Concept art of Kitana, Cyrax & The Desert render!
Mortal Kombat (2011)
Pages: 1
Concept art of Kitana, Cyrax & The Desert render!
posted11/10/2010 04:19 AM (UTC)by

One of my best friends in the MK community, Lord Shao Kahn (of our friend MK spanish website posted in our spanish forums one interesting article from the blog - also spanish one - FaseExtra:
There's nothing new neither in the article or the videos, but the pics are few news (or I never seen before), and at the end of the article we can see concept arts of the princess Kitana, the yellow cyberninja Cyrax, and a beautiful render of the Desert with the fallen Sindel statue.
There's nothing new neither in the article or the videos, but the pics are few news (or I never seen before), and at the end of the article we can see concept arts of the princess Kitana, the yellow cyberninja Cyrax, and a beautiful render of the Desert with the fallen Sindel statue.
Thanks man thats some sick shit

About Me

Those concepts are sweet! Nice find! Here it is in english in case you're lazy:;=_t&hl;=en&ie;=UTF-8&layout;=2&eotf;=1&sl;=es&tl;=en&u;;=url

Desert is sexy.
Loving Cyrax!
And the dessert!

Alright Don't get me wrong here I think these Images are great but We've seen these before just in different positions. For the next batch of Pictures they do they should include Jax and Arenas like Shang's Throne Room and The Subway. I'm not sure why they've been quiet about the other 3 stages we've never seen (Rooftop,Street,Church) maybe they've been keeping this as a fake secret or maybe there's stuff to add or fix in those but they should hurry up with those as well.
The Desert's concept art looks absolutely great!!
Kitana's concept hair is how I hope they do her hair and not this bushy ponytail that has nothing to bind it into a ponytail in the first place. Listen up MKteam cuz I'm only gonna say this as eloquently as I can: Do her hair that way if you're not doing it already!
Love how evil Cyrax looks in this game and concept art He's not as menacing looking as Sektor but it definately isn't reminding me that he was good once.
The Desert's concept art looks absolutely great!!
Kitana's concept hair is how I hope they do her hair and not this bushy ponytail that has nothing to bind it into a ponytail in the first place. Listen up MKteam cuz I'm only gonna say this as eloquently as I can: Do her hair that way if you're not doing it already!
Love how evil Cyrax looks in this game and concept art He's not as menacing looking as Sektor but it definately isn't reminding me that he was good once.
oh... my... mother... effing... god. say hello to my new desktop wallpaper!

I wish they hadn't put those giant watermarks on 'em. Why do websites act like they own the images they're given by developers? The developers made the fucking picture, not them.
Anyway, I guess this solves the "is the wreckage in the desert a Sindel statue?" question. It's pretty obviously her likeness, you can even make out the collar of her MK3 sleeveless jacket.
Anyway, I guess this solves the "is the wreckage in the desert a Sindel statue?" question. It's pretty obviously her likeness, you can even make out the collar of her MK3 sleeveless jacket.

@ Razor
I don't think they watermark them with the message of "these images are made by us". Its more like, they get exclusive images which other sites don't have but if not watermarked other sites may use them as their own and it loses its exclusivity. Look at IGN. They watermark everything - From images to videos.
I don't think they watermark them with the message of "these images are made by us". Its more like, they get exclusive images which other sites don't have but if not watermarked other sites may use them as their own and it loses its exclusivity. Look at IGN. They watermark everything - From images to videos.
About Me
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy." ― Kalu Kalu

Demon_0 Wrote:
@ Razor
I don't think they watermark them with the message of "these images are made by us". Its more like, they get exclusive images which other sites don't have but if not watermarked other sites may use them as their own and it loses its exclusivity. Look at IGN. They watermark everything - From images to videos.
@ Razor
I don't think they watermark them with the message of "these images are made by us". Its more like, they get exclusive images which other sites don't have but if not watermarked other sites may use them as their own and it loses its exclusivity. Look at IGN. They watermark everything - From images to videos.
No, I get completely why they do it. I just find the practice to be distasteful. They're obscuring a portion of the image for the sake of getting more hits on their stupid website.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
No, I get completely why they do it. I just find the practice to be distasteful. They're obscuring a portion of the image for the sake of getting more hits on their stupid website.
Demon_0 Wrote:
@ Razor
I don't think they watermark them with the message of "these images are made by us". Its more like, they get exclusive images which other sites don't have but if not watermarked other sites may use them as their own and it loses its exclusivity. Look at IGN. They watermark everything - From images to videos.
@ Razor
I don't think they watermark them with the message of "these images are made by us". Its more like, they get exclusive images which other sites don't have but if not watermarked other sites may use them as their own and it loses its exclusivity. Look at IGN. They watermark everything - From images to videos.
No, I get completely why they do it. I just find the practice to be distasteful. They're obscuring a portion of the image for the sake of getting more hits on their stupid website.
At least it's not in the center.
oracle Wrote:
Damn Kitana, why so pissed?
Damn Kitana, why so pissed?
She's wondering why she's stuck wearing that stupid outfit.
Oh come on, that was wide open. How could I not take the shot?

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
She's wondering why she's stuck wearing that stupid outfit.
oracle Wrote:
Damn Kitana, why so pissed?
Damn Kitana, why so pissed?
She's wondering why she's stuck wearing that stupid outfit.
I think its more about her fan being made out of kitchen knives... that shit is legit sexist
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