Author: FatSatan & Sub-Zero3
Distributor: TheNorthPhoenix
Liu Kang stood by the river.
Behind him, the temple of the Order of Light pierced the sky with its many towers, from which small flags danced in the wind. After the battle with Shinnok was over, he had decided to come back here to find comfort for his loss of Kitana. Then he'd heard that she was still alive and her realm free.
The joy that this message had brought to Liu's heart was soon killed by a heavy task laid upon his shoulders by Rayden: his former mentor.
The god of thunder had been granted the title of Elder God by the other Elders, and he would now move on to his higher position. As Rayden had told him, he was taking care of his last business of Earth. Fujin was appointed the new protector of Earth, Kai was given Rayden's staff for his brave deeds (Kai had defeated Goro), and there was one thing left to do. The amulet of Shinnok would have to be safeguarded, as it could never be destroyed.
It was still a mystery how Quan Chi had managed to steal the amulet from the Temple of the Elements. Even Rayden didn't know how this happened. This time, it hadn't been Sub-Zero's work.
Anyway, Rayden no longer felt safe keeping the amulet there, especially since three of its guardians were dead and the fourth now had entirely new tasks. Someone had to keep the amulet and it couldn't be Fujin. The Elder Gods would never allow the last god of Earth to hold such a powerful artifact. It would have to be a mortal. Well, a former mortal.
Liu Kang looked at the amulet that he was holding in his right hand; a key to untold powers. And he was never to use it. Could he take such a responsibility? Putting the amulet away in a chest or a secret compartment, here in the temple, was the easy way out. It would also mean that the amulet could be easily stolen and, in the process, all of the monks would most likely be killed.
A dark memory came to Liu's mind: the temple, splattered with blood, bodies everywhere; Baraka's work. Liu was sorry he was never able to properly thank Baraka for that. The slimy mutant had slipped away and was probably hiding somewhere in Edenia.
No, Liu would have to keep the amulet to himself. He took the necklace it was attached to and hung it around his neck. The moment he did this he felt power radiate through his body; great power, delicious power, evil power. Liu shook off the lingering feeling to use that power and he guessed that he would have to do that for a long time...for an eternity, perhaps.
The immortal champion of Mortal Kombat turned around and started walking back to the temple. He was going to meditate to try and cope with this.
``Hey, Liu!''
Hearing this familiar voice, Liu Kang stopped and spinned around; nothing. There was laugher, not mocking, but friendly. A large shadow fell over him.
``No, up here!''
Liu looked up at the pillar to his right, one of the many pillars accompanying the path leading back to the temple. It was cracked in some places and had moss on it. The pillar was thick - possibly four feet in diameter - and about twenty feet high. Liu's eyes went up and halted at the top of the pillar.
On the top, Kai was squatting - but he had changed since Liu last saw him, to say the least.
After the tournament, Kai had told his Shaolin friend that he was going to wander around some more; find out what his purpose was in life. This was just before Rayden came to him and offered him his staff. Liu guessed that the way Kai looked now had something to do with one of those things; perhaps with both.
Kai looked like he had always looked, except his eyes were brightly white, like Fujin's and Rayden's. More importantly, from his back, two massive white feathered wings were folded out.
Kai jumped off of the pillar and sailed down neatly, landing on the ground next to Liu and tapped it with his staff. He folded his wings together.
``'re an angel?'' Liu asked, stupefied.
Kai laughed. ``Why, thank you, Liu. You're sweet too.''
``'re an angel!?'' Liu asked again. Kai friendly smiled.
``I guess you could call it that. Up there, we have a different word for it,'' and he pointed to the sky, ``but you wouldn't be able to pronounce it.''
``I-I-I don't know what to say...'' Liu said, with an uneasy smile.
His friend grinned and said, ``Don't worry, man. As Rayden said, this staff has lead me to immortality - and I've found my purpose in life! Go figure! Now I'm a warrior of the Elders, someone to protect them and fight for them.''
Liu nodded, still perplexed. ``I'm happy for you, Kai. It's good to know that you've found a purpose, even if that purpose isn't to become a Shaolin warrior.''
``Speaking of purposes,'' Kai started, looking at the amulet, ``I see that Rayden has given you a task as well!''
Liu looked at the amulet for a brief moment and faced Kai again. Just when he wanted to say something, Kai's eyes turned skyward. Then he looked at Liu again.
``Ah-oh, I'm afraid I've gotta run, bud. The bosses have got something for me to do. Well, if I have the time, I'll look you up!'' he said. He unfolded his wings, stepped back a little and started flapping them, flying up into the sky. The power of his wings sent sand and dirt flying.
``G'bye, Kai!'' Liu shouted at his friend as he disappeared in the air.
He looked at the ground one more time, shook his head and turned around, continuing his walk to the temple.
Accompanied by three humanoid warriors and a mutant with insect-like features, Quan Chi paced through the halls of his new fortress hastily.
After the fall of Shinnok, Quan Chi had barely escaped Scorpion's wrath in the Netherealm. It was a strange coincidence that the one portal he managed to open brought him to Zaterra, the swamp realm where Reptile's race used to live.
The sorcerer felt that Scorpion was close. Not in the least because he woke up from his rest the night before, finding the specter standing at his bed side. He had called his warriors in an instant and Scorpion was gone.
