I made a list of every single fatality in the game currently and ranked them out. Let me know what you guys think. Are there any controversial picks? Is Bow To Me too high? Why are Raiden's fatalities always so stupid?
I love the headbutts, I think it fits Kano well. TBH I overlooked Can't Die when making the list, if I hadn't forgotten about it I might have it a bit higher.
Well, Kano's fatalities are ok, but his trademark is his lasereye and NRS missed the potencial to gave him great fatalities involving his lasereye. The headbutt is just average, it could fit almost every generic character. And what makes it even more sad... he has a similiar throw brutality. So why do the same as a fatality?

It’s your list and your opinion so that’s totally cool, but like @Malaraz said, for me a lot of my favourites are totally opposite to yours.
My absolute favourite in the game is Hooked (I main Kabal so that suits me just fine) and love ones like Can’t Die, Rock Paper Baraka and Pole Dance, whilst I actively dislike silly things like Cyber Initiative, To The Choppa and Who Hired This Guy.
I personally prefer ‘realistic’ (within the realms of MK at least) vicious fatalities that just utilise the characters default weapon in a savage cruel manner or a simple act of hand-to-hand ultra violence. I don’t like ones that break the fourth wall, are so over the top they’re completely ridiculous, ignore the location the fight took place in, or have magical huge weapons appear out of thin air.
I honestly feel MK9 was the high point in the series for its gruesome barbaric fatalities and wish they’d do more in that style again.

Shao Kahn's alt fatality being second to last is surprising to me. I think it's perfect. The head bash seems like it's unnecessary aside from making your opponent look goofy before their death. But then he shows off his skill with the spear with that vertical split, which which are always among the most brutal. He uses his speed and inertia to execute the split after that agonizing impale and lift. The opponent has to stare down at him helplessly while their own body weight increases the pressure at the impale. Kahn is amazing with the war hammer but wow I fucking love how prominent his spear has become as his secondary weapon with this game. This is illustrated best with the lightning-fast downward swipe and the opponent falls to the ground and you see the true purpose of the head bash when their head unexpectedly falls through their severed body on a pile of organs.
So his enemy is humiliated, forced to stare in his eyes helplessly while gravity makes the pain worse, and dies via vertical split and decapitation. A creative way to use both of his weapons, show off his skill, sadism and dominance. Also, no unnecessary overkill; the opponent's mutilation is over at the same time they die.
This one's gotta be my favorite.
I believe a lot of the finishers aren't as creative as before. Remember how they'd be way up there and nearly impossible that what the fighter could do? A good example is Jax's MK3 Pest Control version. How was he able to simply grow to a huge giant and step on someone. How about Reiko's kick from MK4. These finishers weren't the best but they were way out in left field. The ones we have now seem to practical and that anyone could pull them off if they had the gear the fighters have.
My favorites thought from MK11 would be the following: (I don't know the names of them off the top of my head)
1. Both of Johnny Cage's. You cannot beat nostalgic finishers and I like how they redid both MKII finishers here. Mr. Cage's Neighborhood is by far the funniest of the two.
2. Shang Tsung's Kintaro Fatality since it is a revamp of the old MKII one.
3. Nightwolf's Fatality with his tomohawk was pretty brutal and wicked so it is now in my top 3. It seems and looks very painful.
4. Baraka's Fatality where he pulls the opponent's face off and eats their brain.
5. Both of Kahn's made me laugh. When I first saw Blow Out I thought it came out a particular end of the body other than the opponent's back. LOL. The other where he crushes the head down and you see the opponent blink a few times is also funny.