Stages Discussion
posted07/13/2010 10:50 PM (UTC)by
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02/03/2006 11:56 PM (UTC)
Ok so the stages weve seen so far in the trailer look beautiful to me they do very awesome job MK team. So far these stages were in the trailer:

The Pit
The forest
Acid Pool
Shang Tsungs throne room area
Shao Kahns Battle stage

So what other stages would u guys like to see?
Me? I wouldnt mind a mix of MK2-MK3 stages like The Subway station, The armory, The MK church, The Wastelands, and basically a nice mix of MK2-3 stages that were awesome as long as their well designed and have sumwhat their old classy tune of music maybe changed up a bit

What do u guys think or what woud u like to see for stages?
06/12/2010 03:52 AM (UTC)
Ideally I think every arena from MK1 thru Ultimate should make it in if they're really serious about redoing that era properly, but just in case time is short and they have to leave a few out, here are the stages I'm hoping to see the most that we haven't yet:

- Palace Gates
- Warrior Shrine

- Kombat Tomb
- The Tower
- The Portal

- Church
- Subway
- Rooftop (it might be in the trailer already actually, but I'm hoping for a version at night...and it damn sure better have Kahn's castle and the portal swirling over it in the background)
- Scorpion's Lair (a better version than the one in MK vs DCU. I want to see lots of columns made of skeletons with a purple tint to them. Armageddon had kind of a cool version, with the platform constantly floating down, down, down)
I'd like to see a few new stages that weren't in the first three games but fit the plot too like the deck of the ship to Shang's island pretty much like it was in MKDA, Kahn's throne room inside his castle, the Shaolin Temple, the Lin Kuei compound for the scenes where Sektor, Cyrax, and Smoke get automated, maybe a Special Forces base like the one from MKvsDCU...
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06/12/2010 04:05 AM (UTC)
The Pit I. I'm a bit unnerved that the Pit II now seems to have spikes at the bottom of it, makes me a bit worried we won't see the original.

The Warrior Shrine. Apart from the Shaolin Monks Ermac and endurance fights, it hasn't been seen since MK1.

The Graveyard - So much potential for that creepy factor.

The Soul Chamber - I swear I've hated both MK Gold and MKA's versions of this...yet I'm thinking that there must be a way to make a new version better than the original.

Smoke's MK3 portal: That one background everyone forgets about, the desolate wasteland that was basically a mish-mash of the Pit III's floor, and the Choose Your Destiny background with character towers vaguely visible in the back:

I find it's really suggestive of the crap state the world was in after Kahn stole everyone's soul, moreso than the city backgrounds. Rework the towers into actual skyscrapers lost among desert sands or rubble, and it could have a great post-apocalyptic, Mad Max-ish feel.
06/12/2010 04:11 AM (UTC)
did anyone else notice that the fight camera moves depending on where in the stage you are, like i noticed that in the living forest as kung lao throws a hat at reptile the camera is more centred behing kung lao,

06/12/2010 04:13 AM (UTC)
immortalkombat Wrote:
did anyone else notice that the fight camera moves depending on where in the stage you are, like i noticed that in the living forest as kung lao throws a hat at reptile the camera is more centred behing kung lao,

That might just be a cinematic effect for the purposes of the trailer.

Or y'know how when you let the game sit for too long, it goes into demo mode and shows you computer vs. computer fights? In all the 3D MKs, the camera often spins around the characters while they're doing that.
06/12/2010 08:34 AM (UTC)
I absolutely love the stages in this game. I think the 2D playing field really plays favor to just how detailed and full these stages feel this go around, because when it's 3D it's usuallt very empty.

Other stages that I would love to see:


The Pit I:

But I doubt that as it's apparent they just merged the Pit I and II together. Which isn't a terrible idea, because it all looks fantastic, but I am sure we would have all liked one with spikes and another with just flat concrete. Oh well.

The Pit Bottom:

This is one that many forget about as well I would say. I think since they already have it created that it would be neat to have this as it's own stage. The atmosphere would be dark, and you could see all the bodies on the spikes etc.

Palace Gates:

I think this is great for scenerey, as it gives off that chinese mythology feel, and could definitely be an awesome stage.

The Courtyard:

I love the look of just an audience watching as you fight, as well as Shang in his throne and a couple Palace Guards. It was brought back in one of the 3D games, but this is definitely one that would shine better in 2D imo.

Warrior Shrine:

This one was a really neat stage, and I think with it being 2D once again, it's the perfect time to bring it back.

I realize I pretty much named all the MK1 stages, but it's because I was so blown away by Shang's Throne and The Pit/The Pit II stages, that I would love to see the other MK 1 stages as well.

MK 2:

The Armory:

I thought the MK:D version was decent, but not to sound like a broken record, I think this would be awesome to see fully detailed and in 2D again. It's just such an awesome atmosphere with all the weapons and it's molten lave like glow.

The Wasteland:

I would love to see just a bunch of bodies and skulls etc. in the background. Not just a few either, we're talking piles of them. That would be very disturbing yet very awesome. The mountains and the building in the background with a purple hue and a fog is just perfect.


