The Great Fall
He lay prone, aghast of what had just occurred, haemorrhaging from the nose and ears, sweating profusely, something that should never happen to an Elder God. His conquests failed and ambitions wiped out, residence in the Netherealm awaited he who had betrayed his kin, his brethren. Hell waited for he, named Shinnok.
Bourne in the ethereal planes of the Heavens by the energy of the cosmos' infinite mass, Shinnok spawned into a gigantic sphere of pure colossal flame. His eyes were the first to see the featureless cloud in which he now resided over. His brothers and sisters, 6 in total soon joined him to rule over the realm, each with the knowledge of their own purpose and existence, as creators of life and bringers of balance. They were the Elder Gods. However, something dark slipped from the consciousness of each of the Elders, the negative thoughts, energies and actions displayed by these sometimes cruel Gods, poured out into a dark slip in space, around this slip, grew a being of infinite hunger, one that would soon be known as the One Being. It began to feed upon the Elder Gods, seething pain coursing through their bodies while each flicker of their hearts became harder and slower.
After what seemed like an eternity to the Elder's, all 7; Terrus, Maxus, Solarius, Lunos, Nyx, Nesai and Shinnok bound their energies together to physically split the One Being into 7 different portions of consciousness. To contain the sheer atrocity that is the One Being, the Elders tirelessly forged 6 Realms to house the beast, each containing a certain part of the Being. The eyes would be cast into the Eternal hellfire known as the Netherealm; the arms were thrown into a blissful realm named Edenia. The legs, dropped into Seido, the realm of Order. The tongue went to The Realm of Chaos, The torso, deposited into the realm of Outworld, the head left in the Realm of Earth and the Heart, contained within a deep chasm of pure magic located in the heavens, constructed by all seven elders. Transformed into mere apparent artifacts by the Elder Gods to stray any bemused souls, the Organs became Kamidogu, or `God Relics'. Should the Kamidogu of the One Being be unleashed and re-joined, its evil would seek out a susceptible host, forcing them to amalgamate its form once more, where it shall consume all.
As years rolled by, the realms began to cultivate and expand. The Elder's watched over their creations with pride and joyous rule. To govern over the weak and fragile Saurian race that evolved on Earthrealm, the Elder's created a pantheon of elemental God's to contain the realms safety and to ensure the safety of the indigenous Saurian race. The chief God and chosen protector of Earthrealm, Lord Raiden, controlled the sky elements and watched from the Heaven's above in his ethereal form of a Thunder Dragon. However, when involvement in the physical realm was necessary he adopted a corporal form, as did his Brother God's.
The Netherealm contained the souls of those damned through evil acts and opposing the will of the Elder Gods, housing the darkest souls of the realms, demons and Oni stalked the fiery planes of the damned realm.
Seido was overrun with militant religious order, praising the God for whom the realm was named. Police forces and armies hounded the citizen's and demanded immediate respect. However, loving as they were, the Elder Gods impartial stance would soon become well known, despised by some, abused by others.
The realm of Edenia, a blissful paradise, a favourite realm of the Gods, copulating with local populace, the God's lineage passed down through the ages. This divine ancestry allowed the Edenian's to live lives into thousands of years.
The Chaos realm, torn apart through arcane and disorderly conduct, thrust into oblivion, the Elder God's stood idly by and watched this occur, for this would surely bring balance to the realms, the tongue of the one being reaching out through conscious destruction, mangling the speech and obliterating order and peace.
Outworld, a relatively peaceful world under a purple Giant star, it's three moons cast an eerie glow across it's short night and it's magic based environment lead to aggression within the Empire, leading to desire for expansion. Ruled in the earliest days by a savage named Rek, his Empire enjoyed a long stint, for how long, would be up to the citizens of the realm.
Earthrealm, the residence of Lord Raiden, a dearly cherished realm due to the heart of its indigenous inhabitants, the Saurians, through Evolution, another breed of life came into the frey; these were named Homo sapiens, or man, bearing a strong resemblance to life shown on the other realms. They're resourcefulness would also be the downfall of the Saurian's once the fall came to pass.
And so peace came over the Heaven's, the Elder God's watched proudly over their realms, however, as in all establishments, darkness and selfish desire began to grow within the cracks. Shinnok, the first of the Elder Gods, sought supreme power over his brethren, believing himself to be purer due to his earlier birth. In order to gain this power, he used his magic to physically enter the realms in a human form; this form was of a silver skinned crowned King. Seeking out the artifacts took hundreds of years, for in his mortal form, only limited magic befell Shinnok. Throughout countless lies and deceptive trickery, the Elder God found all of the Kamidogu and sought to fuse them with the amulet, Kamidogu of the One Being's Heart, source and bond of all the power, thrusting himself into the nexus, mystical heartland of the Heaven's and origination of all heavenly life, Shinnok sought to crack the ethereal seal of the amulet and fuse the dark powers to absorb for himself, thus obtaining ultimate omnipotence.
With the 6 artifacts in hand, Shinnok, guided by a dark voice, attempted to merge the artifacts. His efforts in vain as Lord Raiden, Chief God, stumbled upon this act of deceit and summoned the Elder Gods, however, as Shinnok held Mortal form, the Elder God's were prohibited from interfering so cast Shinnok into Earthrealm, where Raiden soon followed, in his own mortal form. His artifacts left in the heavens, Shinnok unleashed a tirade of magic at Raiden, who with roaring fury summoned enough power to stumble Shinnok. The Battle raged for centuries, with the lives of the indigenous Earthrealmer's nearly destroyed, the Elder God's quickly fashioned a wasteland realm named Zaterra, where the Saurian's would now take permanent residence. Raiden struck the final blow on Shinnok, and lifted his hand high into the air, glowing gold and fierce, the Thunder God struck Shinnok with prejudice, sending the Fallen Elder God deep into the Portal's, which directed him into the Netherealm, where he would be bond to the flames forever, burning in eternal agony and devoid of all power.
The destruction of Earthrealm at the hands of the battle would be undone, however, the Saurian's could not be resurrected, and instead, the Homo sapiens were allowed growth on the planet, to become to new race on Earthrealm. The 6 artifacts, or Kamidogu, were then scattered throughout the realms by the Elder God's again before any permanent damage may be caused. The Amulet was lost however, secretly taken by Lord Raiden and buried within the Himalayas in the Temple of Elements, guarded by his brother Gods; Fujin, god of Wind; Suijin, god of water; Kojin, god of fire and Hotei, god of Earth. They would tirelessly protect the aumlet from fallen into evil hands for should it, and the Kamidogu be gathered and places before the Nexus, the power of the One Being would flow through the bearer, and rain down the Apocalypse.
Author : Gary Stewart
Creation date: 2012-1-6-15-52
Modification date: 2012-5-7-22-47
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My short take, on the fall of Shinnok.
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