But Quan Chi wasn't stupid. He knew that it wasn't something like a dream; such a thing that only happened to foolish mortals. Scorpion was on his tail - maybe he wasn't able to leave the Netherealm yet but he would be soon. And he could get the sorcerer anywhere.
The face of the undead ninja appeared in his mind again. At first, he had only stood there in complete silence staring at Quan Chi with empty eyes, his arms folded across his chest.
Then he had pulled off his mask, exposing his bare skull.
The teeth started to grow longer and pointier. The eyes started to burn with fire. The cranium grew longer and monstrous, and then a tail appeared from Scorpion's back; a long tail made of dorsal vertebrae with a sharp, barbed point.
It was then that Quan Chi had finally broken out of his trance and called his bodyguards, and Scorpion disappeared in the blink of an eye.
Quan Chi shook off this image and increased his pace even more. Whatever plans he had for seizing power once more would have to wait - he would first make sure that Scorpion would never leave the Netherealm again.
He kicked open the doors to his throne room; aggravated by the fact that one little specter could keep him in such a state of terror. Halfway in the throne room, between Quan Chi and his throne, stood a dark, ninja-like figure. Quan Chi's heart jumped. Scorpion!
Then he realized what had happened. He walked further into the throne room, pushing the ninja aside. He sat down on his throne and gritted his teeth. The ninja walked up to the throne and kneeled before Quan Chi. ``The Brotherhood of the Shadow awaits your command, my lord, Quan Chi.''
The sorcerer sighed. ``Whatever. Noob Morgan, is it true that you still have five more brothers stuck in the Netherealm?''
The dark ninja rose to his feet. ``Six, actually, my lord. But they will soon be free also. We are already working together to...'' Quan Chi cut him off.
``No, leave them where they are. I have a task for them.''
Noob Morgan looked at his master sharply, concentrating the blue energy of his eyes to a near white.
``What is this task, if I may ask, my lord?''
``I want them to track down a specter; Scorpion. Your brother, Noob Saibot, will have heard of him. I want your brothers to make sure that he does not leave the Netherealm. Can you pass on this message?'' Quan Chi's anger was building. He was still furious about the fact that Scorpion held him in his grip, and the irritation of Morgan's mistrust (though founded) was adding to it.
Morgan folded his arms across his chest. He looked frighteningly like Scorpion the night before.
``I can. But they will not be pleased when they hear that they have to stay in the Netherealm.''
And that was it. Quan Chi's eyes flew wide open and his black lips drew back from his rotten, blackened teeth. He stood up from his throne.
It wasn't really fair to point all of this anger towards Noob Morgan. But Quan Chi had been irritated all day and he needed someone to get really angry at. Morgan had given him that window of opportunity by expressing a slight defiance. Fairness didn't matter.
The sorcerer stepped down from his throne and stood still, inches away from Noob Morgan. The black ninja stood as stiff as ever. Brothers of the Shadow weren't easily scared. And since they didn't require breathing, the stink of being so close to Quan Chi really didn't matter to him.
``You arrogant little bastard...'' the sorcerer whispered. But before the ninja could evade it Quan Chi's right fist, charged with energy, shot out and hit Morgan against the jaw. He flew back, surprised, but immediately rose to his feet again.
As if nothing had happened, the sorcerer walked back to his throne and sat down.
``Now go and tell them, Morgan, you lump of shit.'' he spat onto the ninja who now also looked as if nothing had happened.
`` master.'' he answered. And turned around and walked out of the throne room.
``Ah...that felt good.'' Quan Chi muttered. ``Perhaps this will turn out to be a good day after all. I feel like going to visit my pet...'' And with those words, he stood up from his throne and walked out of the throne room followed and soon surrounded by four bodyguards. Leaving the hall, they turned right and descended down a stone staircase spiraling down a good fifty feet.
After the descent, they arrived at the dungeons of the fortress. Only one cell was currently occupied, which had frustrated Quan Chi - only one prisoner and he was too important to torture just for fun.
The company walked through the dungeon hallway. All of the cells were on the left side of the hall. At the fifth, they halted. There were no guards; they weren't necessary. This prisoner wasn't going to get out on his own.
With a magical gesture, Quan Chi opened the cell door and walked in. His bodyguards stayed behind. Their lord had told them that this prisoner was harmless and that he didn't want them snooping in on their conversation.
The cell was square-shaped, twenty by twenty feet and about eight feet high. The interior was cold, dark and moist. Moss and mushrooms pushed their way through and over the stone tiles. From the left wall, attached to the wall with chains, there hung a wooden board which served as a bed. In this moist environment, it looked like it would crack the moment you sat down on it. But it didn't need furniture; not anymore.
There were no windows. Only the torches that hung outside the cell provided some illumination.
``Go back to the staircase and wait for me there.'' Quan Chi ordered his guards. They left back through the hallway.
With a soft, sweet voice sounding disgusting and dark from Quan Chi's lips, the sorcerer called:
``Where are you, my pet?''
The answer was a strange noise coming from the shadows in the other end of the room; a sound like freshly removed brains being squished on the inside of a big vase.
``Oh you're not still mad at me, are you?'' Quan Chi asked sarcastically.