The Graveyard:

With their more serious tone and it being in 2D, the Graveyard would look phenomenal. Have a fog over the background with graves and tombstones as well as the moonlight shining through casting shadows from all the bare trees. So perfect.

The Temple:

This is a bit underrated and I think it has a chance to truly shine in a 2D plain but with 3D graphics. Add in more details and scultures to the whole thing and it would be perfect.


In the game there appears to already be some sort of Rooftop stage, but I really would like to see it look more akin to the classic look. all the building could be destroyed and on fire etc. just complete chaos with Khan's base or whatever standing defiantly.

The Cave:

This jusy screams out to me as awesome when picturing it in this game. It has the perfect atmosphere and lighting, and would look just plain dark.

The Waterfront:

This is just a beautiful scenerey if done right. With great water effects, and glowing and reflections of the city in the background, this has awesome potential for just straight up stunning scenery.

Scorpion's Lair:

This is a great stage to just show so much brutality. Have all the bones and skeletons all over the place, as well as people and bodies strewn about or being tortured. The Lava glow once again makes a nice effect to contrast the deep blued and greys of the night stages.

New Stages:

Lin Kuei Temple
Shang's ship

I can't really think of any more, but as long as they make sense story wise, I would love to see some other locations not previously used or shown.
06/12/2010 09:40 AM (UTC)
Comparisons of what we've seen so far:

The Throne Room

This is one of my favourite arenas and I've been dying for them to bring it back. Thankfully they have this time round, and done a brilliant job of it! This is definitely the most impressive looking arena in the game so far.

The Dead Pool

While I would have preferred not to have people in the background being dipped into the acid, because it takes away from the impact of a stage fatality, this looks very impressive and a lot better than the Deception attempt.

The Living Forest

Can't say I'm overly impressed by this. It just looks too much like a cartoon. The trees in the original were much more menacing.

The Pit II

Looks great. Love the past characters fighting in the background. Just hate that they put spikes at the bottom, instead of keeping it how it was in MK2.

Kahn's Arena

This is kinda 'meh' for me. Was never a big fan of this arena and think it looked better in MK2. Don't love it, don't hate it.

The Bridge/Street

Not sure if this is meant to be The Bridge or The Street, or a combination of both, but I don't like it! It seems incomplete (maybe it is?), too dull, and too clean. Originals are much better.


I kinda feel the same way about this as The Bridge/Street. It just isn't as foreboding as the original is, and way too clean and dull when it's surround by chaos and destruction. The background detail is impressive though, with meteors/fireballs coming down from the sky and destroying the city while you fight.

The Balcony

No one seems to have mentioned this yet. It may not actually be The Balcony, but it does look similar. Can't really see enough to judge it. Seems they are going with a lot of MK3 arenas, though.

What I'd love to see: Warrior Shrine, Palace Gates, Wasteland, Kombat Tomb, The Portal, The Temple, Scorpion's Lair/Netherealm, House of Pekara, Shang Tsung's Palace, and some new ones.
06/13/2010 12:10 AM (UTC)
Did anyone notice the arena with the burning buildings? Seemed like the rooftop arena from MK3!
06/13/2010 01:03 AM (UTC)
Tony Goskie really outdid himself this time around.

The stages are beautiful, probably one of the best I've ever seen in a fighting game. I dont think I'm being a fanboy...I'm serious. There's a great attention to detail. I wish I could say the same for the character models and animations.
06/13/2010 02:20 AM (UTC)
Quick Notes

-The Living Forrest does not look menacing at all. I remember playing MK2 back in the day. The Living Forrest seemed so menacing, depressing, lonely, and dark. It was the stage I loved to hate. This new stage makes the trees look more comical than anything.

-The Pit was done perfectly. Besides ruining Kenshi's possibilities, I love how there are people on the other bridge fighting. It was really cool to see Hornbuckle fight Blaze in MKSM, and its really cool seeing Daegon and Reiko fight now.

-The street is forgettable. The rooftop just doesn't look that good. It needs to be night time there.

-Kahn's Arena, the Deadpool and the Throne Room look great. The crowd cheering is such a great addition. Little things like that really add to a game.

-Warrior Shrine and the Courtyard need to be in this game. How great would it be to see the ninja statue just explode in the middle of a fight and Ermac appears in its place. I loved how he was at the Warrior's Shrine in MKSM. The Courtyard could have the guards roaming around, and if Kung Lao isn't there fighting at the moment Kung Lao can reveal himself as a guard. I didn't like MKSM's story, but I did like the idea that Kung Lao was hidden at the tournament
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06/13/2010 03:15 AM (UTC)
Stages so far look absolutely amazing. You can tell there is a lot of work being put in them. I do agree that The Rooftops, The Street, and The Living Forest need a little bit of more work. The Rooftops and The Street should be a little bit more messy looking, like the MK3 originals. The lighting in these imo should be pretty dark like in the originals. The Living Forest has a good, dark atmosphere, it's just that the trees look kinda cartoonish lol.

