The stuff nightmares are made of...
Fan Kreations
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The stuff nightmares are made of...
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Full Scale | 600x800 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 13 | Score |
submitted 11/13/2007 04:05 AM (UTC)by

About Me
"Soft Good Cat Cat" - Koko the Gorilla
Member Since
11/28/2002 08:07 PM (UTC)

-.1 because the skull mask looks like its biting Kahn's bottom lip
-.1 because the skull mask looks like its biting Kahn's bottom lip
This is bad ass. You did a terrific job with the shading I wish I could shade like that. Overall I like the black and white style. IDK why probably because im a huge manga fan. The only 3 things that I can see wrong are.
1. Shao khan looks bigger then the horse/beast.
2. The left arm holding the reigns doesn't look like its pointing forward as it should. Some of the arm should be cut out of view in certain areas if thats the angle your working at.
3. The Muscle's look like blocks. If there is one thing I have noticed around here it's MKO enjoy's a more human feel.
I want to see some of your colored work. Keep it up.
1. Shao khan looks bigger then the horse/beast.
2. The left arm holding the reigns doesn't look like its pointing forward as it should. Some of the arm should be cut out of view in certain areas if thats the angle your working at.
3. The Muscle's look like blocks. If there is one thing I have noticed around here it's MKO enjoy's a more human feel.
I want to see some of your colored work. Keep it up.
Sweet! You made Kahn look like the beast that he is... he looks like he belongs in Fist of the Northstar.
Kombosus pretty much summed up any criticisms I would have had other than the use of a scanner. We'd see a BUNCH more detail that way. Your work deserves to be seen with clarity.
I tried to clean it up a bit...
...without much luck. Some detail got lost.
Nice stuff, keep it up!
Kombosus pretty much summed up any criticisms I would have had other than the use of a scanner. We'd see a BUNCH more detail that way. Your work deserves to be seen with clarity.
I tried to clean it up a bit...

...without much luck. Some detail got lost.
Nice stuff, keep it up!
About Me
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
That would make an awesome tattoo. This kicks ever so much ass!
Great artwork that obviously desrves like a 6/5.
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
good, 5/5
What's that light blue print on the bottom of the page?
What's that light blue print on the bottom of the page?

Yep. We need more artists like you, B2bE. Hell, I've been trying to get a few bits of my art up to snuff by cutting off the torn edges in PS.

About Me
"Soft Good Cat Cat" - Koko the Gorilla
Yeah I know the proportions are a bit disproportionate...I was aiming for that the horse itself is large...but didn't quite fit in the picture area in arm angle is just my own fault, I didn't know how to sit his arm when I realized I made the picture too friggin big for the page and tried to fit everything somehow. :D
Honestly I appreciate the feedback guys, i'm getting back into the drawing game after a LOOOOONG hiatus. I'm up to draw another picture soon...currently I got let go from my job, my love has always been art, and i'm looking at trying this for a change.
Khan himself as I noticed through the games seemed much more like a conquerer, a large strong warrior type....yes he was a sorcerer but first and foremost as his size should show everyone, he could woop almost anyones ass. If Goro and Motaro were dwarfed by this guy, he has to be something. Later on in the series he just seemed less so.
I apologize about having to take a picture, my scanner wasn't large enough nor good enough. Unfortunately I wish I could have just had shown the pencils, I think it looked much more dynamic, but if I wanted it to show up, it had to be inked.
I did the picture as an exercise, I usually dilly dally around on pictures, I forced myself to draw and ink it, which total took probably around 45 minutes to draw...and 3 hours 15 minutes to inking sucks. I realized after that, that if I push myself I can put a comic page out easily in a day.
Honestly I appreciate the feedback guys, i'm getting back into the drawing game after a LOOOOONG hiatus. I'm up to draw another picture soon...currently I got let go from my job, my love has always been art, and i'm looking at trying this for a change.
Khan himself as I noticed through the games seemed much more like a conquerer, a large strong warrior type....yes he was a sorcerer but first and foremost as his size should show everyone, he could woop almost anyones ass. If Goro and Motaro were dwarfed by this guy, he has to be something. Later on in the series he just seemed less so.
I apologize about having to take a picture, my scanner wasn't large enough nor good enough. Unfortunately I wish I could have just had shown the pencils, I think it looked much more dynamic, but if I wanted it to show up, it had to be inked.
I did the picture as an exercise, I usually dilly dally around on pictures, I forced myself to draw and ink it, which total took probably around 45 minutes to draw...and 3 hours 15 minutes to inking sucks. I realized after that, that if I push myself I can put a comic page out easily in a day.