Then something came slithering out of the shadows, sounding like thick slime oozing down a wall. A formless blob, which looked like it was made of liquid chrome, made its appearance. It reflected its environment and Quan Chi's grinning face. The sorcerer squatted down and said:
``Hello there, Shang Tsung.''
The blob seemed to try and answer but all that came out was another sound like the one that it made from the shadows. It seemed to constantly fight to not flow out over the tiles and, perhaps, fall apart.
Quan Chi sighed. ``I told you twice: don't try to get out through the bars! You're having enough trouble as it is trying to keep your soul together, you old fart! And now look what you've done - you've just made it harder to keep yourself in one piece!''
The blob blew a reflective bubble which popped and sent a few tiny pieces of the reflective liquid into the sorcerer's face. He smiled and wiped them off with the back of his hand.
``What did it feel like when you were halfway through and realized that you had to return if you didn't want to die? How did that feel, Shang?'' he asked, grinning devilishly.
The blob, apparently Shang Tsung, tried to build itself up then gave up.
``Don't worry, my little pet sorcerer. Soon I can begin fulfilling my plans and then I will take you from here and give you a voice again . I have use for you, Shang Tsung - oh yes.'' Quan Chi whispered to the broken soul, that was once Shang Tsung. He stood up. ``But now I must leave you. I have more important things to attend to.''
As a response, the blob rolled forward and flowed around Quan Chi's left foot; trying to climb up his boot and, perhaps, grab his leg.
Quan Chi sighed and shook his head at this feeble attempt to grab him. ``Maybe this will teach you that you have only my will to follow, you decrepit old fuck.'' he said calmly to the blob.
He raised his left foot from out of the metal-like ooze and brought it down hard just a few inches forward - right in the middle of the blob. Drops of reflective liquid splattered in all directions, hitting the walls, the floor, and Quan Chi's legs. They immediately sank down from his boots and hit the floor again. The blob now made a different noise - a high-pitched, deep scream of pain which wailed on and on.
``Oops.'' Quan Chi said, with a grin. He turned around, opened the cell door and left the cell. After closing it again, he took the torch that was on the wall - the only torch on the dungeon wall that was lit.
``I'll just take this `cause, well, you can't see anyway, can you? Sweet dreams.'' he said to the blob that was still screaming.
Laughing madly, Quan Chi walked down the hallway to meet up with his bodyguards again.
Slowly, the screaming in the dungeons died out.
It was a beautiful spring morning and the sun shone brightly at the Temple of the Order of Light. Liu was outside sitting by the river, as he always did, meditating.
Around him, the monks were doing their daily work - gathering water, bringing materials to the temple for maintenance, praying, meditating and talking about spiritual subjects.
``I just can't see what this does for you, Liu Kang.'' a voice said behind him.
Liu slowly broke his meditative state and looked over his shoulder.
She walked past Liu Kang and stood still before him. Liu Kang stood up.
``What the...what are you doing here?'' he asked. During their battle with Shinnok, Tanya had joined the warriors of Earth. The ambassador of Edenia had perished in that battle when Shinnok and his forces entered Edenia. Now Tanya had been granted the title of ambassador. Liu would've expected punishment, rather than honor, coming to Tanya - considering that she was the one that mistakenly invited Shinnok to her world.
``I've come to discuss something important with you. Something so important that not even Fujin may hear it. Walk with me, will you?'' she answered.
Liu Kang was puzzled but he trusted Tanya. After all, they had fought side by side.
They walked along the river and then into the forest, west of the temple. Tanya seemed to know where she was going, as if she knew this terrain. That hardly seemed possible to Liu but he remained patient and awaited the moment that she would start to speak.
Finally, when they were deep in the woods, that moment came.
``Liu...when Shinnok and his forces entered Edenia, someone there helped them take the realm with ease; a traitor. I know who it is.'' she said.
Liu looked eager to hear more. ``Who then...who is it?''
Tanya took a step forward, her face now only inches away from Liu's.
``I am.'' she said.
Before Liu could react, her face turned into a maniacal grin and her fist struck his left temple. Before he could shout, he was unconscious and fell to the ground.
Tanya giggled like a schoolgirl and bent over. She grabbed the amulet around Liu's neck and tore it off, breaking the chain. ``Oh, finally...'' she whispered. ``Finally, I will reclaim what is mine...''
She looked down on the unconscious Liu. For a moment, she considered kicking him hard in the crotch; but he wouldn't feel it....yet. No, she would do something far more useful to her plans.
Tanya bent over and her right hand closed around Liu's neck. With ease, she lifted him off the ground and into the air.
His eyes opened.
Tanya hadn't hit him as hard as she thought she did. But that was of no consequence.
It was too late for Liu to react.
She started to drain him; drain him of his immortality...and his life. Liu felt his entire essence growing weaker...more fragile. And Tanya looked at this with savage pleasure.
Through the pain that this process took, Liu realized what a fool he had been; so open to the attack. Suddenly, his eyes focused on her left hand. She had the amulet...and he could do nothing to stop her!
Before Tanya realized anything was going on, something rushed through the bushes and knocked her away; breaking the bond between her and Liu Kang.
``What...'' Tanya started, lying on her stomach. Then she met with a fierce kick to the face. She spat out some blood and managed to stand up. She spun around; nothing. The forest was silent.
