Goro's Lair
posted02/14/2019 09:12 PM (UTC)by
About Me

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05/07/2004 08:05 PM (UTC)

Another cool stage. So "alive", but apparantly we can safely assume Goro is dead.

02/14/2019 10:05 PM (UTC)

If Shang is dead or isn't in the game, he would be dead in his courtyard.

Shang is confirmed.

02/14/2019 10:17 PM (UTC)

Moloch's corpse is also in the stage, left hand side.

02/14/2019 10:18 PM (UTC)

OMG! They killed Goro! The bastards!

At least there is more chance for Rain now. ;-)

Awesome looking level though, much design, I wonder what the story will be like there. You know, as all levels have uses in storymode now.

About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

02/14/2019 10:20 PM (UTC)

That stage is so sick, man. But Goro!? Not like this!

02/14/2019 10:21 PM (UTC)

OMG! They killed Goro! The bastards!

At least there is more chance for Rain now. ;-)

Awesome looking level though, much design, I wonder what the story will be like there. You know, as all levels have uses in storymode now.

I'm surprised they still didn't show anything of storymode or other single player modes (like the one that would be "more awesome" than story mode).
That stage also has a bit of a vibe of The Cavern in UMK3 (maybe that's the nod to UMK3 they are referring to?).

02/14/2019 10:28 PM (UTC)

OMG! They killed Goro! The bastards!

At least there is more chance for Rain now. ;-)

Awesome looking level though, much design, I wonder what the story will be like there. You know, as all levels have uses in storymode now.

I'm surprised they still didn't show anything of storymode or other single player modes (like the one that would be "more awesome" than story mode).
That stage also has a bit of a vibe of The Cavern in UMK3 (maybe that's the nod to UMK3 they are referring to?).

I hope they reveal a LOAD of gameplay and characters, but I kinda hope they show only very few details about the story mode, that makes it much more fun to play. PLaying MKX story mode was dull as I already knew too much details from trailers and spoilers...

02/14/2019 10:28 PM (UTC)

Why would they kill Goro like that? Not cool.

02/14/2019 10:29 PM (UTC)

It is just time traveling, he probably lives in another timeline.

02/14/2019 10:45 PM (UTC)

goro with two hands ? what is that all about ? or maybe im missing something that you guys see . wich is ofc totaly possible or maybe it has to do with the comics ^^ no clue .

02/14/2019 10:50 PM (UTC)

goro with two hands ? what is that all about ? or maybe im missing something that you guys see . wich is ofc totaly possible or maybe it has to do with the comics ^^ no clue .

I thought so at first, but if you look a bit closer, his right side (your left), you see one of his hands laying on his leg.

02/14/2019 10:54 PM (UTC)

Seems like Shang Tsung has been buzzy! Their souls are all sucked out!

02/14/2019 10:59 PM (UTC)Edited 02/14/2019 11:14 PM (UTC)

Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like a decayed corpse, not a soulless body.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/14/2019 11:33 PM (UTC)

Dead Goro sitting on the throne is pretty badass imo.

Sorry Goro fans, but you win some you lose some. At least you got him in MKX.

About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

02/14/2019 11:44 PM (UTC)

Dead Goro sitting on the throne is pretty badass imo.

I think it’s how he would have wanted to go.

02/15/2019 12:26 AM (UTC)Edited 02/15/2019 12:38 AM (UTC)

RE: Dead Goro

Ya'know, if the Kitana Kahn comment indicated anything to me, it's that we haven't got the least freaking idea what's going on with the timeline(s) in this story, and that said... a couple of Goro & Moloch corpses are the least of my worries. We don't even know which timeline this stage is set in... let alone when. If one of many infinite Goros is dead... so be it.

I think we need to prep ourselves for the idea a third, or possibly undefined/infinite number of timelines could be at play here.

For simplicities sake, lets call MK1-MKA Timeline A & MK9-MK11 Timeline B.

Despite popular misconception, these two timelines while very similar, don't share the same future or even the same past, and for the most part are two separate time streams. There's a great deal of evidence that Timeline B's past (IE. Events that took place before MK9) differed in many ways from Timeline A.

