Kombat Pack 3 Leak and hints/ Messages Decoded.
posted03/13/2021 03:21 AM (UTC)by
NorthernKnick A.K.A. The ALLFATHER
About Me

Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!

Member Since
02/25/2021 04:52 AM (UTC)

A lil birdy told me The Update For Kombat Pack 3 will be a New Tournament Style update it Has new Tournament style Variations for all existing Characters. The character's that were in MK 2011's tournament will have a variation that plays like they did in MK 2011's Tournament with new Skin's weapons and gear to matach the new Era in times past and all other character's will have new variations that will play like they would if they were in the MK 2011 tournament with rerendered skins Weapons and Gear to match up with the new Era in times pasts Tournament Spoiler Alert!!! The Great Kung Lao will be a new DLC Character in his 1st Tournement in the past and all future weapons will be made to look like Magic abilities but no guns plasma Blasts or something like that. The other DLC Characters will be King Jerrod and young Goro. According too the hints and messages

Yes my eyes are open SkaVorah NRS Calm Down roflmao.

TheCinamaholic Quote "What this would entail is that the makers would have to do away with fighters with modern weaponry such as guns, and that can be a bloody good twist if you ask me. The characters I reckon will be making a comeback include Liu Kang, Raiden, Great Kung Lao, Kitana, Goro, Shang Tsung, young Shao Kahn, Sindel, King Jerrod, along with a number of other returning and new ones. Let speculations run wild."

I Put it Together why would it be like MKX style if its the Great Kung Laos 1st Tournement haha. Naw I know better. It will be a Tournament style...Variation's with Multiplal sets of different Large Kombos for each Character

King Jerrod You say...that Sounds most interesting.

Well Done!!!

04/08/2021 03:00 AM (UTC)

Ya No really do not see King Jerrod as a playable character LoL and he is now part of Ermac

04/08/2021 10:11 AM (UTC)

This sounds too goofy.

NorthernKnick A.K.A. The ALLFATHER
About Me

Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!

04/08/2021 12:40 PM (UTC)

This sounds too goofy.

Well Nobody has Caught on and I find it suprising Ed used to Leave Hints Like This all the time.

Also The King Jerrod Thing I Say This Cuz What if Shang Stung is King Jerrod?

NorthernKnick A.K.A. The ALLFATHER
About Me

Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!

04/08/2021 12:44 PM (UTC)Edited 04/08/2021 12:45 PM (UTC)

This sounds too goofy.

Well Nobody has Caught on and I find it suprising Ed used to Leave Hints Like This all the time.

Also The King Jerrod Thing I Say This Cuz theyre Going Back in time. But What if Shang Tsung is King Jerrod in Present time and The Only 1 who Knows is Sindel Or Shang Himself?Ermac is Shang Tsungs Construction so It Basically Would Make King Jerrod a Part of Ermac Right lol,

04/09/2021 02:19 AM (UTC)

I believe Ermac was constructed by Shao Khan and until his death was completely loyal to him. It was after his death he went on his journey or self discovery LoL

NorthernKnick A.K.A. The ALLFATHER
About Me

Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!

04/09/2021 02:42 AM (UTC)Edited 04/09/2021 11:11 PM (UTC)

I believe Ermac was constructed by Shao Khan and until his death was completely loyal to him. It was after his death he went on his journey or self discovery LoL

Shao Kahns Says all kinds of BS theres No Way he has the Sorcery to create Ermac and If he Did He was Severely aided by the Shadow Priests and they Would Have Had To Of Had Shangs Aid Seeing How he Controls all the Soul Wells and Flesh Pit. He Lied about Killing Onaga When Shujinko is The only one who holds the Power to do it.Its an easy Possibility That Shang let Him Create Him and said King Jerrods Soul is Part of Him but why would he Give up his own Soul To someone hes at war with and thats Sleeping with his wife.. It would be a heck of a Twist if Sindel and Shang (King Jerrod) were playing Shao Kahn the whole time and Ermacs Just a Corpse with soul Magic under shangs Control and shaos under some kind of quan chi mind control trick threw a DA to let it happen an shangs Working With Raiden Aiding EarthREALM Since The war of outworld and Edenia When Sindel "Stabbed and killed him" why Else would Liu Kang Of Sacrificed the World and all his Friends for him? Cus he is Kitanas unnanounced Father and Keeper of every soul hes ever came across.

Its So Obvios he Wants the elder Gods Dead for not Aiding Edenia Look at the Kytin puzzle in the krypt but he doesnt want the end of Earthrealm he Hosts The Tournament they Keep Winning Hes after Outworlds throne and Every Elder God's throne as Well. He Has some Kind of Deal with the elder Gods threw Raiden How Else would He Host the Tournament for the Fate of two worlds with their Go Ahead on Interviening if rules were broken?

Im Just Saying it would make sense seeing how all the ending and Ermac story Evolve around Shang and Jerrod.


Or Hell I even Go as Far as Sindel Killed Shao Kahn and Not Jerrod in the outworld Edenian War. And seeing how Shao Kahns dead shang tsung made a immatation Shao to Rule outworld in his and sindels image. But Kahn constructed Ermac tthats why king Jerrod and shaos souls are both in ermac cuz shang is king Jerrod but that would effectively make him under the control of these constructs and be them if he chose to at basically any time through manipulations of soul Magic. You Fallowing Me

This Would Totally Explain why Sindel is Alway Smirking Shang Tsung just aswell and their Flirtations and why Shang is always so Eager To Resurrect Sindel at all Costs.

04/12/2021 12:03 AM (UTC)

Hi there! What you mentioned sounds interesting. I have a theory about the whole Ermac/Jerrod thing which includes Kharon.

Yes, Ermac was created from King Jerrod, but Shang somehow drained Ermac of his souls to reform (Ermac MKX ending). Now, we see Ermac get impaled in the Krypt (knowing it's non-canon) with a new design.

If you take a good hard look at Kharon and look at a picture of Jerrod's soul closely, there are some identical features between the two of their head/faces.

I could be reaching, but I think Jerrod/Ermac could have returned in a new life as Kharon and no one has a clue.

NorthernKnick A.K.A. The ALLFATHER
About Me

Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!

04/12/2021 03:53 AM (UTC)Edited 04/12/2021 03:54 AM (UTC)

I Do see a Resemblance. But right now it is Canon that Shao Kahn Created Ermac I Think it is a reall possibility that shang Tsung and Sindell Killed Shao Kahn and have been running Outworld with some kind of Soul Magic Manipulation to trick everyone tho. I was just Ranting.

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