An elbow hit Tanya in the back. She fell over, but still clasped the amulet. As she hit the ground again, she rolled over and aimed the amulet at whatever was behind her; ready to fire.
She stood up again and spun around like mad.
Nothing. Silence. No one.
``This isn't over, Liu. Well, not yet. It's nearly over...for you.'' she whispered, and used the amulet to teleport away.
Liu Kang lied on his back. He had never felt so weak and weary before. His sight seemed affected. He couldn't make out anything clearly. Something bent over him.
``Keep still.'' a female voice said, hissing.
Liu couldn't see much. But now that the woman was close to him, he could see that her skin was green. This could be only one person.
``Khameleon...'' Liu said, and lost consciousness.
When Liu Kang awoke, he was lying on a bed in one of the guest rooms in the temple. His entire body ached; his head most of all. The pain was so intense that he still couldn't see straight. He brought a hand to his forehead and held it out in front of him, close to his eyes.
His hand had never been thick and sickly. The skin was pale and much too soft. More importantly, there were liver spots on the back of his hand and more on his arms.
Liu Kang rose up, which took him quite some effort, and managed to stand up from the bed. The pain in his back was intense, and it was like he had a strange crook in his spine...
A mirror, he thought. I have to find a mirror.
As he paced around the room, searching for a mirror, he ran his hands down his torso. His ribs were much more exposed than ordinary and he also had liver spots on his chest.
Finally, in a closet, he found a rectangular-shaped mirror covered with dust. He blew the dust off and wiped over it with his hand. Then he held it up to see his face.
The mirror fell from his shaking hands and broke into three large pieces on the ground.
His face...was old; wrinkled. His eyes were now deep in their sockets and his lips had grown thinner. And his hair...the hair of his eyebrows and on his head was silvery grey. Liu Kang realized what had happened.
Tanya had stolen his youth.
And with that realization, all of the past events came into his mind...
Tanya's tricking him; hitting him and taking his immortality, his youth and...
...and the amulet.
Tanya had the amulet!
The door to the room opened. Liu spun around to see who was coming in; his back protesting loudly.
``Liu, you're up.''
It was Khameleon. For the brief moment that he had realized that she was the one that saved him, Liu had wondered what she was doing here. Right now, that was the least of his concerns.
``What's going on?'' Liu asked, and was horrified to hear his voice sound so old.
``Tanya has stolen your youth, immortality and amulet. I couldn't stop her and she got away.'' she answered.
In the short time that Liu had fought side by side with her, he had learned that she was a hardened warrior; not one of many words.
``I know that!'' Liu said, angry and frustrated by this incredible situation.
Khameleon understood.
``I've brought you here and the monks have tended to you as well as they could. They didn't look very strangely at me. Apparently, they're used to you coming here with weird friends.''
She was silent for a moment; so was Liu.
``I'm sorry for all of this, Liu, but your predicament...will have to wait. Right now, we need to contact people - people who can help us get that amulet back. Just tell me who you need here.''
``Bring Kit...''
Liu looked at the broken mirror for a moment.
``Bring Fujin here. He can get everyone we need.''
Khameleon nodded. ``Alright. Stay in this room. You need to rest.''
She walked back out and closed the door.
Liu sat down on the bed and clenched his fists.
`` rotten bitch!!!'' he shouted.
The words echoed through to the halls outside. And then there was only silence.
``How are you doing?'' Sub-Zero asked Jax, as he entered the room. He was wearing fairly ordinary clothing: black shoes, jeans, a white short and a brown leather jacket. His costume was packed in a suitcase, right now, lying in his hotel room just three blocks to the south.
``Shhh, shut up. I need my concentration on this one.'' Jax whispered back.
Sub-Zero, wisely, shut up.
After the last tournament, the ice ninja had been saved by his friend, Smoke, once again. The cyber ninja appeared moments after a battle with Scorpion that nearly killed Sub-Zero. He took him to the former Lin Kuei headquarters and tended to his wounds there. As a repayment, Sub-Zero took Smoke to the Special Forces Headquarters to call in an old favor with Jax.
They had the equipment and the knowledge needed to get as much of that cyber junk out of Smoke as possible...maybe all of it.
Now Smoke was lying here, unconscious due to the anesthesia, on a medical bed connected to several computers.
They had been operating on Smoke for three days straight.
Since his arms were, not only immensely powerful with their cybernetic implants, but also extremely accurate, Jax was performing this operation. Some sort of medical assistant was monitoring Smoke's vital signs. If something was going to go wrong, they would have to stop.
Smoke was already free of all of his armor. When Jax had removed his helmet, Sub-Zero had felt a slight disgust when he saw the face of his old friend; half-covered in cybernetic implants protruding through the skin. Jax was working for five hours straight now. Sweat was running down his face but he didn't want to quit. He already had gotten a lot of the implants out of Smoke. It was a case-by-case scenario, looking at what implant could be removed without permanently damaging Smoke, and what implant could not.
It was already established that Smoke would have to be given some new organs. Since the automation process, he no longer had a digestive system. He would need a new liver, kidney and even colon. But Jax said that it could be done, so Smoke had agreed to the operation.
Right now, however, it was only the case of removing everything that could be removed.
``Well, that's all I can get from his body. Now, I'll see what of this shit I can get out of his face.'' Jax said, and moved on to carefully remove a small device that was locked into Smoke's right eye socket.