SO... as we all know, when last we saw Timeline A, Raiden at the end of Armageddon, sent a message to his counterpart in Timeline B's past, kicking off the events of MK9 and the rest is history.

We haven't seen timeline A since, and we don't technically know that it ended. Just that Kahn was on the verge of killing Raiden. We don't know who lives and who dies, we just presume everyone is dead. We don't technically even know what happens after the point Raiden sends the message, for all we know he gets a second wind and beats Kahn's ass. Pretty much anything can happen to TImeline A from that point on.

So where does Kitana Kahn fit into any of this?

  • Is she Timeline A's Kitana? Did she rise to defeat Shao Kahn after the events of Armageddon? (This is somewhat implied by her MKX ending)
  • Is she Timeline B's Kitana? Did she capitalize after taking the reins of the Netherealm and bump Kotal Kahn out of the picture?
  • Is she a completely unrelated Kitana from a completely unrelated timeline where she became Kahn PRIOR to the events of Armageddon? (From this point on, lets go with the easy answer and call it Timeline C)

The easy answer is option 1, but there are several points working against it. Point 1 is, the Baraka in MK11 seems to be from the same timeline as Kitana Kahn (wherever that is), and we know that the Barakas of both Timeline A & Timeline B are both dead. D'Vorah' squished Baraka B's brain, and Baraka A was quite clearly sawed in half by Kung Lao's hat in the intro to MK9. Granted, resurrection is a fairly common practice in Mortal Kombat, so either Baraka A or Baraka B could be back from the dead... but... we could also easily be dealing with a Baraka C.

Another point working against the idea this is Kitana A is, Ed Boon said that MK11's story is about taking the events of MK1, MKII & MK3 and folding them on to the current timeline (Timeline B)... so if this Kitana Kahn is a Kitana from AFTER Armageddon... that's not at ALL in line with what Ed implied the story to be. This plot seems to be about taking the past and folding it into the present, not taking the old timeline and folding it into the new timeline... per say.

COMBINING those points, Jade says to Baraka in an intro seen during Kombat Kast "In the future you're dead, I'm a Revenant" implying quite solidly that while Jade is from the present (IE. Baraka's future) MK11's Baraka is from the past. How could he be from the past if he was from a world that took place AFTER Armageddon?

I absolutely think we're dealing with a Baraka from Timeline C at the very LEAST. Whether or not we ACTUALLY see Kitana Kahn (from that same Timeline C)... who knows. She could just be a small tidbit from Baraka C's backstory for all we know. Or she could be a major plotpoint. We shall see.

That said, it seems a shame to tease her and not show her off to players, so... I'm guessing we'll see her too.

But the pieces so far suggest we're not dealing with a Baraka from Timeline A or B. And I'm sure (like Liu Kang & Kung Lao) we'll be seeing multiple Kitanas.

Honest to god, at this point, I'm not certain Timeline A even has shit do do with the plot of MK11. A lot of people made that assumption... A lot of people made that leap... but. Who knows? *Shrug* I think we're clearly going further off the rails with this game than just "old timeline meets new timeline"

So we have a dead Goro? Big whoop.

As far as we thought we knew, everyone but Shao Kahn in Timeline A (Goro included) is dead, but that was just an assumption and we could be completely wrong. As far as I'm concerned, anyone from A whose corpse we didn't see in MK9's could now be back on the table.

When last we saw Goro in Timeline B he was alive and well, and while it's possible he made his way back to his lair just to die in his chair between games, that seems rather lackluster.

And for all we know this could be an entirely unrelated Goro, from a heretofore unseen Timeline C, and if we're walking down that road... pft... I honestly couldn't care less who they kill in that timeline, because I am NOT invested in Timeline C, and the more convoluted this mess gets, the more we're going to need to thin out the infinite herd. Timeline C is a crapshoot, and they can kill off anyone they want there as far as I'm concerned.

And for all we know there could be a D, E, F & G coming right behind it...so who cares if Goro C is dead.

