The New Scorpion
Fan Kreations
Pages: 1
The New Scorpion
Artist's Remarks: | |
This is my version of Scorpion.
Full Scale | 356x637 | Category | Drawing (Pencil - B/W) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 24 | Score |
I really like your style! Though, Scorpions head look small, I would love to see him look like that in a future game!
Can I make a request? Would you make Jade for me?
Can I make a request? Would you make Jade for me?
Jaded-Raven Wrote: I really like your style! Though, Scorpions head look small, I would love to see him look like that in a future game! Can I make a request? Would you make Jade for me? |
You got it, man. It might take a few days though. I have work for the next 4 days. When I finally get a break I'll get cracking. Thanks for all the feedback you guys.
The_Suit Wrote: You got it, man. It might take a few days though. I have work for the next 4 days. When I finally get a break I'll get cracking. Thanks for all the feedback you guys. |
Thank you so much! I can't wait to see it!
I like this pic, the detail is great. :)
By the way Jaded Raven, your Jade pic is ready.
By the way Jaded Raven, your Jade pic is ready.
This is sort of cool, interesting new design. This would fit well into MK6 if they use his ending from MKDA as to what his outcome was. I'm not sure I like his eyes though, I can't tell right away if those are pupils you hae drawn. If so, Scorpion shouldn't have any pupils, just plain white would be better. The body is very well drawn, and again, your have gone to great lengths with your details. Swords are a nice addition, I think I would like to see him keep those around in the next MK. Very cool and very original, excellent job.
About Me
TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.
1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.
w00t, thats kind of sexy! Is that fish wire netting on his stomach :9 sorry. But seriously, very nice concept! I like the style and I can see where you were going with this. I would like to see it cleaned up and in color. Great work. I'll give it a 4.5/5

Wow, extreme attention to detail.
I like his outfit very much here, and I think it would make an excellent alternate outfit in the games.
I also like it as it gives the standard MK ninja look a bit of a break as well (although DA was a welcome change).
Excellent work.
I like his outfit very much here, and I think it would make an excellent alternate outfit in the games.
I also like it as it gives the standard MK ninja look a bit of a break as well (although DA was a welcome change).
Excellent work.

About Me Dig it
I'm only just getting to the bottom of your "stack" of drawings. They just get better and better. It seems however that you are putting more work into the MK characters than your own. That's fine by me but I wouldn't sell your own designs short.

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Even thoguh ur drawings are just short of immaculate I have to say that ur version of scorpion lacks character... see where's the Skull/chain/fire theme? it's an excellent drawing but it looks like ur run-of-the-mill ninja...

I... can't really tell if I like this... Your style and line work are both superb.... but being a Scorpion fetishist.... I'm a little picky... and I don't even know what I think of the design. o0 It's... nice and all... but I dunno if I like it on Scorp.

no, I completely understand your angle - look at how I interpret him ^_^ I make him a ... non-bloodthirsty type.
Maybe with some colour it could look better.
Hell, I'd offer to colour it if my computer wasn't dead.
Maybe with some colour it could look better.
Hell, I'd offer to colour it if my computer wasn't dead.

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I would love this On Smoke he seems more like the tr8 out Ninja Type...

About Me
signatures suck
Wow! I wish everyone's Fan Art looked that good. CHsubzero did a really good one of Smoke. If anyone knows which one I am talking about, and can do one like that, then PLEASE do that. It looks so good
About Me
TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.
1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.
Mmmm, I love his suit in this. But, I must say, I don't really like the feel of the overall concept. It is a wonderful drawing, and a very good idea, but I think you almost got the feel of Scorpion. It feels incomplete, like the image only represents a part of all that Scorpion has gone through.
I love the detail and the lines and texture that you've got on this. Very nice. I give you a 4.5/5.
I love the detail and the lines and texture that you've got on this. Very nice. I give you a 4.5/5.

how do u draw scorpion me and a friend are having trouble
Definately skilled, i'll give you that. Has a real 'comic' feel to it, you a fan of greg cupullo or jim lee? either way's good...are you into comics? because every year wizard magazine has a cover illustration competition to see who could make a kick'n cover and this is the stuff that they look for in an artist...but you'd have to draw a super hero in their little nut-huggers...still, it's recognition right?
Pages: 1
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