It took him another hour, but then he was done - for now.
Smoke's face now had only three cybernetic pieces still locked in it; one in his left cheek, one just above his empty eye socket covered with bandages, and one just above his right ear running up his bald head a bit. For most of the rest, his face was covered with bandages. Although there were no organs available for transplant, there were skin samples that could be used. And Jax had used them to repair Smoke's face with the craft of a plastic surgeon.
``It's gonna take this boy about another hour to wake up. Who's up for a cold Bud?'' Jax asked the assistant and Sub-Zero.
The assistant shook his head with a feeble smile (he wasn't used to this kind of operation) and left the room to go on to other business.
``What about you, Sub?'' Jax asked.
``Sorry.'' Sub-Zero answered. ``I don't drink.''
Fifteen minutes later, Jax and Sub-Zero were sitting at the table closest to the refrigerator in the Special Forces HQ hospital canteen, sucking down on beer. Jax had twelve empty cans sitting on the table; all crushed to a pulp and was as clear as always. Sub-Zero had three empty cans sitting on the table and was as drunk as a fly swimming in a bottle of vodka.
The otherwise stiff ninja was smiling and his head was swinging around on his shoulders; as he was unable to keep it still.
``I tell ya, Jax...'' he started. Jax got the idea that all drunken guys seemed to start their story with those words.
``It's all a bunch of buckshit.''
``That's `bullshit' actually, bud.'' Jax corrected him.
``Weis. Er.'' Sub-Zero said, impersonating the frogs, and broke out into laughter.
Jax sighed and regretted that he had pushed on the ice ninja to try beer.
``Anyway,'' Sub-Zero continued his story, swinging his head wildly. ``We're just zzzsitting here (he was talking halfway though his nose now) on our asses, while there might as well be another zzzsupervillian tryin' to take our realm! I ask you: Doesz that make since?''
``Never thought of it that way.'' Jax said, uninterested, and pulled another beer from the fridge. He set it down on the table.
``Cold enough for ya?'' Sub-Zero asked, and before Jax could react, he put his finger on the can and froze it, inside and out. Jax stood up, aggravated.
``Hey man, don't screw up my beer!!'' he exclaimed. Sub-Zero started giggling.
``Boy, don't make me open up a can o'whoopass on you!'' Jax said, threateningly.
Sub-Zero raised his finger in the air to answer and pulled up his head. Then his eyes closed and he fell over, face down, on the table.
In a few seconds, Jax could hear him snore.
``Jesus, the freaks you meet in this business...'' Jax said, and pulled another beer from the fridge. He popped it open and emptied it in one swig.
Scorpion was ignoring all of his senses. He needed to do this to achieve an ultimate state of concentration. He had been toying with Quan Chi long enough. It was time to get his revenge...and finally be free of his curse.
Using all of the infernal power that he had mastered over the last couple of years (though time was a lot different in the Netherealm), Scorpion willed himself to shift into another realm - the realm of Zaterra, to where he had tracked down the sorcerer.
Just as he was beginning to feel the boundaries between the realms tear, Scorpion was abruptly broken from his concentration - by a blast of energy that hit him straight in the back.
In a flash, Scorpion did what his ninja training had taught him. He turned on all of his senses and absorbed the situation around him.
Six black ninjas, all with glowing blue eyes, surrounded him. One of them had a fist held out, which was still glowing from the blast.
Scorpion did not know these creatures but their resemblance was clear. They were related to the black ninja that he had seen on the side of Shao Kahn and Shinnok. To say the least, they were not his friends.
He entered a battle stance and broke into action, realizing that he had no chance against six of these warriors. A normal ninja in a normal environment would have either made his escape or have tried his best to face an honorable. But Scorpion was no longer a normal ninja and the Netherealm was hardly a normal environment. Fed by the fury that came forth from his constant agony and tortured existence, Scorpion released his harpoon on the ninja that had fired at him.
It stuck its target. The harpoon buried itself into the creature's chest, and as he stared at it with bulging eyes, bright blue blood started to flow from the wound.
Scorpion would have grinned if he had lips.
``Get over here!'' he shouted, and gave a powerful yank at the rope.
It did not exactly have the desired effect.
The harpoon came back, but not with the ninja on it. He had fallen back as the harpoon was ripped out of his chest, leaving a massive wound from which blood squirted like a fountain. On the harpoon's end hung some unfamiliar organ, covered in bright blue blood.
Scorpion shook it off and the ninjas came into action.
A fist slugged Scorpion in the jaw. A foot stabbed his stomach. An elbow hit his jaw again and he fell over.
All of the ninjas were on him.
With complete lack of honor, the five warriors were punching and kicking at him. Scorpion could ignore the pain; he was used to that...but not at the fact that he had been ambushed by such dishonorable freaks. The fire within him burned once more, and he jumped up, bashing them all to the ground.
As he had done in battle so many times before, Scorpion ripped off his mask. He threw it to the ground, deciding to himself that he would never use it again. His suit ripped open along the spinal cord and he whipped out his new tail with sharp, poisonous sting.
This was another `gift' from Quan Chi.