Arenas I would like to see:

Mortal Kombat 1 :

The Courtyard

Mortal Kombat 2 :

The Wastelands
The Armory
The Portal

Mortal Kombat 3/ Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

The Temple
The Belltower
The Soul Chamber
The Balcony
Scorpion's Lair
The Cave
06/13/2010 03:17 AM (UTC)
justycist Wrote:

What I'd love to see: Warrior Shrine, Palace Gates, Wasteland, Kombat Tomb, The Portal, The Temple, Scorpion's Lair/Netherealm, House of Pekara, Shang Tsung's Palace, and some new ones.

+1, You seem to have the same thinking as me, not only related to backgrounds, but all other aspects of the game.
So far what I've seen in the trailer it all looks good. What I need to see in this game is Goros lair form MK1 and the waste land from MK2. These were my top two favorite stages of all time.
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06/13/2010 11:48 AM (UTC)

Actually I hope all of the stages from MK1 – MK3 will make it. But if they will not do them all, I want to see the following stages in addition to the ones we’ve already seen:

The Courtyard
Warriors Shrine
The Pit Bottom
Goro’s Lair

The Portal
The Tower

The Church
The Graveyard
The Subway

Scorpions Lair
Jade’s Dessert
06/13/2010 08:15 PM (UTC)
I would agree with the post above, all would be great, but if they left a few out that would be reasonable too. The Dead Pool and Pit 2 look excellent, and at least the living forest looks better than the MK4 or MKD versions. I agree, the urban environments should keep their traditional looks and be kept at night for the Street and Rooftop, and at sunset for the Bridge. I would also love to see the Bank return, I always loved that arena and its tune. Maybe they could add a stage fatality where you throw somebody threw the large glass windows. Since the game is still several months away, all of this is still possible.
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People say I'm strange, but that's ok because their brain smells like bacon. [XBL - DOKTOR ALUCARD]

06/13/2010 09:33 PM (UTC)
I'm really hoping they have everything into chunks and have them multi layered.

Nothing was cooler than uppercutting someone into The Streets.
06/14/2010 02:39 AM (UTC)
I like the Stages so far, very nice the Pit II looks sexy!
06/14/2010 08:04 AM (UTC)
I wish the stages in the city were in night time.
06/14/2010 09:49 AM (UTC)
It would be better if the Pit II didn't have spikes. That was my favorite stage fatality ever, when they went splat on the concrete / granite or whatever it was.

Stages i would like to see return;

All stages from MK1 - 3,

And also possible MK Mythologies stages, for example, the shaolin temple, wind stage, etc
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06/14/2010 01:44 PM (UTC)
I agree that the Street and/or the Rooftop need to be at night time.
They look too plain in day light.
The glow of the burning city would really set it off.
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06/14/2010 01:48 PM (UTC)
We may get lucky when it comes to those stages being at night time. Street Fighter 4 has stages during the day, and at night, so it is possible. It's just a matter of if they are too lazy or if they'll do it.
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06/14/2010 03:59 PM (UTC)
Warrior Shrine
Goros Lair


Soul Chamber

Scorpion's Lair
Lost Bridge
Kahn Cave
Jade's Desert(No Cyrax I want him Playable)

Some 3d Stages in 2d(Unlockable or Secret Kombat Kodes U Know)
Sky Temple(MKD)
Slaughter House(MKD)
Reptile Lair(MK4)
Liu Kang Temple(MKD)
Lin Kuei Temple(MKDA)
Shang Tsung Palace Inside(MKDA)
Kuatan Palace(MKDA)
06/14/2010 04:12 PM (UTC)
arenas i'd like to see are
1. mk3's graveyard
2.mk3's subway
3.mk4 reptiles lair
4.umk3's scorpions lair
5.mk1's goro's lair
6.mk2's armory
7.mkd slaughterhouse
8.mkd falling cliffs
9.mk2's dead pool
10.mk2's living forest

arena's that i got on my list are the dead pool and the living forest. so here's to me hoping to get the rest of my choices.
06/15/2010 12:47 PM (UTC)
I personally have no problem with the New Living forest. In fact it is the living forest I have been dreaming of since that sorry mock up in Mortal Kombat Deception(some times the trees move *sigh* who are you kidding guys)
To me, they hit the atmosphere dead on this time, it's dark, dank. Overall it finally looks scary again!
I will agree the trees look a bit over done. As if the MK team were trying a bit hard to make them scary so instead of those haunting, eerie human like faces they went with demonic.
but still I love it, Dead bodies wrapped up in roots, twisted branches hanging down that you would never want brushing your shoulder, it is right on the money for me.
I will say the same about the Dead Pool I looove seeing that person getting dipped into the acid and screaming in agony.
Right on the money.
07/11/2010 11:37 PM (UTC)
The one stage that in my opinion tops all other stages is Hell AKA
Scorpions Lair. And I hope they keep it close to the original look to the stage. I want to see pillars of skeletons towering over the lava and maybe some of the sinking slowly into the lava like in MK Armageddon.
And a remix of the the original UMK3 Stage music from Pit 3, The Balcony and Scorpions lair. Pending on how they remix it depends. I just don't want them ruining it like they did with The Subway stage in MK Armageddon.furious
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