At this point, I'm honestly just hoping by the end of 11's Back to the Future wild ride, we'll get another soft reboot that will put us back to 1 unified continuity so we don't have to worry about it anymore. But for now... All I'm convinced of is none of us know jack shit about what's coming in this story.

02/15/2019 12:32 AM (UTC)

Timelines are new past vs MK 9 to 11's future.

02/15/2019 12:41 AM (UTC)

Timelines are new past vs MK 9 to 11's future.

At the very least.

Right now it's looking like Timeline C's past vs. Timeline B's present. Who the hell knows what else we haven't seen yet.

Isn't Goro's Lair under the Courtyard in the Reboot timeline? Well if there's a decrepit abandoned Courtyard I suppose the same thing goes for Goro's Lair.

Though he is my secondary in MKX I'm none too bothered by this Goro being dead. Timeline Shenanigans are at play here.

02/15/2019 12:50 AM (UTC)

I wouldn't bother trying to figure out how many different timelines we're dealing with, you'll just go mad

02/15/2019 12:56 AM (UTC)

If there's another timeline, it certainly won't contain the pre MK 9 timeline characters. Timeline A got rewritten into B. While MK11 shows another past timeline existing (C) independently from our present timeline B (formerly A).

Do each costume slot represents a timeline? What if one is another timeline but the one that should exist to Kronika. Timeline D.

02/15/2019 01:07 AM (UTC)Edited 02/15/2019 01:08 AM (UTC)

If there's another timeline, it certainly won't contain the pre MK 9 timeline characters. Timeline A got rewritten into B. While MK11 shows another past timeline existing (C) independently from our present timeline B (formerly A).

Do each costume slot represents a timeline? What if one is another timeline but the one that should exist to Kronika. Timeline D.

I'm not entirely unconvinced they won't dabble in A. I think the presence of Shao Kahn is at least some small indication of that. Especially since Kitana seems to have bumped him off in Timeline C. A is the only timeline we know of at the moment that still definitely HAS a living Shao Kahn. Even if the only interaction we get with the original timeline is revisiting what Kahn A is doing now that he's the king of the pyramid, I think just given the basic premise of the game, it would be entirely too tempting NOT to revisit it at least a little. The "Uber Kahn" theory has been thrown around ever since we saw his pimped out armor on day 1.

That said, I'm in complete agreement that the bulk of the plot we've seen thus far seems to be B's present and C's past. And I do think it's entirely possible we could see a D, E F... etc, before game's end.

They've clearly been working in the DC Universe for too long. This game could very well be Crisis of Infinite Kombat.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/15/2019 01:15 AM (UTC)

I'm completely confused with all these Timelines. Timeline A, B, C, D, E, F ,G ,H ,I ,J ,K ,L ,M ,N ,O , P ect.

I do hope by MK12 all the timelines will have been merged into one brand new one and we simply just go forward from there. But I don't want MK12 to be a re-imagining of MK1 or any other game- time to break new ground.

I feel like this series hasn't truly progressed storywise since 2006. All roads keep leading us right back to either Armageddon or MK1. I'm tired of both.

02/15/2019 01:34 AM (UTC)

I dont think there's that many. Also looking like certain characters have no version at all to select as, Reptile for example.

Khan could be the only survivor of his own.

The narrative is the most of the trilogy cast plus few MK4 and few 3D era characters and kombat kids ongoing adventures.

02/15/2019 01:35 AM (UTC)


While I like your theory about a Timeline C, I think Baraka is from pre-Armageddon timeline A. I get the feeling Kronika is going to meddle in specific events at certain points in each timeline. So let's say post MK3, Shao Kahn is dead, Kronika steps in, pulls a few strings and Kitana steps in to rule instead.

Effectively it still creates a third timeline anyway but I somehow doubt they're going to add a third timeline running concurrently with the other two.

On topic: I'm actually sad for Moloch. The dude has been killed in the background of consecutive games. We get it Boon and Co. You didn't like the oni guys. Sheesh.

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