The sorcerer had given Scorpion new powers when he agreed to fight for Shinnok. But the powers needed time to settle. Soon after he had been sucked back into the Netherealm, this tail had grown out of his spine. Also, his cranium grew larger every time he whipped out this new weapon, and his teeth had become sharp.
Scorpion knew that he had become only more of a monster and, as soon as he'd got the chance, he would take his time to shove his newfound appendage into the sorcerer's throat.
Or maybe up his ass.
The ninjas held their ground for a moment, staring at the new and improved Scorpion. Then they continued their attack. Scorpion growled and shouted:
``Come here, babies...taste the pain!''
The first ninja jumped with his hands out to grab Scorpion. The specter swung his tail forward, catching the ninja on the sharp end. It went right through his stomach.
Scorpion used the extra weight on his tail to slam it against two other ninjas, who fell to the side. But before he could act, the two remaining ninjas fired more of those energetic blasts at him. They struck him in the chest and face, and he fell back. His tail swung wildly and the body of the dead ninja slipped off, landing on the ground, face down.
Scorpion landed harshly against a rock, which cracked with the weight that hit it. He stood up. And fire...real fire, burned within his eye sockets. The ninjas were already running towards him.
Scorpion's anger fed the demonic maelstrom that was going on deep inside his body, and he realized that he had grown larger. The ninjas noticed, but were still on attack. One jumped up and launched a flying kick, aiming for Scorpion face.
``Here comes the hurting!!!'' Scorpion growled, with a voice even more demonic than usual.
He opened his jaws and released a full blast of hellfire, completely consuming the flying ninja. He landed on the ground prematurely and started jerking wildly, then stopped moving. Scorpion had his full attention aimed at this sight, pleasing him in a dark manner.
And he was punished immediately.
Two of the three remaining ninjas fired more energy blast at Scorpion, which made him fall back once more. Before he could stand up, he was hit by three energy blasts; the last ninja had joined in. As the blast intensified and Scorpion felt that he could no longer move, he once again cursed the day that he had chosen to stand with Shinnok and, more importantly, Quan Chi.
Then the blasts stopped, and one of the ninja's was on him. He locked his hands around Scorpion's head and closed his eyes. His hands started to glow. Scorpion's mind was flooded with unimaginable pain and he could no longer see, hear...or feel.
This room of the palace served as a communicative link to other realms. It was filled with large, colorful crystals which were sending an eerie glow over the room.
Quan Chi was standing in the center in front of a large, smooth blue crystal monolith. The surface of the monolith showed the face of Noob Morgan.
``...And they have made sure that he will not escape?'' Quan Chi inquired.
``Yes, my lord. They are guarding him in one of the cells of the Prison of Souls. He will certainly not escape.'' Morgan replied.
``Good...'' Quan Chi said. ``Then we can proceed with my plan.''
``I have already tracked down the amulet, my lord.'' Morgan started. ``It has been brought to Edenia. I will dispatch Noob Saibot to steal it so that we can release our lord, Shinnok, once more. It is in possession of the lady T...''
``We won't be releasing our so-called lord, Shinnok'' Quan Chi said, coldly.
Morgan looked at him, confused. ``My lord? What about your pact with...''
``You heard me!'' Quan Chi spat at the monolith. ``I don't give a damn where that amulet is. I'm not going to break my neck for that egomaniacal bastard again! This time, we do it my way!''
Morgan nodded. ``I understand, my lord.''
``Good. Now, I want you and Noob Saibot to go to Earth. Before we reveal ourselves, we will kill all of those that may endanger my position. Go to the region known as China, where the Temple of the Order of Light stands. Find the monk that calls himself `Liu Kang', and kill him in his sleep.''
``Yes, my lord.'' Morgan said, and his image faded.
Quan Chi turned around and left the room, exhilarated by the fact that Scorpion was no longer a threat. And ignorant of the fact that, had he let Morgan finish talking, he might not have sealed his own doom. He started wandering the halls and felt like murdering someone.
``He's close. I can feel it.'' Sonya said.
When they'd just come back from their battle with Shinnok and his forces, Sonya had been informed that the Black Dragon clan was not completely destroyed yet. An advanced DNA test on a corpse that was supposedly Gorad, a Black Dragon member, had shown that this was someone else.
Sonya had been on a constant manhunt for days, working together with the newest member of the Special Forces: Kurtis Stryker.
When Kurtis had turned out to be a chosen soul, Jax had insisted on recruiting him for the Special Forces. It was important to keep Earth's fighters together, he had said.
Sonya didn't like him. For one thing, he was always undressing her with eyes - and for another, he was the kind of guy that enjoyed breaking down doors and jumping in, guns blazing.
Working with the Special Forces required tact and stealth. She didn't think that Stryker was a good addition to the team. And she especially didn't like having to work with him for twelve days straight. If only Jax hadn't been occupied with that operation on Smoke...
``Are you sure about this, Sonya?'' Kurtis asked, leaning against the wall.
``Be quiet, you stupid fuck!'' Sonya hissed.
They had tracked the supposed Gorad down to this place; a crummy, rotten apartment in the worst neighborhood of New York City. Sonya didn't really think that they would find Gorad - who ever heard of a Black Dragon member hiding in New York? But it could be a trap and if that was so, it would lead them to something criminal...and someone she could arrest.
And maybe, if she was lucky, Kurtis wouldn't make it.
