15 characters that should return
posted04/21/2007 12:41 PM (UTC)by
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06/17/2006 09:29 PM (UTC)
3.Human Reptile(no more lizards)
4.Human or Elemental Smoke(no more robots)
5.Light Raiden(screw evil raiden)
6.Noob Saibot
9.Shang Stung
11.Kung Lao
01/23/2007 11:36 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero-King Wrote:
3.Human Reptile(no more lizards)
4.Human or Elemental Smoke(no more robots)
5.Light Raiden(screw evil raiden)
6.Noob Saibot
9.Shang Stung
11.Kung Lao

So basically...

A shitload of ninjas, two Deadly Alliance characters, and 5 other characters from the 90's?

01/23/2007 11:39 PM (UTC)
i agree with Ninja_Mime. I used to love ninjas, but now other than Subby, Reptile, and Ermac, they all suck imo. They should be barely any ninjas, three at most.
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01/24/2007 01:48 AM (UTC)
1. Taven
2. Li Mei
3. Sareena
4. Noob Saibot
5.Quan Chi
15.Sub-Zero(Or Scorpion) Some interesting characters...
01/24/2007 03:38 AM (UTC)
This is all wishful thinking, not a careful reflection of characters that actually have storyline potential or anything.

1) Reptile (Completely inhuman. Frankly, I'd love to see a bulkier, more menacing take on his MKDA costume).
2) Sub-Zero (The only ninja with a storyline worth a damn. I'd keep the shredder costume).
3) Taven (Way better than Shujinko. I liked Taven, and hope he shows up again)
4) Scorpion (Please Ed, stop raping the fond memories I have of this hellish spectre with crap like the Elder Gods betraying him.)
5) Shang Tsung (Overplayed as hell, but the only A-list villian who's return wouldn't infuriate me.)
6) Raiden (As evil, just so we can get this whole derailed storyline over with).
7) Havik (Only MKD character worth a damn).
8) Nitara (Decent character, would be nice seeing what would happen between her and Reptile).
9) Kitana (Give her a more assertive role).
10) Blaze (Am I the only one who liked him? Sure, him being Calypso in MKA's endings was kinda idiotic, but I'd love to see him or some other fire elemental of similar design. If not a fire elemental, how about a water one? Or something with the elemental power of uranium-238?).
11) Sareena (Pretty awesome, despite only appearing in side-games until MKA)
12) Noob Saibot (As much as we don't need another "Evil Sibling" plotline, this could be interesting)

And those are the only ones off the top of my head that I'd really want to return. To fill out the remaining places on the list, here are 3 people who I'd hate to see again.

1) Daegon: Taven killed him. Enough said. Taven's a god now, he doesn't need an evil twin to serve as an antagonist.
2) Quan Chi: If he's present in any capacity, Scorpion's story will suck. And since we all know Scorpion's in, we can only pray he won't be.
3) Frost: Most useless, redundant, pathetic excuse for a character ever. And this from the same series that brought us the Outworld Rainbow Ninja Strike force.
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01/24/2007 04:55 AM (UTC)
1 - Stryker
2 - Fujin
3 - Taven
4 - Bo' Rai Cho
5 - Jarek
6 - Chameleon
7 - Kano
8 - Onaga
9 - Shao Kahn
10 - Baraka
11 - Sareena
12 - Kintaro (Only if Gorbak isn't used.)
13 - Reptile
14 - Mavado
15 - Daegon
16 - Kai
17 - Kabal

That's my top 17. Sorry some characters stood out to me and had to be added.
01/24/2007 07:46 AM (UTC)
2)noob or sub-zero(one or the other,not both)
8)quan chi
10)shao kahn

others that i think should also return:
01/25/2007 04:48 AM (UTC)
I'm pretty comfortable with this:

Dairou: the new leader of the Seidan guard, and because I think the Vampire realm will engage in Mortal Kombat with Seidan first.
Ermac: a mentor for the new heroes.
Fujin: the new protector of Earthrealm.
Havik: aiding the Vampires.
Khameleon: she and Reptile are trying to re-new their race.
Mileena: the new queen of Edenia and ally of Seidan, trying to crush the Vampires before they attack Edenia.
Nitara: because I think the new threat will be the Vampire realm.
Noob Saibot: his Armagedden ending might come true, we'll have to see what happens from there.
Reiko: the new ruler of Outworld and ally of Seidan, trying to crush the Vampires before they attack Outworld.
Reptile: enhanced by the essence of the Dragon King and has plans.
Sareena: she could have an interesting future with Sub-Zero.
Scorpion: he doesn't need a reason.
Sektor: with the Black Dragon and Red Dragon gone, the Tekunin will rise.
Smoke: abandons his cybernetics by becoming purely ethereal smoke, then re-joins the Lin Kuei under Sub-Zero's command.
Sub-Zero: the new champion of Mortal Kombat?
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01/25/2007 04:58 PM (UTC)
Shao Kahn
Sonya Blade
01/30/2007 10:40 PM (UTC)
i think all should return.
01/30/2007 11:10 PM (UTC)
1. Li Mei
2. Fujin
3. Jade
4. Sareena
5. Kenshi
6. Havik
7. Dairou
8. Ermac
9. Mileena
10. Taven
11. Daegon
13. Khameleon
14. Nitara
15. Raiden
01/31/2007 12:52 AM (UTC)
1- Sareena
Too new, too cool, and too much potential to throw out after one game. Her Armageddon bio set her up as an interesting and conflicted character. At heart a good person, but undermined by her Demonic nature...I want to see where she goes from there and what she does. She can go far...and she should. Just no ice powers.

2- Mileena
One of the few "classics" I think should return...provided that she gets over her hatred for Kitana. If she did that, I'd like to see where she goes from there. Would she turn good? If so, would she mellow out or still be a psychopath? Would she stay evil? Or would she go neutral? Mileena still has plenty to offer...just as long as she escapes Kitana's shadow.

3- Ermac
Another one of the few "classics" I'd like back...as long as they ignore his Armageddon ending. I'd like to see him set himself up as Outworld's defender and see where he goes from there. I can see him developing into one of the main heroes like Sub-Zero did.

4- Havik
Another new character who can go far. A cool looking character who's only purpose is to cause trouble. He can easily fit into future stories. I'd like to see what he's up to next. Mortal Kombat needs a genuine nutjob.

5- Drahmin
I like Drahmin and I can see him going somewhere. He has a good backstory and I like the concept of his character...a former emperor damned to the Netherealm where he went completely insane and turned into a bloodthristy monster. I think with the primary Netherealm players(Noob Saibot, Quan Chi, Shinnok) getting taken out in Armageddon, Drahmin should step up as the realm's new ruler.

6- Li Mei
I hated Li Mei in MK:DA, but she's improved a great deal for me since. Way I see it, in Armageddon she should turn on her allies, then return in the next either as a heroic character seeking redemption or a villain trying to finished what Onaga started. I think she can do well in either direction.

7- Tanya
A lot of people hate Tanya, but I think she has a lot of untapped potential and makes a good villainess. I think she'd make a good nemesis for Jade and I think a feud with Mileena would be cool. That's the reason I list Tanya higher than Jade...even if Jade didn't come back, Tanya could still fuck with Mileena or maybe even Li Mei if she stays good.

8- Jade
I always liked Jade and I'd like to see her get a chance to develope into her own character and no longer merely be "Kitana's sidekick." I never like to say "take Kitana's place" either, because Jade needs her own thing to do with her own purpose.

9- Fujin
Even if Raiden comes back, he's gone batshit...so I'd like to see Fujin step up as the new Guardian of Earth.

10- Raiden
With Raiden going nutso, I'd like to see where he goes in the future as a villainous character. I think if done right it could be very interesting, watching a heroic character's fall from grace. It'd also be a change of pace having a villainous character who's convinced he's doing the right thing.

11- Nitara
Another recent character I'd like to see get developed more. I'd be interested in seeing what they do with her and where they take the Vampires.

12- Sub-Zero
A character worthy of his iconic status. Consistently changing and evolving throughout the series. I'm confident he can stay fresh in the next generation of games.

