A lot of people really don't like how vague the line is, especially since its vagueness had killed off half of the roster. And I get where they're coming from. But I'm questioning what the alternatives could've possibly been.
Should he have said something along the lines of "Shao Kahn must win" to his past self from the first tournament, what exactly do you think that would be communicating? Past Raiden could very easily mistake that for "let Shao Kahn win this tournament", which would obviously be counterproductive. And it doesn't help that that's where his mind immediately leapt to. Even if he were to say something like "Shao Kahn must invade", then while it's technically more specific, it's still way too fucking vague, and in an even worse way than "He must win" is, and would assuredly have very similar results, if not totally identical.
And worse, it's straddling on being too verbose, which wouldn't be great given that he has to say it on the spot. Sure, he probably could've come up with something more accurate to his meaning while taking the same amount of time to say; provided he had the time to do that, and still have enough time to actually say it. But somehow, I doubt he had been planning for that moment beforehand.
So what else could Raiden have said that would satisfy the following criteria:
- Is accurate to the intended outcome (i.e. Shao Kahn invades Earthrealm without the right of Mortal Kombat)
- Is concise enough to be spoken within a 3-second timeframe (this isn't JJBA; talking isn't a free action here)
- Could be formulated within a 18-second timeframe whilst reciting a spell (presumably from memory, and is one that he probably doesn't use often enough to come to him naturally enough to say with a clear mind), and while one's body is in severe pain
- Could be gotten to quickly and easily from the place of "He Must Win" as a starting point, within that same 18-second timeframe, maybe minus a second
- Is intended for First Tournament Raiden, and thus has the real possibility of being applied to it
I just feel like what he did say may very well have been the best thing he could've said given the circumstances. Yeah, it's a shitty situation. That's the point.
With all this in mind, let's also remember that this isn't the "I must consult the Elder Gods" Raiden we're all used to. This is Dark Raiden, who is more ruthless, and more willing to let good people die to get a desired result. And would he have approved of the results that came of "He must win" moreso than his past self? (I say probably; Shao Kahn dies, after all.)

"Destroy Shao Kahn" would suffice since he is the threat that caused armageddon according to MK9.
"Destroy Shao Kahn" would suffice since he is the threat that caused armageddon according to MK9.
Accurate though this may be, it doesn't communicate much on how exactly he's expecting it to be done, and isn't that big of a goal change from 1T (first tournament) Raiden. The most use I can see Raiden getting out of this quote would be for after the 2T conclusion, in that it would reveal to Raiden that Shao Kahn survived the injuries given to him by Liu Kang. As such, I will say that it gives a late tactical advantage, and thus is better in that regard. Still, how Raiden would interpret this come the invasion is unclear, but would likely include Liu Kang being allowed to fight Shao Kahn prematurely, since he is the best opponent against Shao Kahn. (Who knows? Perhaps since Kung Lao probably survives 2T in this timeline (not being sent in as "He who must win" to get murdered by Shao Kahn), he and Liu Kang fight Shao Kahn together and wreck his shit.)
This is certainly a step up in terms of specificity without explicitly compromising the spell's purpose, though.

What a great question which reminded me of how stupid NRS made Raiden and thus lost all my respect.
If Raiden was held to the same "3 word limit", obviously he should just say "Kahn" instead of "He." You'd think a god would have better linguistic intelligence, especially when conversing with his damn self.
What a great question which reminded me of how stupid NRS made Raiden and thus lost all my respect.
If Raiden was held to the same "3 word limit", obviously he should just say "Kahn" instead of "He." You'd think a god would have better linguistic intelligence, especially when conversing with his damn self.
If that were the only thing done, then there's a good chance that it could be misinterpreted by 1T Raiden to mean "Kahn must win Mortal Kombat". Which obviously isn't good for anyone but Shao Kahn. I already addressed this one in the initial post.
Though one thing that has occurred to me is that Raiden is probably fluent in every Earthrealm language in the last 10,000 years, meaning he could've tried communicating it in some other language that's better at delivering lots of information in short sentences. Not sure what language that we be, though, so anyone is good to suggest something.