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02/15/2015 07:06 AM (UTC)
DivahMah Wrote:
Reiko informed to Goro that the weakness of the Osh Tekk is in the absence of sunlight.

Oh, so THIS is what Reptile was referring to in his intro!

About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

02/15/2015 07:07 AM (UTC)
I hope Mavado dies quicker than Hsu Hao

I Reiko is in MKX I hope he has an Emperor Variation of Shao Kahn grin
02/15/2015 08:07 AM (UTC)
Just purchased Issue #7. I really want to see more Mileena.

What time are they usually released? Its already 2/15.

02/15/2015 10:43 AM (UTC)
02/15/2015 10:48 AM (UTC)
Reptile is so smexy <3
02/15/2015 10:59 AM (UTC)
I learned Italian back in school and although it's a bit rusty these days, I'll try my best to translate the whole thing (hoping it will be better/more accurate than those Google translates):

Kotal Kahn ha arruolato come suo primo generale il padre Kotal K’etz e incaricato a uccidere Goro, ma il guerriero Osh Tekk non à ̈ preoccupato da Mileena, ma bensì da Reiko, che à ̈ arrivato persino a sedurre Mileena pur di avere in mano il trono di Outworld.

Kotal Kahn has enlisted his father Kotal K’etz as his first general and given him the task to kill Goro, but the Osh Tekk warrior is not worried about Mileena, but rather Reiko, who accomplished to seduce Mileena in order to get his hands on the Outworld throne.

Reiko informa Goro che in passato ha scoperto i veri punti deboli degli Osh Tekk… sono fortissimi alla luce del sole, ma la loro debolezza sta nell’oscuritÃa.

Reiko informs Goro that in the past he discovered various weak points of the Osh Tekk... they are very strong in the sunlight, but their weakness is the darkness.

Kotal K’etz si incammina accompagnato da Reptile nel tempio dove si nasconde Goro, riuscendo ad evitare la zona nuvolosa creata dal fedele servitore di Mileena, Rain. Arrivato al tempio comincia lo scontro con il principe Shokan.

Kotal K’etz, accompanied by Reptile, sets out for the temple where Goro is hiding, managing to avoid the cloudy zone created by the faithful servant of Mileena, Rain. As he arrives at the temple, the battle with Shokan prince commences.

Lo scontro comincia fra varie special moves e X-Ray. Nel frattempo le altre truppe inviate da Kotal Kahn contro Mileena vengono sopraffatte dall’intervento del clan dei Red Dragon con a capo Mavado.

The battle commences with various special moves and X-ray. In the meantime, the remaining troops sent by Kotal Kahn against Mileena end up overpowered by the Red Dragon clan's intervention led by Mavado.

Goro riesce ad avere la meglio uccidendo Kotal K’etz e alla notizia Kotal Kahn giura vendetta contro il principe Shokan.

Goro manages to come out on top, killing Kotal K'etz and as the news reaches Kotal Kahn he swears revenge against the Shokan prince.

There. Hopefully this is a bit better. I noticed the Google translate kept omitting how Rain tried to stop K'etz by creating a cloudy zone. That mo-fo, hopefully we see him in the comic.

02/15/2015 01:14 PM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
I learned Italian back in school and although it's a bit rusty these days, I'll try my best to translate the whole thing (hoping it will be better/more accurate than those Google translates):

Kotal Kahn ha arruolato come suo primo generale il padre Kotal K’etz e incaricato a uccidere Goro, ma il guerriero Osh Tekk non è preoccupato da Mileena, ma bensì da Reiko, che è arrivato persino a sedurre Mileena pur di avere in mano il trono di Outworld.

Kotal Kahn has enlisted his father Kotal K’etz as his first general and given him the task to kill Goro, but the Osh Tekk warrior is not worried about Mileena, but rather Reiko, who accomplished to seduce Mileena in order to get his hands on the Outworld throne.

Reiko informa Goro che in passato ha scoperto i veri punti deboli degli Osh Tekk... sono fortissimi alla luce del sole, ma la loro debolezza sta nell’oscurit�a.

Reiko informs Goro that in the past he discovered various weak points of the Osh Tekk... they are very strong in the sunlight, but their weakness is the darkness.

Kotal K’etz si incammina accompagnato da Reptile nel tempio dove si nasconde Goro, riuscendo ad evitare la zona nuvolosa creata dal fedele servitore di Mileena, Rain. Arrivato al tempio comincia lo scontro con il principe Shokan.

Kotal K’etz, accompanied by Reptile, sets out for the temple where Goro is hiding, managing to avoid the cloudy zone created by the faithful servant of Mileena, Rain. As he arrives at the temple, the battle with Shokan prince commences.

