I have nothing bad to say about Cage in MK11. Everything about him = flawless victory.

Agreed. He's fucking great in this game. One of the main reasons I'm so hyped for the game is that just about everyone looks to be the best they've ever been. The only classic/mainstay characters in the game who haven't particularly impressed me so far are Raiden, Scorpion, and Kung Lao.
Hilarious! Geras his 2nd fatality remains brutal!
No Cage? No sale!
Lol! OK, I like it. Way better than his MKX second.

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.
Amusing, but his first is still my favorite. The idea that the victim just stands there taking nineteen uppercuts to the face, and has probably already been dead since the third or fourth take -- that one's never gonna get old to me.
I've started dropping the "Who hired this guy, WTF?" line into everyday situations whenever it seems appropriate.

Hilarious! Geras his 2nd fatality remains brutal!
My God, his made me cringe. It is so wonderfully demented. Hard to watch!

They've really been knocking it out of the park with these fatalities. Good stuff!
Lol, ok. His second fatality is also great. My only little complain is about fatalities that there is to much dismembering. I would love to see more magic fatalities like burning, exploding... such stuff. But my compliment for NRS is, that tehy really tried to gave every kharacters individuell fatalities which showing their personality. Except three weaker fatalities (Jax, Kano and Geras) every other fatality is pretty good or even awesome (some are even really disgusting).

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.
I think it'd be great if he made every character tell a different, really dumb joke.
Skarlet: "Hey Johnny! Betcha five bucks I can guess your blood type!"
Johnny: "Not in the mood today, Skarlet."
Skarlet: "Oh -- I guess that's A negative!"
Jax: "You really got me good, Johnny!"
Johnny: "Really? How so?"
Jax: "'Cause now I'm un-armed and de-feeted!"
Sonya: "What did you do, Johnny?"
Johnny: "Just what you asked!"
Sonya: "Not what I meant by splitting up!"
Kano: "Hey Johnny! You ever feel homesick?"
Johnny: "Not really. How about you?"
Kano: "I'm really missing my Down Under!"

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.
Can someone explain me the last sentences from "Geras" there? "Not what I mean by the splits"? Is that right? I don't know exactly what he means :/
The joke is Geras asked him to do the splits, like in his Nut Punch move, but Johnny got the wrong idea.

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.
Baraka: "Hey Johnny! Why couldn't the Tarkatan get a date?"
Johnny: "Because they're so damn ugly?"
Baraka: "Because knife guys finish last!"
Raiden: "Lemme fly you home, Johnny!"
Johnny: "Nah. My car's out back."
D'vorah: "Hey Johnny! What's a Kytinn's favorite play?"
Johnny: "Lemme guess. Hamlet?"
D'vorah: "To bee, or not to bee!"
Johnny: "Hey Johnny, guess what? I'm your --"
Johnny: "Don't... say it...."
Johnny: "-- Split personality!"
... I can do this all day. And possibly will.
Enjoy those likes, Umbra
Honestly, I disagree
While Johnny Cage is my favorite character since forever and I love his larger than life comic relief attitude, I hate these kind of Fatalities, or at least, they could have give him one ironic and one serious
Yes, Johnny Cage is the kind of character that is supposed to make you laugh, but he is also a SERIOUS martial artist and top notch fighter, I mean, you mess with him you spit out your teeth not everything about Johnny must be a joke or a fourth wall breaking reference
Johnny is a joker, but also a badass fighter who can hold his own against Gods, demons, ninjas and sorcerers. He is not Deadpool.
I liked his mkx better: he had a humorous one and a serious one, plus different Brutalities in style and execution. After the triple decapitation Fatality, I expected something more serious.

While it was funny, I do agree that one funny fatality for him was enough and he should have a serious one. As others said, Johnny is a joker, but he can be serious when necessary.

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.
While it was funny, I do agree that one funny fatality for him was enough and he should have a serious one. As others said, Johnny is a joker, but he can be serious when necessary.
I can understand this sentiment. Though I think that if you take away the comedy element, most of Johnny Cage's options for killing someone are gonna come down to the kind of carnival of dismemberment that a lot of folks find boring.
While his first Fatality is pure comedy, this one seems to make a decent half-and-half. The Fatality part is really just a pretty conventional Cage torso rip (with somewhat more realistic body mechanics) and the puppet show is just him rubbing it in. Kinda like in MK9 when Sheeva applauds her own victory by clapping your hands after she rips your arms off, but more over the top because it's Cage.
I'm sure his Brutalities will still be pretty serious, and more Fatalities will likely be made available by some means. We'll see how those go.