin Kuei (Sub Zero)
2 Allies of Main Heroes (Ermac and Kenshi)
2 Special Forces enemies (Kira/Mavado/Sektor)
1 Evil guy (Reiko)
1 Seidan (Dairou- no other choice)
1 God (Fujin)
1 Special Forces (Jax)
1 Classic Main Hero (Kung Lao)
2 Edenians (Jade and Taven)
1 Demon (Sareena)
1 Chaosrrealm (Havik)

Wait nevermind it's crappy i looked at it 15 times it sucks. I'm makin a new one.
04/06/2007 04:07 AM (UTC)
Here's the new list. * means I won't mind seeing them die/ not return

1) Scorpion- I don't like him but he has to return if they want a successful MK.

2) Sub-Zero- My favorite character. MK will be making a very bad move if they decide to get rid of him.

3) Ermac- He's really good considering the fact that he was just an error macro. Really a next gen. material.

4) Fujin- Since Raiden is evil now and will most likely die, he can be the next protecter of Earthrealm.

5) Kenshi- He's one of my two favorite characters (the other one being Subby) and he has next gen. material written all over him.

*6) Taven- He's just new for God's sake. He'll defeat Blaze and he'll be the new protecter of Edenia.

7) Kung Lao- Since Liu Kang is a goner, he'll be his successor.

*8) Raiden- Kind of a split. He's either gonna die or be the next evil guy.

*9) Sonya Blade- We need someone in the special forces. Wait do we still need Special Forces???

*10) Kitana- I like Kitana so much but I think she should only return if Edenia is in danger or somethin. Otherwise, she should just stay in her throne as a queen. She shouldn't die though.

11) Jade- My fav. female character. She should lead the Edenian army and be the guardian of Kitana. She has a lot of potential.

*12) Li Mei- SInce Bo Rai Cho could/will die, She can train kombatants or just play DEAD. (Anyway I don't care much about her)

13) Sareena- Can be part of the Lin Kuei along with Sub-Zero. She'll most likely be saved by Sub-Zero in Armageddon.

*14) Kira- Should only return if Sonya does. I don't think we need black dragon anymore.

*15) Reiko- last minute filller. Can be the next ruler of Outworld or die.

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04/06/2007 04:29 AM (UTC)
1) Scorpion-It's a given, but when he does return, he needs to lose the whole "I want revenge" theme. It was nice for a while, but Scorp is slowly becoming a joke. They should have kept him as the Elder Gods' Champion.

2) Sub-Zero-Another given, but unlike Scorpion, he doesn't need much change. Keep him as one of the main heroes and have him fight Noob at some point.

3) Mileena-The development she got in MK:D is enough to get her into the next generation. However, I hope the writers can pull her a bit away from Kitana and continue to make her into her own character. I'd also like to see her on the Neutral side.

4) Ermac-He should be a main hero or mentor in the next generation. I think this would be a wise choice, considering his MK:D ending kind of set him up for this.

5) Havik-A character with unbelievably high potential to mix up the storyline. He is a MUST with or without the Chaosrealm vs. Seido storyline.

6) Fujin-Earth will need a protector, especially since I doubt Raiden's gonna go back to being "untainted" anytime soon.

7) Taven-Possibly the main hero again? He has too much development to just throw away after one game-especially since we need to know what happened after Armageddon.

8) Kenshi-Not only is he one of the most popular post-MK3 characters, but his MK:A bio sets him up nicely to be a main hero.

9) Jade-All she needs is some development without Kitana and she'll do great. If Jade returns, they should continue her rivalry with Tanya, since that is one of the more interesting rivalries.

10) Noob-Develop him into eventually being a serious threat. He's already on path to do that. Also have him more involved with Sub-Zero, Ashrah (if she returns), and maybe even Scorpion.

11) Reptile-We'll need a lackey for the big boss, and I've grown sick of Baraka.

12) Johnny Cage-Totally pure preference. I like having a hero, that isn't all serious.

13) Sonya-They can still do a lot more with the OIA, with the Black Dragon, Red Dragon, and Tekunin still alive.

14) Rain-His revamp was actually really well-done. I'd like to see him be a recurring rival for Taven (and maybe Daegon) or possibly for Jade.

15) Sektor-His reappareance definitely made an impression. He should also have a number of rivals at this point (Subby, Sonya, Taven, Cyrax) as well as possible allies in Noob and Smoke.

Other options: Raiden (to resolve his "dark" storyline), Shinnok (possibly as a boss), Shao Kahn (he may be ready for a comeback), Ashrah (because she's awesome), Reiko (if Shao returns), Khameleon (if Reptile returns), Cyrax (if Sektor returns), Tanya (if Jade returns), Smoke (if Noob returns), Daegon (if Taven returns).
04/19/2007 03:26 PM (UTC)
I'm not too fresh on all my MKA endings, so I'm just going to go by what I do know. I'm using character potential as my main deciding factor.

1. Taven

We just met the guy, so I think he still has a lot to offer the series. I'm sure I read one ending where he became Guardian of Edenia. I like this ending, as it creates parallels between Earthrealm and Edenia, the "civilised" realms. Taven could become a respectable member of "Team Good" in future games.