Lo scontro comincia fra varie special moves e X-Ray. Nel frattempo le altre truppe inviate da Kotal Kahn contro Mileena vengono sopraffatte dall’intervento del clan dei Red Dragon con a capo Mavado.

The battle commences with various special moves and X-ray. In the meantime, the remaining troops sent by Kotal Kahn against Mileena end up overpowered by the Red Dragon clan's intervention led by Mavado.

Goro riesce ad avere la meglio uccidendo Kotal K’etz e alla notizia Kotal Kahn giura vendetta contro il principe Shokan.

Goro manages to come out on top, killing Kotal K'etz and as the news reaches Kotal Kahn he swears revenge against the Shokan prince.

There. Hopefully this is a bit better. I noticed the Google translate kept omitting how Rain tried to stop K'etz by creating a cloudy zone. That mo-fo, hopefully we see him in the comic.


Can I congratulate with you Nephrite?
Italian is like the hardest western languange to learn, and your translation was simply perfect.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/15/2015 02:03 PM (UTC)
InfestedArtanis Wrote:

02/15/2015 03:39 PM (UTC)
^ lol

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Can I congratulate with you Nephrite?
Italian is like the hardest western languange to learn, and your translation was simply perfect.

Thank you very much. I studied Italian for 4 years in elementary school and for additional 4 years in high school. However, when I went to university in 2005 I stopped studying Italian and over the years my knowledge faded little by little. I felt that a shame as it's always good to know foreign languages so last year I picked up my Italian language high school books and started refreshing my knowledge. Unfortunately, due to constant terrible situations at work (so many overtime hours) I stopped again. Will pick it up again though, I'm not giving up.

Actually, next Tuesday I'm also starting with my first ever French classes. Looking forward to that, hopefully Italian will help me though as both are Roman languages.

Back to Italian, I come from the Mediterranean parts of Croatia where there has been lots of Italian influence in the past and there are countless words taken from Italian and modified into Croatian that are used along the coastal parts of Croatia and on the islands. Lots of Croats, especially those from the Mediterranean parts will often praise the Italian language in that it is very melodic and flows nicely (it's very light, unlike German for example which is very hard and not so fluent). Me and my best friend agree that Italian is the most beautiful sounding language in the world (from the ones we are familiar with). I've been listening to some Italian music too in last couple of years and looking through the entire history of Eurovision Song Contest, Italy is definitely my #1 country in the contest with "Gente di mare" by Umberto Tozzi & Raf being my all-time favorite ESC song!

02/15/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
^ lol

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Can I congratulate with you Nephrite?
Italian is like the hardest western languange to learn, and your translation was simply perfect.

Thank you very much. I studied Italian for 4 years in elementary school and for additional 4 years in high school. However, when I went to university in 2005 I stopped studying Italian and over the years my knowledge faded little by little. I felt that a shame as it's always good to know foreign languages so last year I picked up my Italian language high school books and started refreshing my knowledge. Unfortunately, due to constant terrible situations at work (so many overtime hours) I stopped again. Will pick it up again though, I'm not giving up.

Actually, next Tuesday I'm also starting with my first ever French classes. Looking forward to that, hopefully Italian will help me though as both are Roman languages.

Back to Italian, I come from the Mediterranean parts of Croatia where there has been lots of Italian influence in the past and there are countless words taken from Italian and modified into Croatian that are used along the coastal parts of Croatia and on the islands. Lots of Croats, especially those from the Mediterranean parts will often praise the Italian language in that it is very melodic and flows nicely (it's very light, unlike German for example which is very hard and not so fluent). Me and my best friend agree that Italian is the most beautiful sounding language in the world (from the ones we are familiar with). I've been listening to some Italian music too in last couple of years and looking through the entire history of Eurovision Song Contest, Italy is definitely my #1 country in the contest with "Gente di mare" by Umberto Tozzi & Raf being my all-time favorite ESC song!


Glad to hear that , and this is like the millionth time a foreign person praise Italy's language, music and culture while italians trashtalk about them all the time.

Ps: Croatia is beautiful too, especially Crikvenica's beach. Amazing.
02/15/2015 08:14 PM (UTC)

reading the last chapter (7) and THIS :
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
should let you know that Reiko is on equal footing if not even a better fighter than Kotal Kahn,
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
they have served under Shao Kahn for years and they know each other well
, but Reiko seems alot smarter, i would actually be surprised if he won't make it to the game, i mean think about it, the comic takes place after the netherrealm wars, and MKX will showcase that era, and with a role like that theres no effing way he wont be an important part of the storyline sleep .
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