13- Hotaru
A fresh face who can go places. No real specific thoughts on him.

14- Kenshi
Another cool new addition. I've no concrete thoughts on him or where he could go in future games, but I like him and I can see him as a next gen character.

15- Khameleon or Ashrah or Kira or Dairou
Couldn't decide which one. I'd like to see Khameleon get a chance to develope into a unique character and I'd be interested in what they do with her. Ashrah's also a cool new character who can add some to Sareena's story, whether as a friend or foe. Kira was cool and I can see her as the next generation of Dragon clan whatever. I'd like to see what could be done with her. And Dairou I think can be improved if they took him away from Seido and made him more like his original MK:DA concept.
02/01/2007 01:20 AM (UTC)
1. Ashrah
2. Li Mei
3. Khameleon
4. Mavado
5. Jade
6. Ermac
7. Kenshi
8. Reptile
9. Dairou
10. Sektor
11. Sareena
12. Fujin
13. Hotaru
14. Nitara
15. Sub-Zero

Others: Kira, Kung Lao, Daegon, Taven, Tanya and/or Rain.
02/01/2007 04:25 AM (UTC)
Let's see...
1) Sub-sero (given)
2) Jade
3) Li-mei
4) Fujin
5) Tanya
6) Kira
7) Havik
8) Sareena
9) Kenshi
10) Mavado
11) Kai
12) Kung Lao
13) Ermac
14) Nitara
15) Dairou
02/01/2007 04:36 AM (UTC)
Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Quan Chi
Shang Tsung
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02/01/2007 05:36 AM (UTC)
Here's about 20:

Shujinko(Yea, I said it)
Kung Lao
Sub Zero
Noob Saibot
Scorpion(meh..better than Shinnok so I edited)
02/01/2007 09:41 AM (UTC)
My fav 15 for the next MK:

1. Sub Zero
2. Scorpion
--- these two are like the cornerstones of MK and they should be in the next game, too.

3. Liu Kang
4. Johnny Cage
5. Sonya Blade
--- I just love these classic fighting-the-good-fight characters

6. Goro
--- Hey, every game needs a Shokan and Goro is my favourite

7. Shang Tsung
--- Still the best villain MK has to offer

8. Kano
9. Raiden
--- Just to make MKI complete... ;)

10. Kitana
--- My favourite female character of MK

11. Baraka
--- Very distinctive character

12. Kenshi
--- He fights blind, for cripes sake!

13. Nitara
14. Sareena
--- More girl power!

15. Moloch
--- because he's kinda funny
02/01/2007 01:54 PM (UTC)
6.Shao Kahn
13.Quan Chi
15.Noob Saibot
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02/02/2007 01:34 PM (UTC)
Ok this is my list of chars that i think should return.

1. Sareena - She is in fact the highest tier in MKA. I would actually like to see her return but with a less delay with her projectiles. I hope she isnt as safe as she is in this game. To make her a little more balanced,Somewhat of a delay with her ff+1 would make it a great experience for the next mk.

2. Scorpion - He has been in every single MK,If he is not in the next one it changes the whole prospective of the game.I mean he is rivals with sub and he was Ed boons original creation.

3. Sub-Zero - Obviously you cannot have Scorp w/o Sub they are they have the biggest rivalry between them. Also What is mk w/o Sub Zero? He has been the Shotokan warrior for how long now? He was also one of Ed Boons original creations.

4. Kung Lao - I love this guy. He was introduced in MK2 and i think he has come along way. I would like to see his Wind spin come back though. Why Fujin got it is beyond me. I mean its not the same but basically the same idea. The only difference is Fujins is not a popup like Kung Laos was. I would also like to see him have a new attack like a really cool 5 or 6 hit combo like MK3 style. Also Kung Laos throw should be alot more damaging and also a popup. He would be another great addition to the new mk.

5. Drahmin - This guy is awesome. I didnt think much of him in mkda but hey mka he really made a comeback. I think it would be cool if he had a low popup in the next mk game like Kung Lao. His Ground pound is great but He needed more popups that were more effective. His throw should also be more damaging. He has no Air Kombat and he needs one. He would be another great addition to the new mk game.