She hid a smile from Stryker's mocking eyes and prepared to kick the door down.
``Get ready, Kurt...on three!'' Sonya whispered.
He shook his head and rolled his eyes. Then he lifted his Special Forces-issued shock rifle, which was hanging around his shoulders with a strap; just like Sonya's. At least they knew for sure that someone had entered the apartment, because they had followed him here from a shopping mall.
He had a black trench coat on and a blue shawl wrapped around the lower part of his face. He had long, black hair that obscured most of his face. Not an appearance that revealed much, but they knew for sure that Gorad had long black hair the last time that he was seen.
``One...'' Sonya started.
Stryker took his place by the door.
As quietly as he could, he loaded the chamber of the rifle.
Sonya kicked down the door, which was in such a bad shape that it fell into the apartment in two pieces. She jumped in and kneeled, her rifle ready to rain shots at whoever was holding a gun in his hand. Kurtis jumped in just after, rolled over the ground and pushed his back against the wall, holding out his rifle.
The room was filthy and messy. It was a one-room apartment with only a small bathroom, according to the landlord. There was hardly any furniture; a bed, which was poorly made, a tall closet, a coffee table with a TV on it, and one chair.
By the bed, stood the man with his backed turned to Sonya and Kurtis. He'd just thrown his coat on the bed, and he still had his shawl wrapped around his face.
He didn't turn around as he spoke.
``I couldn't help but notice that you broke my door down...'' he said, his voice muffled through the shawl.
``Put your hands on your head, asshole!'' Sonya said, roughly, and stood up.
``I'm afraid I can't do that.'' the man answered.
That voice, Kurtis thought. It can't be.
``No? Well, I can shoot you, Gorad! You may have forgotten that you killed some people...a lot of people.'' Sonya said sarcastically. She took a step forward.
``I don't want to have to hurt you...'' the man said.
``Don't worry.'' Sonya said. ``You won't be able to.''
The man spun around and was holding something like two metal bars in one hand. Kurtis saw it, saw Sonya prepare to fire, and jumped.
``Sonya, no!'' he shouted, and pushed her hand to the side. The gun sprayed bullets into the closet, into the wall, and into the TV.
The man ran past them, at unbelievable speed, and disappeared into the hallway.
``Kurtis, you asswipe!'' Sonya said. ``What's your problem?''
She shoved him aside and ran into the hallway. Kurtis ran after her.
Sonya rushed past the many doors in this hall. Kurtis was right behind her. Suddenly, she stopped and Kurtis nearly bumped into her.
``What are you doing?'' he whispered.
Without answering, she kicked in the door to their left and held out her gun.
Whether it was instinct, intuition or some kind of tracking experience, she was right. In the center of this apartment, just as filthy and messy as the last one, stood the man.
``Drop those things, Gorad.'' she calmly dictated.
The man dropped the metal bars that he was holding, which looked sharp and had crooked ends. They could now see his face, though obscured by the shawl and his long hair.
His eyes were bright and fierce. The skin on his face was brownish and lumpy. Somewhere along the line, this guy had gotten seriously burned.
Kurtis laid a hand on Sonya's right shoulder.
``Damn it, Kurtis, what now?'' she asked, irritated.
``'s Kabal.'' he answered.
Suddenly, she realized that he was right; the strange blades, the hair, the voice...only he wasn't wearing his mask anymore.
``Oh, my god...'' Sonya said, but didn't lower her rifle.
``It's true, isn't it, Kabal?'' Kurtis asked.
The man nodded slowly. ``I know that you think that I'm a criminal, and I was...but I have paid for it dearly, as you can see on my face. Look at all of the wanted criminals who've mysteriously turned up dead for the last six months; my work. I'm paying back my debt to society right now.''
``You're Gorad...Jesus Christ...'' Sonya whispered.
``Now that you know that, please leave. I have work to do, and I work alone.'' Kabal said, and walked up to the doorway. Sonya blocked it and still didn't lower her rifle.
``I can't let you leave.'' she said firmly.
``What? Sonya, what are you doing!?'' Kurtis exclaimed.
``He's the last member of the Black Dragon. I have to arrest him. I have to do my job.'' she answered.
Kurtis stepped to her side and studied her face. And suddenly, he understood her determination to arrest Kabal. Jax had told him about it when he entered the Special Forces; hoping to avoid having him make a misplaced remark about her partner, who was killed by Kano.
What Kano has done to her, Jax had said, has marked her for life.
All that keeps her going now is hunting down the Black Dragon clan.
I had hoped that Kano's death, after he jumped from that building during their battle, would have brought her peace. But she can't accept that she wasn't the one who ultimately killed him. He simply jumped off. He stole from her the last thing that she wanted - killing him.
Kurtis understood. Sonya was obsessed with making sure that everyone in the Black Dragon was either dead or in jail.
My god, Kurtis thought. That's life in Hell for you. I'm so sorry, girl.''
``Sonya, it's over now. Arresting Kabal won't change anything.'' he said, calmly, putting his hand on her shoulder again.
``I have to arrest him,'' she said again. ``I have to-I-I have to...''
Her eyes were glazing with tears. Suddenly, she lowered the rifle. Kurtis felt that it really shouldn't have been him who went with her on this hunt. Jax would have seen it coming.
