Sub-Zero: New Ice Cube Fatality
09/02/2003 02:25 PM (UTC)by
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06/20/2003 01:46 PM (UTC)
Hmm, well, good/bad really, lol. Here:

- The ice glow around Sub-Zero. Number 1, I'm not sure there should be a glow around him totally, and it looks pretty simple really.
- The ice beam itself, it looks a bit straight and boring.
- No shadows, just because the effect may prevent us from seeing them doesn't mean you shouldn't add them tongue.
- Mispelled Styker's name in the lifebar.
- Also it's "Sub-Zero" not "Sub Zero", heh, people always do that grin.
- The idea is just a slight alteration of his original freeze really, it's just that they are gonna e completely encased in ice. Little boring, but decent(ish), lol.
- Text and timer are one colour, and a little boring.

Good things:

+ Nice effect on the ice cube, how did you do it?
+ The lifebars are pretty good too, nice style, though I still prefer the original, they are pretty good imo.

As I said in the other one, improvement, and you're improving fast too, lol. Keep it up.
About Me

Unreal Tournament NAME: BIGFOOT_PI

09/01/2003 08:05 PM (UTC)
looks more like some sort of thick energy beam and glow than ice or anything water based. Think should be more blueish too. The ice cube looks ok.
09/01/2003 08:11 PM (UTC)
I seriously HATE your lifebars.
I hate them.
Hate, hate, hate.
In all your fakes, everytime the same damn lifebars which are so terrible.
Anyway, I dont like this fake much. All you did was make a nice little effect for the ice cube and the ice beam. Nothing else. Not even your own bg.
two dragons.
09/02/2003 01:52 AM (UTC)
Okay well, this isn't so bad really. I'd like to see more work with this one, as the fatality as it is, is a bit simple. You should have used a custom BG on this one, perhaps an ice stage or something of the sort would have been nice. The Living Forest just doesn't seem very 'fitting' to me. Or, you could have perhaps used some sort of ice effect on Styker, instead of just putting him in the ice cube with his 'shocked' stance. He just doesn't look very frozen, I think it would be better if he did. You could turn his skin a light blueish color to indicate it, and give him a few icicles, don't go overboard of course.

Anyway, the lifebars are so-so. I did like your lifebars the first time you used them, but you should use them sparingly, create some new ones. Seeing the same lifebars over and over again can tend to get quite boring. The timer is not so good, its far to large, and I don't really like the position it is in. The win tokens are ok, perhaps a tad on the large side, but not so much I suppose. Character pics ARE to large this time, as it looks like this is standard size. As pointed out, you made some spelling errors in both characters names, its Sub-Zero and Stryker.

The 'ice glow' effect around Sub-Zero is a bit unneccesary. A small effect would be better, this is just a bit overboard looking to me. I believe you did some work on his arms, making the forearms and hands frozen. The effect there is excellent, good color choices. The ice 'beam' is a little too solid though. It just seems to me the transparent look switches to quickly. But the ice cube is quite good, that looks amazing. As I said, if this was a bit deeper, it would be wonderful. But by these last two submissions, I can tell you are improving, keep at it.
09/02/2003 02:25 PM (UTC)
I just had a flashback to Freon from Blood Storm. wink

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