6. Noob - Just an all around good char. I miss his cloud move where your opponent could not block or attack. The new move he has is just rediculous in a real high level match you cant really use it. I mean it works maybe 1 out of 10 games. Why he got a hammer is beyond me. I would like to see him have like a battle axe that could be used for combos and not just a uppercut.

7. Raiden - although i really dont like him in mka he is another one of the Classic players who has been in every game. His throw needs to be a popup and his teleport needs to be more effective. I believe his projectile should be alot faster.

8. Kira - One of my Favorites in mka. She was the lowest tier in mkd and she had some sweet combos that were effective. In mka she really got alot more to fight with. Her throw is great,her kiss needs to be a little faster. I believe as long as they keep her pretty much the way she is,Kira will definitely be nice to have for the next mk.

9. Liu Kang - Another Char that has been in all the games. Yes he did die in mkda but hey he also was still in it. He is in mka and was hurt bad by his lack nice combos. His throw is good but i think he should get pao chui back. That stance was the way liu knag was a worthy opponent. I think his fireball should be a little bit faster and his bicycle kick be breakable. Honestly i think that he would be an excellent char to return. The champion of mk never dies. Enough said.

10. Quan Chi - He is a top tier in mka. He wasnt all that good in mkda with that rediculous fatality he had. They really changed it up for him by giving him the double swords. His rs is very effective and he would have to be in the next mk but i think he shouldnt be as safe as he is. Like a little bit delay with the swords and if there is wakeups all moves should able to wake up off and not have to worry about his 50/50 with his swords. If this was how it was he would definitely be a great addition to the new mk.

11. Ashrah - I love this char as well. She was easily top tier in mkd and then in mka they took her Ba Gua from her. I think if she got that stance back,She would be able to compete with my original 10. Her throw is good and her combos are nice but she needs her projectile to be a little bit faster. With all that i would love to see her in the new mk.

12. Shujinko - He was another great in mkd but mka he got the small end of the stick if you know what i mean. For one they need to make it so he doesnt lose 10% more damage than anyone else. He needs his air lift to hit mid. He needs better combos. His throw is good but the timing for his Flaming Fist is very slow. I think it would be cool if they added like a fireball instead of sindels grab,like a low fireball. With all of that said he would also be a great addition to the new mk.

13. Reptile - First off he needs to be in his ninja suite like mk1 and mk2. His acid spit should be alot faster. He should get his green orb projectile he had. He still has his invisibilty. He needs a better throw that will give you a popup. His weapon doesnt suite him at all. I think he should have like a sword cause hes a ninja lol. No seriously His attacks need to be more damging and if the air kombat returns i believe he should get a better combonation that isnt broken and can be used as a inf. He would be a great addition to the new mk as long as these things were taken care of.

14. Kabal - He is a great char. I think he should get his old look back and his "take off mask and scream fatality" that would be great. He has hookswords but his need to be just like mavados and not a plant. He should have mixups the same. How can 2 diff chars have the same moves with a weapon but they do different things to your opponent? He needs a a/c cause for some reason he didnt get one. He needs to lose the Nomads Touch and give him a move where he uses the backpack he wears. His grab needs to be more powerful and maybe a popup. I mean with that said He would be another great addition to the new mk.

15. Nitara - She was introduced in mkda why she wasnt in mkd is beyond me but she is a good char. Her throw needs to be a popup and not give you life when done. She needs more mids. shes needs her weapon combo back that she had in mkda. Her air projectile is good but i think her ground projectile should be faster its as slow as reptiles. I think it would be cool if they gave her sindels floating move from umk3. I mean she has wings why not be able to use them? I think with those changes, she would be another great addition to the new mk.

Now these are the chars that i would not like to see return unless they can be Thrown,Hit with projectiles,and be able to be comboed in air.

1. Moloch
2. Onaga
3. Blaze

I would also like to see Mokap,Taven,Chameleon,Frost,and Daegon have more damging throws that would have nice mixups and there throw be a popup.