About Me
"Soft Good Cat Cat" - Koko the Gorilla
"good, 5/5
What's that light blue print on the bottom of the page?"
I drew the picture on comic book board, if you are into inking pictures it is the way to go. It is non toothed paper, so that if you do ink, it doesn't bleed, and also very easy to erase mistakes if you draw lightly.
The blue text is just boundary marking telling you that anything outside that blue line will not appear on a comic page if it is printed.
What's that light blue print on the bottom of the page?"
I drew the picture on comic book board, if you are into inking pictures it is the way to go. It is non toothed paper, so that if you do ink, it doesn't bleed, and also very easy to erase mistakes if you draw lightly.
The blue text is just boundary marking telling you that anything outside that blue line will not appear on a comic page if it is printed.

About Me
"Soft Good Cat Cat" - Koko the Gorilla
Elnino Wrote:
Simply awesomeness. Best drawing i've ever seen on MKO. That horse thing Kahn is riding is awesome. Is it an original creature, or did you find it in a comic or something? Anyway...
Simply awesomeness. Best drawing i've ever seen on MKO. That horse thing Kahn is riding is awesome. Is it an original creature, or did you find it in a comic or something? Anyway...
I made the horse up because I thought it would be fitting for a mini story. The original picture I had submitted had a story with it, but after a week it wasn't posted I thought that maybe I had errored or something and it didn't go through the submissions process and I put foward another submission...that obviously made it through but didn't have the text, since I just didn't feel like writing it again...It went a little like this...
Soldiers war letter:
Our army stands tall, as the sun nears the earth the light reflects across our armor bright and pure, we are the light....the horde in front of us truely is a darkness like I have never before seen in men.
Their armor is pitch black, dull, chipped, and battle worn. They are silent, they do not taunt us, nor do they make any attempt at diplomacy with a messenger. They stand silent and they runs a chill down my spine my love...they do not fear us, and after the many battles I have fought...I am afraid.
Their leader stands tall, larger than any of them, he wears the skull of a beast that I have never seen before on his crown, and wears a cape as black as night, the black steed he rides would be a beautiful were their not a large hole where its entrails used to reside.
He rides across the front lines, not having to yell out a single command....his own men are afraid of him. He carries a weapon as large as myself, on one end a guillotine and on the other a battle hammer. This man is like nothing I have ever seen, nor want to after this day is over.
I am afraid my love....but we cannot fail...and we will not fail...I will see you again soon.

About Me
"Soft Good Cat Cat" - Koko the Gorilla
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
That would make an awesome tattoo. This kicks ever so much ass!
That would make an awesome tattoo. This kicks ever so much ass!
Black super saiyan jesus breaking off the cross with his dreads floating into the's that for a commission? lol
About Me
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
Born2beExpendable Wrote:
That's actually what i've been doing for a friend....though I figure you guys might get some humor out of his tattoo...
Black super saiyan jesus breaking off the cross with his dreads floating into the's that for a commission? lol
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
That would make an awesome tattoo. This kicks ever so much ass!
That would make an awesome tattoo. This kicks ever so much ass!
Black super saiyan jesus breaking off the cross with his dreads floating into the's that for a commission? lol
You dare spout such blasphemy, heathen?! A black Saiyan indeed...

About Me
"Soft Good Cat Cat" - Koko the Gorilla
skinsley Wrote:
A tattoo...I was actualy thinking that myself.
I have been trying to find someone to design me a tattoo for a while now actualy.
A tattoo...I was actualy thinking that myself.
I have been trying to find someone to design me a tattoo for a while now actualy.
I'm your man...and i'm fairly cheap ;)...well depending on how large the piece is...I drew a giant poster board sized tattoo that a guy got put on his stomache as a wrap around. Took me forever to draw and ink a heaven vs hell scene, but I threw my signature in the image as well. He bought it off me...and then went to his tattoo buddy and after he got the quote to do it.... he has a reallllly nice poster in his room. lol

About Me
"Soft Good Cat Cat" - Koko the Gorilla
Alright I finished another picture I submitted and had to take a picture with the camera again and it just didnt do the picture justice at all...what are some pretty good scanner options.
I see these awesome scanned images on comic book artists pages of their pencil work and personally I think my pencil work is a ton better then my ink work, I think my ink work ruins the pictures but its the only way to have it show up so I can scan or take a picture of it, I would much more prefer to throw up pencils than inks.
I see these awesome scanned images on comic book artists pages of their pencil work and personally I think my pencil work is a ton better then my ink work, I think my ink work ruins the pictures but its the only way to have it show up so I can scan or take a picture of it, I would much more prefer to throw up pencils than inks.
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