Mortal Kombat 'OG' since the Super Nintendo era.
Ok so here is my take.
Mortal Kombat (9) was a fantastic reboot for the franchise as I really liked the concept of Raiden using his amulet send a message to himself back in the past to change the outcomes of events to prevent armageddon.
Mortal Kombat X without a doubt (in my opinion) improved massively on in game mechanics and I loved the game's over all dark aesthetics and not forgetting some of the best characater costume designs I have seen in an MK game but the storyline for me was pretty mediocre, I cannot deny that the MKX comics was far more superior in terms of overall narrative than the game itself.
MK11 for me was a fantastic game but the narrative and the story line was pretty terrible and kronika I understand was important to the game's overall direction but I felt did not truly fit in the MK universe and the way some of our favorite characters (Sindel specifically) was retconed was absolutely awful writing after she was such a pivotal wildcard in the Midway era.
MK1 for me - I absolutely love Liu Kang's new era and I must admit when I first saw that Sub-Zero and Kuai Liang was going to be brothers I was very sceptical how this was going to work? but I was plesantly surpised and I thoroughly loved how their loyalty to each other was tested as their visions was for the future of the Lin Kuei's future could not be any further apart and it was about time that Smoke was made part of the familly.
I also loved the idea that even Fire God's cannot be too careful which was evident when Geras explained to Liu Kang that when Kronika's hour glass was destroyed the fabric of time was split which resulted in a timeline that was subservent to Titan Shang Tsung which caused the the invading timeline to corrupt Liu Kang's new era.
So here is my favourite storylines in order.

Where is E. None of the above?

I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO
However, the last true MK storyline was the MK4. After John Tobias left the MK Team, everything went downhill story-wise. Vogel at least tried to keep the MK story alive but after Vogel, the corporate mindset and the wokeness killed the MK story. This last MK, which they call MK1 but which is actually MK12, it's a pure blasphemy, a fluffy-colored hippy version of MK, full of wokeness and virtue signaling so no wonder that it was such a huge flop.
... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.