Thanx for your time. I hope you enjoy my ideas for the new mk. Im just thinking from a mk players perspective on how this game could be tested alot better and more balanced.I hope to see these chars make it, If not its ok, I'll still play and most likely find more broken things to tell you all about in the future.wink
02/02/2007 11:10 PM (UTC)
1.) Sub-Zero

He should be the main guy instead of Liu Kang.

2.) Frost

She should start turning to the good side.

3.) Hotaru

The way his alternate costume looks, he has to turn total baddass

4.) Scorpion

If Sub-Zero is in it, he should be too, and they should resurect their old fued.

5.) Mileena

Mileena is totally better then Kitana, nuff said

6.) Sheeva

She's cool and I like four arm charaters

7.) Cyrax

Hes a robot okay, they're cool

8.) Sektor

Hes red and there was another robot i said before

9.) Smoke

Him too

10.) Noob

His ending in Deception disappointed me about killing his brother, but i would rather have him go after his brother... but not kill him though

11.) Shang Tsung

If there is an evil guy in this game, hes evil enough for me

12.) Quan Chi

Same with Shang Tsung, but i don't find him as more evil than Shang tsung, hes just there for moral support.

13.) Shao Kahn

As well as this guy, he's cool, he only wears underwear underneath the armor

14.) Motaro

Only if he has his four legs back.

15.) Baraka

I had to choose either him or Reptile... you can understand why i chose him.

and if there is something to make up your own new guy for a new character to add along, can there be a pirate dude? they got so popular nowanddays who wouldnt want a pirate in their select a character thing?
02/03/2007 07:33 PM (UTC)
not in any order......

1. Ermac- great story, cool specials. I could really see him becoming one of the main good guys to take over Raiden or Liu's place.

2. Reptile- awesome ninja, one of the few. He should have a story that envolves Khameleon and him trying to bring back the raptor race.

3. Shinnok- obviously for me; still, he's getting a great story and i believe he'll be one of the main bad guys.

4.Raiden- love the whole evil Raiden thing, as it keeps his story fresh. He should have a new story, and some electricity specials that push his powers to the limits.

5.Sub-Zero- one of the few ninjas who should stay. Give him a better story and a new look/weapon.

6.Quan Chi- because of Cage's bio, i believe he should stay. Through his bio i believe he should have to fight off Scorpion(i hope scorpion dosen't rerturn though) eith the help of Shinnok.

7.Taven- could be the main good guy if Kung or Ermac don't step up to the plate; he needs a better story though.

8.Noob Saibot- cool story, just give him a revamped look.

9.Khameleon- cool character, much better than the male version. Should stay to help Reptile story wise.

10. Mileena- should stay, but should stop the rivalry with Kitana.

11.Nitara- never saw enough of her, could see her character having massive potential.

12.Sareena- same reason as Nitara.

13. Sektor- same reason as Nitara.

14.Baraka- stay, but a new storylie is needed.

15.Fujinn- could take over Raiden's place.
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02/03/2007 08:35 PM (UTC)
- Nitara
- Frost
- Havik
- Mavado
- Drahmin
- Cyrax
- Reiko
- Kira
- Tanya
- Fujin
- Shinnok
- Ashrah
- Taven
- Daegon
- Quan Chi

02/04/2007 08:07 AM (UTC)
1) Drahmin
2) Fujin
3) Havik
4) Hotaru
5) Kenshi
6) Mavado
7) Moloch
8) Nitara
9) Noob Saibot
10) Quan Chi
11) Raiden
12) Sareena
13) Shinnok
14) Smoke
15) Sub-Zero
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Thanks to flameshang for the fanbar! Pr0d for the sig, and Redman for the avy!

02/04/2007 05:48 PM (UTC)
1. Liu Kang
2. Kung Lao
3. Scorpion (only with a new story)
4. Sub-Zero
5. Raiden
6. Ermac
7. Kenshi
8. Kitana
9. Stryker
10. Fujin
11. Sareena
12. Shang Tsung
13. Taven

02/05/2007 04:10 AM (UTC)
1. Kabal
2. Smoke
3. Stryker
4.Noob Saibot
6. Sub-zero
10.Shang Tsung
11.Johnny Cage
13. Taven
14. Nightwolf
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