-Kano punches through the back, out the chest and grabbing the heart along the way, crushes the heart in his hand and still with that same hand already through them, reaches up and rips off their bottom jaw back through their chest. They drop dead and he holds up the jaw like the old MK1 heart hold.

For some reason I've been thinking of a cool one for Kano.
-Kano punches through the back, out the chest and grabbing the heart along the way, crushes the heart in his hand and still with that same hand already through them, reaches up and rips off their bottom jaw back through their chest. They drop dead and he holds up the jaw like the old MK1 heart hold.
Great sounding Fatality, but, I don't really think Kano will be playable in MK 11. Maybe give that to Havik if he's in?
My Idea would be for Raiden. Raiden teleports behind the opponent. He throws lightnings into the opponents back and pulls out his spine. Raiden puts the spine around the leg and pulls. The opponent falls on the ground and Raiden puts the spine around the Neck and pulls on both ends. Either the head explodes or it pops off.
Thank you for reading ????????????????
That's a very cool idea. Hope it gets in the Game.
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
Cassie, in a bid to outdo her dad, roundhouses the opponent's head making it repeatedly spin 360 degrees until it lifts off, flying straight upwards or toppling onto the floor.
-Scene cuts to Cassie with Jaqui beside her, who looks at her funny and says: "That would NOT happen!"