2. Daegon

As it is with Taven, we just met Daegon. In one ending, I think it was actually his own, Daegon was imprisoned and his father chose Taven to take his place. This would establish Daegon as a pretty cool character, in my opinion. He beat the crap out of Blaze, then he gets locked away in prison. I'd make him a secret character.

3. Li Mei

She seems to be MK's new "sex symbol". I think her character has a lot of potential. She seems the most "normal" out of Outworld's characters, which I think makes her somewhat identifiable. With Bo' Rai Cho's training, in storyline terms, she should be right up there with Liu Kang and Kung Lao in terms of skill. I think she'd make a great character for the good side.

4. Shang Tsung

He's quickly becoming my favourite villain. His character could very well be written off, as I think was the plan back after Mortal Kombat 3, but I think Tsung still has room. I don't think they have fully exploited a storyline where Tsung is forced between choosing sides, because the villain doesn't like him, or is too smart for him to overthrow. It's also just somewhat rewarding to see the slimy bastard still breathing, while so many characters are dead.

5. Kenshi

MKDA was a very crowded game. Kenshi and Kung Lao both wanted Shang Tsung's blood. Kung Lao then got himself killed. I don't see Lao returning (nor any point to it, sorry Lao fans), but Kenshi is still a pretty fresh character. Kenshi could have gotten his revenge in MKA, but that's kind of anti-climatic. If you're bringing Shang Tsung back, you may as well bring the Blind Swordsman back, in all his telekinetic glory.

6. Havik

I always thought a better plot for Armageddon would have been this: Shujinko kills Onaga in Deception, Havik takes his heart, opens up the realms for one big orgy of chaos. I don't think you can go wrong with an insane madman who gets off on chaos. He's a young character, he's got an interesting look, and some original moves. He definitely has a long way to go, and a large part to play. He's another candidate for a secret character.

7. Kitana

I'm not her biggest fan, or anything, but I've always thought she had some kind of unseen charisma going for her. I was intrigued by the ending where Mileena and her traded places, as Mileena became beautiful, and Kitana became disfigured. I love that ending, especially the bit where they left it open with Mileena imprisoning Kitana so she could live with her newfound ugliness. She would logically be in Edenia's prison, which is where Daegon would be. Dare I suggest Kitana and Daegon rising up to usurp Mileena and Taven respectively? Yes, I will go that far. I'd have Kitana become deranged in the Edenian prisons, being a secret character in this game.

8. Mileena

I love the ending where she becomes beauty. I think she would be a somewhat competent ruler, too. Just have her make some enemies. Have her allow experiments to be conducted, evil organisations to flourish, meanwhile retaining her dream of conquering Outworld. I think she should be imperfect in the next game, but not completely wacko-tobacco.

9. Sub-Zero

A version of the character should return; I'm not sure if it should be the current one, though. Maybe a replacement? He'll be in the game, so you don't need to worry. He should become one of the leaders for good.

10. Ashrah

Her purification was not yet complete last we saw her. Until she succeeds with using the Kriss, her story still has room to grow. I'd love to see her undergo a transformation eventually, where she drops the Kriss, and is forced to pick a side in the war between good and evil. Just because she sort to be released from the Netherrealm, doesn't mean she's a good girl. A few millenia in Hell will do strange things to a kid.

11. Fujin

Edenia has a Guardian, why shouldn't Earth? I'm not Fujin's biggest fan, or anything, but I think he has legs. The Guardian position shouldn't take away from the new hero (who I believe will be an entirely new character), and let's face it, Fujin isn't exactly a "HEY! Look at me!" character.

I'd actually stop here with returning characters. But hey, if you want another four, here are "The Best of the Rest":

12. Noob Saibot

The revelation of his former identity shocked and intrigued me. There is still many ways to go with this. His story isn't finished until either he or Sub-Zero are permanently done with. As a sub-villain, he could be interesting.

13. Smoke

I'm not a Smoke fan. He's my least favourite of the cyborgs. Let me just say this, though: him being powered by Noob Saibot, being a sub-boss in Deception, and tying in to both Sub-Zero and Saibot's current storylines, kind of makes him relevant, as much as I don't like to admit it. He's also a fan favourite, so a lot of people will be appeased by his addition.

14. Sareena

Noob Saibot has an ally, logically Sub-Zero should too. She's a young character, and I suppose she has a journey in front of her. I've never really liked her, but I can see why people would. Seeing as I have Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot both returning, and she has connections with both of them, it would be silly not to bring her back. This would also only be her second fighting game. Can't get rid of her until at least two.

15. Jax

He's one of Ed Boon's favourites, and his robot make-over adds something fresh to him. This was a toss-up, and I originally had Cyrax in this position, but then I realised it was just because I liked him. I can see Jax coming back entirely as a robot, probably working for Noob Saibot. Although, he could be working for a mysterious master, which could turn out to be Sektor, which would make me happy. Then they can bring in Sektor and Cyrax next game representing Sektor's Tekunin.
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