Tears started running down Sonya's cheeks, as she faced Kurtis and looked at him helplessly. He hugged her and she began to cry.
``I'm so sorry that I didn't see it coming.'' Kurtis whispered in her ear.
``It's really over, isn't it?'' Sonya whispered through her tears.
``Yes,'' Kurtis said. ``You're job is done.''
``I don't know what to do. I'm frightened.'' she whispered back. Kurtis never thought that he would have heard those words from her lips.
``I know. But you don't have to be. We're here for you now.'' he said quietly.
Kabal stared at her with a look of sorrow in his eyes.
``Come on.'' Kurtis said, half to Sonya and half to Kabal. ``Let's go home.''
Kabal picked up his blades and they all left the room.
Jarek was sick to his stomach, scared out of his mind and hurting like hell.
He had no idea what this place was. It looked like a cell.
The last thing that he could remember was falling off the cliff in Edenia. Then there was darkness...and now he was here.
He was lying on the ground, feeling as if every bone in his body had broken. And that is quite possible, he thought to himself.
Jarek tried his best to get up, but only managed to put his back against the back wall of the cell. There was little that he could see; it was dark. Mostly, only some light came in through the cell door. There were sounds in the distance - screams, something that sounded like a giant steam engine, cracking whips and breaking noises.
Where the hell was he?
``I hope your trip wasn't too painful.'' a strangely familiar voice said.
Jarek realized that someone was standing in front of his cell. The shadows obscured all of him. At least, he looks human, Jarek thought.
But then he could see that this...person wasn't human. It had two gleaming red eyes, flashing in the darkness. He threw open the cell door and stepped in.
``Who...'' Jarek stopped to cough. ``Who are you?''
The red eyes weren't pinched. There was no blinking...not even frowning.
``Oh, please. You must recognize me!'' the person said. Jarek didn't answer.
The person sighed and grabbed Jarek's collar. He pulled him up. Jarek yelped as he felt his painful body protest. The person held him in the air and walked out of the cell with him. As soon as they stepped out, the light fell over the person's face and Jarek recognized him.
``Jesus fucking Christ! Kano!'' Jarek shouted.
He had changed...but it was Kano alright. Whereas his metal mask once covered only the right side of his face, it now covered nearly his entire face. Save for his mouth and the left side of his nose, a new mask had been put over his entire face. And, as Jarek could see, ran all the way over his head where it stopped just above the neck. He now had two of those ruby red eyes, which Jarek guessed both contained a laser to burn his enemies with.
``Save for the first part, you got it right!'' Kano said with a grin. He threw Jarek onto the floor, where he landed painfully, on his back.
Still, he had gotten back some of his strength, and he struggled to crawl back.
``'re dead!'' he muttered.
Kano's smile disappeared.
``Oh no, Jarek. I'm a visitor here, not a prisoner. The only one whose dead you.'' he answered.
Jarek wanted to scream, as he had realized that it was true. But the only sound that came out was a short hiss.
Kano walked up to him and grabbed his collar again, pulling him up.
``Don't worry, you little shit head. We'll have you patched up in no time.'' he said.
``And your new boss is prepared to overlook the fact that you failed to kill Sonya, and instead killed yourself. You're such a fuck-up, Jarek. If it were up to me, I'd let you rot right here in the prison.''
`` can you still be alive?'' Jarek whispered.
Kano grinned again. ``Well, it's quite simple. Sonya'd given me some serious whoop-ass, I'll tell you that. She took my other eye out, after tearing of my mask; couldn't see a damn thing. I thought that I was dead for sure, but I wasn't going to give her the pleasure of killing me. So I jumped off the building...and made it. It's quite funny, actually. I landed on a school bus full of soulless children. Sure, I broke some bones, cut my face up some more, even had a cracked skull - but I made it. Had an old friend in Soho fix me up again. And here I am!''
Kano opened a door and walked outside, still holding Jarek.
``Where are we going?'' Jarek moaned.
Kano sighed again. ``You just don't shut up, do you? Well, my little son of a bitch, we're going to meet my new boss; and your new boss. But I think that I already mentioned that. We're going to do what Shinnok and Shao Kahn never managed to do - steal Earthrealm.''
And as they continued to walk, a portal opened in front of them, and Kano stepped through. He stated laughing, and Jarek felt utter despair set in.
The portal closed, and Kano's bloodcurdling laughter still echoed throughout the Netherealm.
It had begun.
To be continued...
Author :
Creation date: 2007-1-6-16-43
Modification date: 2007-1-6-16-43
Author's Remarks: | |
This is a fanfic story created years ago by an old user named, FatSatan. he no longer post here but his name remains imfamous nonetheless. this particular story was co-written by the user, Sub-Zero3. i, in no way, take credit for this work of art but i do believe that it is a series that deserves to be read and shared by everyone. enjoy!
Content | 8509 words | Category | Other | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 4 | Score |

Live life to the fullest with fear or regret. Afterall, you're only promised just one.

This is probably the best fanfic I have seen in a long time. Ever.

I thought for a second it was by Tommy Drake, but my memories of all those old stories are just blending together. After MK4 came out, a LOT of people did tales just like this one, long epics with an odd amount of heavy swearing.
I wish I could check back, read some of that old stuff again, but it looks like Tygerlander's site is long gone.