To me, the Titans are really interesting in this game. I hope they show more about them in future games.
I like the fact that they created and rule the universe, but its a little confusing that if they do so, then what the Elder Gods stand for.
I mean Kronika is keeper of time, she might be the creator of time itself. And time is on a higher rank then other things such as elements, but life (Cetrion) and death (Shinnok) are as important as time in the universe. And if so, what do the other Elder Gods and Titans stand for? What do you guys think?
On this picture, there is a Titan of cosmos. But those monsters are just too meh..
We do see another Titan in Scorpion’s ending . I think the Elder Gods stand for order and keep the balance between the realms. I hope we will see more of them in mk12 and also more Elder Gods
but I just have a question, are they Elder Gods of Earth or all realms?
Elder Gods are, i think, common for all the Realms. each Realm have its own lesser Gods, like Earthrealm have Raiden and Fujin. as for Cetrion, i think MK11 Cetrion is just Earthrealm aspect of her as Elder Goddess of life, an in other Realms she could look very different, as the other Elder Gods. maybe just Shinnok was the same for all the Realms.
and with Titans, they were the primordial raw aspects of elements, life, death, chaos, power and cosmos, then there was Kronika to maintain some sort of order with time, then Elder Gods and then lesser Gods to look for on specific Realms.
Well the Elder Gods are children of Titans, just as Cetrion and Shinnok are of Kronika. I dont think they fight them...
As for non human looking characters, I like the one in Scorpions ending, but the one above, the octopus and the monster are just too stupid compared to Kronika and the space girl...
In scorpion ending the Titan got a Human form. But those in Shang Tsung look terrible. But I think it just an aspect. They can all have a human form. I’m curious to know where come from the two Elder gods we saw in the Art Concept via the krypt
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I bet they're only teens...