'til death do you part
Fan Kreations
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'til death do you part
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ok, this is a copy and paste job i did in paint, i know i didnt add shadows but i dont give a crap, but i added everything else, tyrone you are going to love this fake, what happened is after defeating baraka and mileena, he shocked the bottom of them to bits and held them in the air as a victory trophy, i added all the sprites, blood, everything from the mkwarehouse and this is my entry to marcelunbeatables fake pic kontest
Full Scale | 395x252 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 11 | Score |
submitted 06/26/2005 03:51 PM (UTC)by
"Goddamn the torpedoes.
It's time to run away with the sideshow.
Full speed, right ahead.
Don't stop, you can sleep when you're dead."
About Me
It's time to run away with the sideshow.
Full speed, right ahead.
Don't stop, you can sleep when you're dead."
Member Since
09/27/2003 04:56 AM (UTC)
Copy and paste. No real editing. Kind of boring. You should come up with better ideas, and get stages with better graphics. I don't care if its a JPG file. I've seen better quality than that for JPGs. Raiden doesn't need 3 dragon logos. You win two rounds for a match. Raiden's health bar is draining in the wrong direction. Why is MK1 Raiden in MK2? You need to play Mortal Kombat before you start making fakes.

balkcsiaboot Wrote: You need to play Mortal Kombat before you start making fakes. |

... Anyways like blacksaibot said its just copy and paste and nobody likes that at all, you should really take your time and try some actual editing yourself and don't rely on the MKW. You say you did this in Ms paint, well to bad. I seen 10 times better than this shit. Go to your school and check for some art programs and if your school has Abobe Photoshop you can e-zily save it as a Jpeg with out ruining its quality.
You really wanna use this for my kontest? Well you better think again I suggest you take your time I mean the kontest is in 10 days you have enough time to think of a good idea and show it unto the computer.
You really wanna use this for my kontest? Well you better think again I suggest you take your time I mean the kontest is in 10 days you have enough time to think of a good idea and show it unto the computer.
For everybody who keeps blaming their skills (or lack thereof, as it would be) on JPEG compression, here's an example of a jpeg with a good balance of compression and file size :

As for critiques, I believe he added the third dragon icon because he defeated both the characters at the same time. If this were true, though, he should have 6 dragon icons. Two on one fights have been done to death. Go do something else for the contest because they'll just laugh at you for this.

As for critiques, I believe he added the third dragon icon because he defeated both the characters at the same time. If this were true, though, he should have 6 dragon icons. Two on one fights have been done to death. Go do something else for the contest because they'll just laugh at you for this.

Red X just like your avatar and sig =/
Hyuga Wrote: For everybody who keeps blaming their skills (or lack thereof, as it would be) on JPEG compression, here's an example of a jpeg with a good balance of compression and file size : |

About Me
its not just to succeed, others must fail
i think its clever. the name he gave to it gave me a smile. its is just a copy and paste job. the jpeg made it hard to see. (my sig strikes again!) but i really like the idea.
Odd. I just cleared my cache and I can see all 3 fine after they loaded. Sometimes the proxy I use to hotlink craps out. Try reloading, I suppose.
MaRcElunbeatable Wrote: Red X just like your avatar and sig =/ Hyuga Wrote: For everybody who keeps blaming their skills (or lack thereof, as it would be) on JPEG compression, here's an example of a jpeg with a good balance of compression and file size : |

well it seems your always on the outside looking in
, just work you skills a little bit and try some editing, also the dragon icons are a little big, and its not that hard to add shadows look at the thread at the top of the forum for help on that if you need any, also fragments of the body would be nice.
About Me
It's time to run away with the sideshow.
Full speed, right ahead.
Don't stop, you can sleep when you're dead."
sandspider Wrote: well it seems your always on the outside looking in , just work you skills a little bit and try some editing, also the dragon icons are a little big, and its not that hard to add shadows look at the thread at the top of the forum for help on that if you need any, also fragments of the body would be nice. 2/5 |
hm, thanx for the advice, i think i will go with that if the mkwarehouse would upload more sprites
About Me
It's time to run away with the sideshow.
Full speed, right ahead.
Don't stop, you can sleep when you're dead."
oh by the way, the reason theres three dragon icons is because he battled millena and baraka sepretely once, then on the third round fought them at the same time

To you, Noobie Sareena: J00 D0UBL3P0ST3R G0t PWN3D!!!
Ok, here's the description of your art:
And THIS is what you 2 fools get for dissing a god in a 1-on-2 match.
Ok, here's the description of your art:
And THIS is what you 2 fools get for dissing a god in a 1-on-2 match.

Thread closed at author's request.
Pages: 1
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